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PRPS Nonselvedge (style P29P02A)


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Does anyone know the difference between PRPS with Style model P29P02A vs P29P01A.

I was an interested to buy the P29P02A but i could only find the P29P01A which in the picture looks very wrinkled . I am therefore worried if i buy the 1A, it would be very wrinkled.

If anyone knows the difference between the 2 models, especially whether one is more wrinkled than the other, I would appreciate that.


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I have a pair of the one wash selvages: they are rather wrinkly at the start, but the wrinkles fall out within the first week of consistent wear.

Keep in mind they will never be slick like raw jeans, but they don't keep that right out of the soak kinda wrinkle to them all that long....

Fuck....more shit to buy

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