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unklesteve on wifeswap


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Yeah the "lets get pastries" line is CLASSIC!

It was really cool seeing you bond with your stepson there Steve.

That other family is crazy, the husband seems like he might tone it down a little, but its obvious that tanned saddlebag with eyes wears the pants in the family. She is totally clueless, saying she didn't learn anything from Steve's family? Bitch!

+++Rep Steve!

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leather faced bitch- she is way too protective of her kids and needs to stop tanning

husband- did you see the way he shoved his kid? that guy is psycho.

those people are psychos.

zane seems like a pretty cool kid but that other kid seems to have problems probably due to the fact that his parents are total douche bags but the girl seems nice.

and nice tutu steve.

wish i could say more and i wouldve but i forgot it all.

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the other family's son definitely has ADD or is just extremely expressive on TV. I applaud your tolerance in dealing with that woman. She just completely misunderstood the vest at the end in trying to make their children feel guilty for affecting their lives as parents rather than seeing the stress and problems she's given them

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  cure said:
She just completely misunderstood the vest at the end in trying to make their children feel guilty for affecting their lives as parents rather than seeing the stress and problems she's given them

Out of that whole episode of fucked up family shit (on their part Steve, you're doing a great job afaic), this was THE single most fucked up thing...

"Yea we gave up sex and sports cars for you kids so you go and wear the weight vest AND DO FUCKING PUSH UPS!!!! "

This was epic though, and I applaud you, Steve and Marlee, for going ahead and taking part in this and proving to the world that you can be parents and still have fun and to expose a crazy family while you're at it...

edit: plus rep Marlee for making a grown man cry in front of his children because of some gymnastics...

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I'm sitting between cottonduck and sidneylo and they're making me post on sufu.

That bitch's tan was almost as fake as Steve's performance on that show.

Let's go get some pastries? Bullshit.

How many action figures did you have to buy Zane to get him to play along?


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Thanks everyone....I'm still reeling from everyone's reactions here, on the yo-yo boards, on the actual Wife Swap message board, and here at the store last night. Plus the custom plush show we had open at the store last night....yeah, I'm running pretty fast at the moment trying to hold shit together.

Really surreal seeing yourself on TV, in a bar. Weird.

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Not streaming, but here are download links:

part 1...


part 2...


(replace x's with t's)

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Damn whoa...blaming the kids for your lack of sex and sports cars? I am no therapist or anything, but I am pretty sure that is some groundwork for fucking your kids up pretty nicely :)

Besides, maybe they could blame themselves for you know, not using fucking birth control? Hmm.

Oh, and favorite line "...and a tracking device in case you start to wander". Haha.

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Thanks for the megaupload links....I missed this last night, but just watching the first few minutes I have to say, those parents need to be imprisoned for raising their kids that way. If something isn't done, I'm afraid when they grow up they will take matters into their own hands...

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