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Why are you into fashion?

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hum... i don't think that buying expensive clothes gives confidence, because you can be insecure with your clothes, and in this case you'll look like shit, something that we sometime see on waywt. with confidence come swagger. but it can be a first step to be into fashion because it implies other things like taking care of your body, please to the other sex and stuff...

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Because i like to conceal my own self hatred in the form of wearable consumerism so i can feel that little bit better about myself. Plus being quite a withdrawn and shy person, it allows me to express who i am to some extent. Real Talk.

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I think you mean vagina saturation. Saturated vagina is not a pleasant thing that should not be on your WTB list.

Well, it's best if its saturated with my tool.

(if you know what I mean)

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my 1cent !

im a pure noob at fashion/etc, but i think cloth should identify who you are, in physical look, and that styles/designs must be uniquely different such that when people look at you, they feel/think that the clothes were just designed for you, and only you..:cool:

im still finding these difficult, but i think im getting much better ideas now, and i decide to not to keep bunch of clothes that i dont wear, rather buy luxuary one and keep that for a very long time. :o (and again that is difficult)


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I'm into fashion because I have low self esteem and spending money on expensive clothes helps me feel better about myself.

+1. What really gives me a boost is having kids on the internet think I'm cool; that way I can go back to my miserable life and feel all those wedgies don't matter. Having fat Tommy sit on me is bearable thanks to you, I just wish he wouldn't steal my lunch money so I could buy more Lanvin and feel even more validated.

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Ok, I'm lying, in reality I had to buy new clothes so they wouldn't identify me by using those posters they distributed in elementary schools. I figured I might as well look like a cartoon as my "target demographic" is heavily into that and I didn't have the down money for an ice cream truck.

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what is the line between insecure and socially aware? like i could say, yeah if you weren't so insecure you'd walk around with your dick hanging out in the same way that someone could tell me if i wasnt so insecure i could dress like shit and be happy

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what is the line between insecure and socially aware? like i could say, yeah if you weren't so insecure you'd walk around with your dick hanging out in the same way that someone could tell me if i wasnt so insecure i could dress like shit and be happy

i'd walk around with my dick hanging out if i wouldn't get arrested.


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mostly for myself

because honestly a vast majority of people won't think my jeans are Dior, but only tighter generic jeans (cuz you know, there's no brand on it). If it's just a matter of impressing people, wearing D&G is enough.

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I like fashion because tight jeans show off my pack really nice.


I have a pretty serious belief in fashion--genuine fashion, not the "catch every trend, wear what Kanye wears just because he's cool" poser fashion. Every once in a while I have an argument with people (like my roomate) on this issue.The truth is, I am into clothes because a great looking outfit produces and expresses something that other things cannot express. Sorry for the following essay. I'm studying for a stupid test tomorrow, and want to procrastinate. You can skip all this bullshit and go down to the bottom bold statement.

Unknown people are constantly around us. You talk with them at bars, walk with them in parks, engage in a casual conversation over their dog, but by putting on a confident suit or your 1 soak, year old jeans, you are expressing a lot of things that can't be expressed in this short window. You express to these unknown people, by your personal fashion sense, a uniqueness and difference from everyone else. They notice something different about you, not just because you are wearing a pair of 500 dollar jeans that no one else has. It is what that pair of jeans expresses: a sort of emotion, a memory, a distinct quality. The thing is, it is hard to identify what your fashion sense stirs in other people. It maybe jealously or maybe even hatred. But I think most people who say they are into "fashion" know, even unconsciously, what they are trying to express with their clothes.

You may believe what I'm saying is that I like attention. This is wrong. I think your fashion should not aim for you to get attention. You should not like clothes just because you love people oogling over you, or saying you are cool cause you are wearing a shemagh, or accepting you as their friend. This is the bullshit that is taking over so many markets today. Markets such as the "sneakerhead" and "streetwear" have been overrun by people who are in it for the wrong reasons. Putting it in its lowest terms: A lot of people buy shit just to be cool. You may think that I probably am one of those people that claim I'm one of the purists or OG heads but in real fact am one of these "hypebeasts." I'm not going to lie, I've boughten a few pieces of "streetwear" and a few pairs of SB and Jordans. Back in junior high I would stroll into footlocker and was able to name almost every shoe on the wall. I would go on NikeTalk and check out new releases religiously. I don't know why I did it. Probably the reasons people do it nowadays. But I've grown up, and realized that somethings I did were really stupid.

In the end what I am trying to say is, expression by fashion not attention by fashion.

Again, sorry for the essay. But it's not like this load of shit came out of my head with constipation. It's one of my philosphies that I have to argue almost every week with people.

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