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4 month old Nudie RR dry selvage pics


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Quote: Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

I have a pair of cane47s and work construction. And i have plenty of crisscrossing creases. Mine come from wet dirty hands being wiped off on the legs of my jeans.

--- Original message by rnrswitch on Dec 6, 2005 07:51 PM

that's also how I got the crisscrossing creases with mine...

--- Original message by john11f on Dec 6, 2005 08:53 PM

And whenever I play poker with my friends and the betting is getting hot. I rub my jeans before deciding to go "All In!" LOL icon_smile_cool.gif
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just dont think about your jeans wear them

a jean should reflect its wearer, if the wearer subconsciously rubs his jeans then seeing rub marks would look cool on his jeans

but im pretty sure that making those folds isnt subconsciously done. just wear them and dont think, they will turn out beautiful

and if you dont have ways to get massive wear in, riding a bike or skating, then just keep on wearing them, there is noting wrong with having your jeans take longer than someone elses, often that is better, your jeans will last longer cause you dont do extreme things in them. just wear and dont think about wearing them.


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heres my 4-5 month old nudie RR's

washed two times

first at 40 degrees in machine (no tumble) with a cup of salt; just wanted to test the effect

second time at 60 in machine, no salt lol, and no tuble dry





been reading this forum for about a year but now i got myself a camera so i thought it was about time to contribute some!

Edited by denim_hwk on Dec 8, 2005 at 03:43 PM

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yea, I removed it after a month or so, before any washing.. The stitching was a bit too flashy for my style, and i got kinda bored of it i think.. If you could take a close look on the fabric, you would see that theres no trace of the stitching at all, no holes, no dark spots, etc..

and about the tearing, i think its because the jeans got wet at the bottom when i put them on after showering hehe, and from the jeans touching the ground/rubbing against my shoes.. but actually i dont think it looks too bad, and it can easily be fixed

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thanks man :)

I havent done anything extreme to them, not on purpose to get the fasing to speed up.. Just the regular spilling of beer and stuff like that. they got wet in the rain a few times, that might have helped the fade on the thighs a bit, i dunno..

they are a bit loose on me, I think thats why the honeycombs havent come out too strong, havent been starching them any either, and even before the first wash the denim was pretty soft so i was very happy that the fading came out this clear.

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heh yea maybe.. I read somewhere that the salt should help set the indigo and give better fade or something... I mean, jumping into the ocean is a well known technique (dont know what exact function this has though haha), maybe the salt i added to the washing powder replicated this ?? I really have no idea..

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