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Watched every episode of Always Sunny over the weekend, it was funny enough to watch, but I thought it would be better to be honest.

lol i think you actually watch more tv than me

i'm on the 3rd season of it's always sunny and i'm enjoying it. the community service episode when dennis and mac pick teams for the kid's basketball game still has me laughing.

i've been putting off this season of breaking bad. whenever i tune in, i just want to beat some common sense into walt.

what other dramas/comedies do you guys recommend that's 2+ seasons in? preferably shows that aren't formulaic - ie: law & order svu

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boardwalk is kinda shitty i think, i dunno

it's kinda boring and other than pitt and his broad the characters are kinda one dimensional

i felt the same way, i may give it another chance because so many of my friends swear by it but i just wasn't feelin it

you guys watching louie? i think it's maybe the best show going. best comedy at least. maybe breaking bad still takes it but the ep of louie this past week was... great

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tonight's episode of louie didn't do anything for me. i've been holding out for something great all season long, but it's been lackluster imo. there just hasn't been any real standouts for me so far. the season premiere was great, but i've been missing his really fucked up, surreal sense of humor - like the dentist episode from season 1.

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tonight's episode of louie didn't do anything for me.

The entire show does nothing for me. I watch it, but it's not a show I really look forward to.

For some reason, I don't think he's a "tv show" kinda comedian. It's just not working for him. I've seen his standup and it's exponentially better than the best shit from any episode of his show.

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you guys are stupid.

louie is a comedy, but it's a comedy about raising kids, about strangers, about circumstances, about irony, about life. if you're expecting a laugh a minute romp, then you should look elsewhere.

CK has surprised the hell out of me with the depth he's shown in regards to the writing and acting (that's right, he's acting better than 90% of the douchebags starring in dramas) on the show. He's a very clever guy, and very perceptive.

For some reason, I don't think he's a "tv show" kinda comedian. It's just not working for him.

how dare you. comedy is hardly the genre you're likely to find innovation in, but this show is the closest we've been to something new since the fucking mockumentary. This is auteur comedy brought to the peasants.

Opinions, opinions. This guy says it's one of the best shows on tv.


oh, and i avoided sons of anarchy because the promo images made it look crappy, but it's pretty entertaining so far.

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started Suits cause it'd been mentioned and it's all On Demand it's super corny, little bit funny

Suits is like Burn Notice... total guilty pleasure, but it's still a good time.

Magnetic don't get all butthurt about Louie. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not ground-breaking either. Dude is funny as hell, but the show is hit or miss.

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