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Who here is a mason?

off bowery

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yeah have you seen end game? Its all about that stuff and builderberg.

End Game


Alex Jones is a fucking idiot. He does a lot more harm than good. The American media gives airtime to blithering morons, who can't speak clearly or form a coherent thought and this is what destroys the public from believing what they're saying.

I love when people refer to other people as sheep, as the blindly bleat their way down the path following even stupider people than George Bush.

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Guest Hopfer
i know the daughter of a bilderberg member

you know how you played your connections to get that summer internship without ever formally applying? it's basically that, except everyone there is insanely powerful.

bilderberg is nothing but a social club and a smoking cap-gun at that. they're not "up to anything" out of the ordinary. I'm sure favors are exchanged and what not but there are bigger fish to fry. Those fish and their organizations and clubs DON'T end up on tv. I've always thought this about bilderberg and then I stumbled upon an interview with Mullins where he goes into detail about why he thinks the same.

Alex Jones is a hackjob manipulated into confounding the american public and stripping the credibility away from conspiracy researchers of merit who have nothing to do with his mindless drivel. he really does hurt more than he helps. The same goes for David Icke.

how come I haven't stumbled upon this yet, after a year in Sweden

Have you ever heard of Odinism?


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Alex Jones is a hackjob manipulated into confounding the american public and stripping the credibility away from conspiracy researchers of merit who have nothing to do with his mindless drivel. he really does hurt more than he helps. The same goes for David Icke.

This is worded perfectly and it's 100% correct. David Icke, however, has absolutely no credibility with sane people.


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Guest Hopfer
This is worded perfectly and it's 100% correct. David Icke, however, has absolutely no credibility with sane people.


I've always believed Icke to be a frontman. I would bet that a lot of people suspect that he's a plant used to discredit historical revisionists and conspiracy theorists. The same goes for Jones, who is too busy accusing people of satanism and chasing UFOs to do any actual research. I doubt if he's up for the heavy reading. Both these guys get a lot of press and they're the two wackiest, least believable and most outlandishly stupid crackers on the planet. As far as Icke goes, the fucking guy says that the "elite" are reptiles (???). He tried to say that Hitler was a Rothschild jew (???).

Now he's openly anti-semetic in order to discredit anti-zionists. I mean, the guy is a posterboy holocaust denier. It's like somebody tells him how to act in order to discredit other scholars. Give that queer a top hat and cane for christ sakes.

Notice how much press Icke gets? This guy is put up front with his wacky theories that are easily busted because of their outlandishness so that the average person will associate him with, and will see the work of Pound, Mullins, Chomsky, and many other scholars critical of zionism in the same light. Needless to say, many of these scholars are arrested at night, extradited to dungeons in eastern europe and spend time in solitary confinement for years before they're even tried. Ezra Pound did seven years after WW2 without a trial. Knut Hamsun was thrown in a loony bin for no reason at all. Yet Icke gets media spots left and right and isn't tried for "hate literature" like Irving (who did about a year in prison)? He's a fucking plant through and through and needs to be squashed.

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I find it hard to believe that there's any organised racism like that anymore, and when people talk about the neonazi threat I usually think they're being dramatic. I mean bored drunk kids painting swastikas is one thing.

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