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Guest jmatsu
  jcotteri said:


do you actually save pics from dropsnap to your own photo account?

anyway the girl of the right looks so typically jap-wack. like she regressed back. she should just immigrate to hk already.

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LOL, it just happens that I get invited to all of their events and am good friends with all of the dudes who work there (I'm sadly one of their top 5 customers). With the goal of my blog being to find fashionable people in Seattle, I'm not going to turn down a shot of my boys if they are dressed appropriately. Feel me?


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  hommedeguerre said:
LOL, it just happens that I get invited to all of their events and am good friends with all of the dudes who work there (I'm sadly one of their top 5 customers). With the goal of my blog being to find fashionable people in Seattle, I'm not going to turn down a shot of my boys if they are dressed appropriately. Feel me?


Word, no hate homie. I was just on your blog perusing, and it was kind of funny to see 70% of photos being blackbird dudes. We know their style pretty well, hell, most of them post on here frequently.

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70%? Damn...I'd say 15% MAX...Leo is no longer with Blackbird...so he's out. LOL. Tyler Johnson has 2, Tyler Brown has 4, Kris Hutchins has 3, and Ty Zyskis has 3. Oh, and Leah has 2...so 14 Blackbird photos totalllllll... and 140 photos on the blog...10%. Hahah, no worries, I know it's lame, but hell, I'm not gonna NOT take their pics...Thanks!


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  hommedeguerre said:
70%? Damn...I'd say 15% MAX...Leo is no longer with Blackbird...so he's out. LOL. Tyler Johnson has 2, Tyler Brown has 4, Kris Hutchins has 3, and Ty Zyskis has 3. Oh, and Leah has 2...so 14 Blackbird photos totalllllll... and 140 photos on the blog...10%. Hahah, no worries, I know it's lame, but hell, I'm not gonna NOT take their pics...Thanks!


fuck the haters. more of LEAH

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  hellogoodbye said:
fuck the haters. more of LEAH

no hate

fuck blackbird duz let's just call it LEAH 21dissement ;lkhasdlfkhasldkhf;laskhd ; ohhh hyeahhhhhhh and that one cute asian girl too <3

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