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Who would make the best villain for the next BATMAN


Who'd be the best new villain?  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. Who'd be the best new villain?

    • Catwoman
    • Bane
    • Dr. Hugo Strange
    • Penguin
    • Freeze
    • Poison Ivy
    • The Riddler
    • Black Mask
    • A new villain of Nolan's creation
    • Harvey Dent/Two-face still alive?

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I was thinking about this late into last night after I saw The Dark Knight, and what I believe is that it will be Two-Face, but that Joker is not out of the loop yet. Other villains are far too campy, so it discounts a good lot such as Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, etc., but then it got me to thinking who could pull of a feasible joker now that Heath Ledger has delivered probably, the most definitive Joker ever.

So far I'm thought actors that might be able to accomplish this are:

  • Daniel Day Lewis
  • Johnny Depp (maybe? don't think he has the balls)
  • ...?
  • Nameless actor who has not come along yet that has the skill, dedication, and cajones to rival Ledger's performance

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Bump, this is for people who are interested in reading the batman comics. Just some copypasta from another site.

Year One

The book that Batman Begins is largely based on, written by Frank Miller (300, Sin City, The Spirit). It's the story of Batman's first forays into crimefighting and is a good introduction to the character, despite being more about Lieutenant Gordon.

The Man Who Laughs

Batman's first meeting with the Joker. A good read.

The Long Halloween

The Dark Knight takes a lot of inspiration from this story about Batman, Harvey Dent, and Commissioner Gordon fighting to take down the mob while dealing with a Holiday-themed killer.

Dark Victory

The sequel to The Long Halloween, DV is the introduction of Dick Grayson into Batman's life.

The Killing Joke

Considered by many to be THE Joker story, it tells one version of his origin and shows how much of a crazy psychopath the character really is. Written by Alan Moore (V for Vendetta, Watchmen), this is considered a definite must-read.

A Death in the Family

The story of the fall of the second Robin, Jason Todd. Not necessarily a must-read, but it's an important piece of Batman's history that is referenced in almost all of the following titles. At least find out what happens here or on Wikipedia.

A Lonely Place of Dying

Out of print and somewhat hard to find, this comic is the story of Tim Drake becoming the third Robin. Again, not a necessity, but the character is extremely important.


Batman's defeat at the hands of the super-powered criminal Bane and his struggle to reclaim the mantle of the Bat from his temporary successor. An important part of Batman's history, but I would recommend the novelized version by Denny O'Neil over $45 for 3 trade paperbacks.

Gotham City is nearly destroyed by a virus and subsequent earthquake that turn the entire city into a war zone. I haven't personally read the comics, but hear they're excellent; as with Knightfall, I would recommend the novel by Greg Rucka, which I have read and highly recommend.

Bruce Wayne: Murderer? and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive vol. 1-3

Not a horribly important story in terms of Batman's history, but I think this story arc is great way to learn about who Batman is and how he relates to his "family." I just recently read this and it's become one of my favorite Batman stories of all time, since I think it's just a great portrait of Batman and his entire supporting cast. I highly recommend it.

Hush vol. 1-2

This is a fairly recent storyline and, while not expertly plotted, has wonderful art by Jim Lee and enough of a romp through Batman's Rogue's Gallery to make for a good read. Superman, the Joker, Poison Ivy, and pretty much everybody related to Batman show up in some form, and it's an entertaining book.

The Dark Knight Returns

This is an alternate-future story of Batman again written by Frank Miller. This board is extremely divided on the subject of this comic, with many saying it's one of the best stories of Batman out there and others (rightly, in my opinion) arguing that while it may be a good story, it's not really the Batman we know and love. I think it's a great read, and has one of the best Joker scenes every written in it. That said, I would recommend reading only after you've read some of the other titles on this list, since the Batman presented is more brutal and less sane than how he is portrayed in the regular comics.

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Two face..

at least continue where shit left off..


After batman tackled dent off the building, Dent just lied there motionless but I doubt he was dead considering Batman was fully capable of getting back up and running again..

Two Face for the win

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Two face..

at least continue where shit left off..


