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I'm a big fan of Scivation whey myself. Just got my 10lb box today (65.00 from Bodybuilding.com). But I'm really really interested in ATW Cinnamon bun, especially for the two recipes below.

I personally prefer it to ON (which I used to use). It's also extremely good for scivation's famous low carb brownies and/or sludge (basically whey + a little bit of water + natural peanut butter to make a slude. You can nuke it for 40 sec to make a brownie.) I also like to add some peppermint extract to mine.


Also I've discovered home made whey ice cream which is fucking ridiculously good.

1-2 scoops whey (i use 2 scoops scivation choc)

1/4 cup heavy cream (or enough to make it a bit runny. I sometimes add water if I don't want to have too much cream. Scivation tends to adsorb a lot of water)

a few drops of mint extract

mix, freeze for about an hour. 44g protein with like 2 grams carb of tastinesssss

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if you're going for it PWO all you really need is some water and a shaker/cup and a spoon.

i've been mixing my shit in a blender with chocolate milk, ice, sometimes blueberries/bananas, sometimes oats and a bit of vanilla yogurt on some semi whateva clean bulk shit. tasty as SHIT.

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thinking of copping this atw cinnamon bun shit

how do you guys fix it?

in a blender or just mix the shit in a cup

if it's in the morning or something, I just throw water, ice and protein powder in my korean version of the magic bullet (something everyone should have)

post-workout, I liked to throw it in a blender with water, ice, 25g of dextrose, and 25g of maltodextrin - boner good

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I'm cheap so I grabbed the blend. Pre-workout mixing whey with water and oats is pretty awesome. Post workout whey and water. If you're a hard gainer, Whey with regular milk + oats + PB is a great shake for an in between meal snack.

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I'm cheap so I grabbed the blend. Pre-workout mixing whey with water and oats is pretty awesome. Post workout whey and water. If you're a hard gainer, Whey with regular milk + oats + PB is a great shake for an in between meal snack.

I feel that the addition of regular milk is a good way to add calories, but wouldn't something like non-fat milk and more all natty pb be more nutritionally sound and, at the same time, keep loading in the same amount of calories?

and more tasty imo (fucking love pb)

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need proxy on ATW cinnabon

btw officially cant squat.. 2 months into keto almost and last 3-4 leg workouts have sucked

Have you tried a carb up yet? I usually do it now once a week, it really helps me get through my workouts for the week (I'm doing P90x). Some people like doing clean carb ups pre-workout. I just use my carb ups as a cheat day and usually do it for 2-3 meals. You should test out carbing up if your workouts are suffering.

My diet is 95% keto for the most part, I've been cutting about 2-3 lbs a week.

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Recently started doing p90x and as far as diet goes I'm currently just cutting out snack foods and eating generally more sensibly. Should I make it a point to buy the energy powder for the p90x drink and buy some energy bars? I see a lot of talk about some cinnabon drink, tried googling but only found recipes for other drinks using it. Is that being used by people who want to bulk up? I'm 6' 2" and between 175-185 right now, not sure exactly but definitely qualify for skinny fat and I guess my goal is to become leaner/more toned so I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for in terms of food or supplements.

So basically my questions are:

1) Should I be drinking some kind of protein shake or the p90x drink after I work out?

2) Do I need to adopt a strict diet in order to succeed with this or will exercising and more sensible eating work?

3) Other supplements, pills?

I don't really have a clue nutrition wise... I borrowed the p90x from a friend and the nutrition guide isn't with it. All I really need is an arrow in the right direction to set up an easy meal plan for myself. I'm very disciplined so I can force myself through easy/bland but healthy meals if I need to. I'm definitely interested in a bar or shake that can act as an easy meal replacement.

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So basically my questions are:

1) Should I be drinking some kind of protein shake or the p90x drink after I work out?

2) Do I need to adopt a strict diet in order to succeed with this or will exercising and more sensible eating work?

3) Other supplements, pills?

I don't really have a clue nutrition wise... I borrowed the p90x from a friend and the nutrition guide isn't with it. All I really need is an arrow in the right direction to set up an easy meal plan for myself. I'm very disciplined so I can force myself through easy/bland but healthy meals if I need to. I'm definitely interested in a bar or shake that can act as an easy meal replacement.

