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How do you deal with sorta racist people?


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somebody really needs to invent something more derogatory than "cracker" for white people. shit is easily the most pathetic racial slur in common usage. carries no weight. id get more offended if somebody just called me poor or something.

I've found that adding the phrase "piece of shit" after the person's racial descriptor to be pretty effective; e.g., "Fucking white piece of shit."

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I am genetically as white as wonderbread

but I have a middle eastern sorta foreign name and racism or bigotry doesn't really manifest itself the same way

once I wanted to take some money out of a savings account I had had since I was about 12 and the teller wouldn't hand it over as my 12 year old signature did not match my adult one

after a little argument and some extra id she reluctantly agreed but told me

'You should really be more careful, Terrorist will try to steal your identity and use it for evil'

yeah that £97 is gonna go a long way!

I closed my account immediately and bawled out the bank manager

still find it perplexing

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I am genetically as white as wonderbread

but I have a middle eastern sorta foreign name and racism or bigotry doesn't really manifest itself the same way

once I wanted to take some money out of a savings account I had had since I was about 12 and the teller wouldn't hand it over as my 12 year old signature did not match my adult one

after a little argument and some extra id she reluctantly agreed but told me

'You should really be more careful, Terrorist will try to steal your identity and use it for evil'

yeah that £97 is gonna go a long way!

I closed my account immediately and bawled out the bank manager

still find it perplexing

I dont' really get what happened

Maybe I'm just white ...

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somebody really needs to invent something more derogatory than "cracker" for white people. shit is easily the most pathetic racial slur in common usage. carries no weight. id get more offended if somebody just called me poor or something.

white people get really offended when you call them racist

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so at the place i work, the fancy hand painted chocolate boxes are made in the philippines. my white trash boss goes, "hey these boxes were made by your people!!" and i was like, "MY PEOPLE?" she says, "yeah! they were made in the philippines!! HO HO HO HO" and goes on laughing cause she thinks she's so clever.

on another occasion i was telling my other coworker about this cute vietnamese boy that works at some place in downtown and my boss goes, "IS HE A TRIAD?!" and she continues to make kung-fu like gestures. i just glare at her from the corner of my eye and continue talking to my coworker.

this bitch is so dumb.

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so at the place i work, the fancy hand painted chocolate boxes are made in the philippines. my white trash boss goes, "hey these boxes were made by your people!!" and i was like, "MY PEOPLE?" she says, "yeah! they were made in the philippines!! HO HO HO HO" and goes on laughing cause she thinks she's so clever.

on another occasion i was telling my other coworker about this cute vietnamese boy that works at some place in downtown and my boss goes, "IS HE A TRIAD?!" and she continues to make kung-fu like gestures. i just glare at her from the corner of my eye and continue talking to my coworker.

this bitch is so dumb.

A woman in the her mid-30s who was ringing me up at Subway asked me whether I knew karate. This was three years ago.

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i grew up in detroit low income housing (projects) and most people black and white were racist.

In the 60's my grandma worked at a bar and a black man was killed by police out front which started one of the biggest race riots in history. all my dad remembers is my grandparents' house being broke into and them being tied up and left in the closet while their house was raided.

my entire family is racist. my dad still works in detroit at a chemical plant and last summer when he was going to his mazda 8 after a 10 hour day he saw black dudes pouring gas on it with intentions to set it on fire. this is because he refused to give them money or a job or a smoke on his way into work.

what i'm trying to say is people are racist for their own reasons and don't need to be delt with. the amazing thing is my entire family voted for obama. the working class vote.

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