After batman tackled dent off the building, Dent just lied there motionless but I doubt he was dead considering Batman was fully capable of getting back up and running again..

Two Face for the win

not to rain on your parade, ichi, but they left that purposefully ambiguous as far as I can tell/have read.

I'm pretty sure Two-Face will make another appearance.

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I read somewhere that David Hyde-Pierce was interested in playing Riddler. He's the only other actor I could think of that could work, as Carrey did do a pretty decent job.

The ambiguous ending for TDK leaves a bit of a problem, because I don't see anybody being able to match Ledger's performance as Joker, so I have to wonder where that character will go. Of course, heading down the Joker's path... Harley? Specifically, Quinn and Ivy, since Harley definitely couldn't pull the weight on her own.

As shitty as the site is, IGN had a point recently: the scariest enemy is Al-Ghul, since the man was basically immortal and had a huge amount of influence around the world. But there's two problems: as far as we know, he's dead in the movies, and second, the immortality with the Lazarus pits is entirely too far-fetched for the movie series.

Penguin's just a glorified mob boss these days, so he wouldn't be much of a problem.

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carey was a pretty sick riddler; it'll be pretty hard to top that off. or then again, maybe they could bring jim carey back as the riddler again, they just gotta up the make up and costumes like what they did with the new joker.

with that being said, i'd go with

jack black as penguin.

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carey was a pretty sick riddler; it'll be pretty hard to top that off. or then again, maybe they could bring jim carey back as the riddler again, they just gotta up the make up and costumes like what they did with the new joker.

with that being said, i'd go with

jack black as penguin.

nah nah, philip seymour hoffman as penguin.

but god damn daniel day lewis as a villian would be somuthafuckingawesome.

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Catwoman- Could be done, probably as a sideplot

Bane- Sucky villain, his most notable story led to the worst era of batman comics ever

Hugo strange- Who the fuck is this guy?

Penguin- The worst villain, I can't think of a way to make him not ridiculous

Freeze- Too comic book science-y

Poison Ivy- Could work, probably couldn't hold a movie on her own though.

The Riddler- Could be awesome if done right, take out the campy costume and the puns and keep the compulsive, megalomaniacal genius obsessed with outwitting batman.

Black mask- Kind of obscure, but it could work

Dent- He's fucking dead, seriously, they buried him and if he's still alive it makes the end of the movie make no sense.

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I didn't see him buried. . .and we already witnessed one death (Gordon) that turned out to be faked.

I wouldn't be surprised if we found out Dent was still alive, locked away in a high security wing of Arkham, waiting for the right person to bust him out.

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Gordon's death faking was pre-planned by him and batman and he came back before there was any funeral. The police ran in and Batman fled like, 2 minutes after Dent died, which means Gordon would have to fake his death, fool about 50 police officers, forensics, the coroner and a bunch of other people, all on his own (since the movie established that the only people he could trust were batman and dent). Seems pretty unlikely.

Also, two-face in the movie isn't two-face from the comics, he's not a gangster or a true villain, he's a hero, driven mad with grief and obsessed with righting the unfair loss of everything he cared about and punishing the people responsible. His story finished perfectly in the movie and it'd be a shame to mess that up by bringing him back.

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See, while I understand what you're saying Gilead, Two-Face is one of a very short list of feasible characters that can be put in a setting like the new Batman films. I am going to stick by the fact that Dent is alive until I hear otherwise and confirmation from Christopher Nolan himself... most of Batman's Rogues gallery has not caught up with the stressed realism of the new movies, which unfortunately puts both the director and the audience at a deficit for good villains/continuity in quality.

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I would've thought that Scarecrow and the Joker and Two-Face would've been a little too silly as well, based on the old renderings of them...I think Bane could be a really viable (and freaky) villain in Nolan's hands...if anyone's ever read some of the Batman graphic novels, he's certainly among the darker characters.

broke the bat's back

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i think they could do a really good job with the riddler but it probably wouldnt be true to the comics??

(i know very little about this character as i never read the comics, but the idea of masterminding physcho appeals to me)

it's been awhile since i saw batman begins but this movie is quite different feeling than the original, alot more realistic and less mystical.

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