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The cheer up djrajio thread

ken shinoda

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Yo raj, you and I both came from Torrance, and it's pretty clear which one of us is more successful.

Don't do it. It's not worth it. You're an inspiration to aspiring B.A.L.L.A.S. from Torrance like me and possibly FAM0US.

i love you

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why? becuase i said something unkind about someone who's been a recidivist asshole to me, unprovoked? so be it. i can live without this thread in my life.

didnt know u have a beef wit him, lord kunk. but with all due respect, its just the internetz sir. why take it so seriously?


"why so serious?" as the late heath always sayz.

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none taken sir

but it'd be a great honor if u could just forget bout that and post somethin encouraging/positive here, sir. we r saving a life here!

and i know that he will appreciate dat too, especially coming from someone like u, sir.

not beef, just hard to feel bad for someone who's put himself on a pedestal time and time again without any seeming sense of irony. a job shouldn't define anyone. nothing against you ken. just couldn't resist.
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