Getting lean is probably something like 85% diet, 10% working out, 5% supps. At least in my opinion.

The only supp I would really recommend you getting is Whey, it just makes it easier to hit your protein requirements. Though I'm also using some Scivation Xtend during my workouts to help preserve some muscle, you can do this using a whey shake post workout.

For the most part, focus on eating clean and hitting your macros regardless of routine you choose to adopt, just make sure you're eating enough and getting enough protein. Shoot for something like 1-2 g per 1 lb of lean muscle.

For caloric needs..you can use an online calculator:


Find out your daily caloric need to maintain your weight and I would say cut it by 250 calories. If you don't see any changes drop it a bit more. Just don't go too low.

I find I'm more successful with a low carb diet. My diet right now consists meats like chicken or beef with mostly broccoli. The rest are whey shakes. Eating the same thing just makes it easier. I get about 2200 calories a day with something like 275g protein. I try to keep my carbs under 30 and the rest of the calories coming from fat.

If you're more of a carb guy, adjust your macros so you're getting same amount of protein, more carbs and lower fat. Protein is the key thing here.

Meal frequency is one of those debatable things too, I personally only eat about 3 meals a day. The point of eating 6 small meals is to keep your insulin levels in check, but this is not much of an issue when you're going low carb.

In terms of eating clean, you can drop weight by eating like shit and reducing calories but you probably won't look like how you want to. I adopt the 80/20 rule, that is, 80% of the time I eat strict, clean..and then give myself 20% to eat whatever I want. So out of 21 meals a week, about 4 of them are basically whatever I want.

This keeps me sane and allows me to be social. Unless you're competing, I don't see a real reason to be 100% clean unless there is a real sense of urgency for your weight cut.

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Appreciate the response Mouko. Using that calc look like my maintenance is about 2800 and my fat loss 2250. This is more than the 250 lower than maintenance that you advise, would you say 2250 calories a day would be too low? Also sorry for the dumb question but what do you mean by Macro's?

Also, whats the safest bet in terms of whey protein powder flavors?

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Appreciate the response Mouko. Using that calc look like my maintenance is about 2800 and my fat loss 2250. This is more than the 250 lower than maintenance that you advise, would you say 2250 calories a day would be too low? Also sorry for the dumb question but what do you mean by Macro's?

I usually find those calculators to calculate a bit too high, but yeah I would start at 2250 and see how it goes. If you're dropping more than 2lbs on the 2nd or 3rd week I would up the calories slightly. You don't want to lose too much, I say wait until the 3rd week because the first week or so tends to be mostly water weight.

By low I mean something like 1500 calories a day. Most men need about 2500 calories to maintain their weight with moderate activity. People tend to make the mistake of eating too little.

Macros are your ratio of fats/protein/carbs in your diet.

For example, my current low carb diet is 65% fat/30% protein/5% carbs.

A real popular macro ratio that is higher in carb is the 40% carb/40% protein/20% fat.

I would recommend you signing up for a nutrition log site like


to keep track of your ratios. But usually after a week or two you can sorta eyeball it all.

As for what to eat, you can browse around some threads on bodybuilding.com's nutrition site for ideas.


just make sure you use the search function and read the stickies before you ask questions

[edit] here's another good thread: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=2845231

If you decide to go low carb, you'll want to read the keto section: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=4145823

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i dont think cinnabon flavor is that good

i think im just going to get choco next time. hard to mess that up

LOL, have you ever tried ON's Chocolate whey? Fucking horrible (IMO). Drinkable, but its the worst tasting protein I've had. Funny enough I work at Cinnabon, I don't eat cinnamon buns at all, but I ordered 10 pounds of cinnamon bun flavoured whey...

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The only ON one I liked was rocky road. Personally, I find Scivation Whey probably the best tasting in terms of choc and vanilla. They got some pretty good products, if you've ever tried Xtend you know they got the taste on lockdown.

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I didn't find xtend to be tasty really. As an intra-workout sup it's super comparable to purple wraath in terms of taste; drinkable, but I wasn't surprised with it in anyway. It's a fucking great intra-workout supplement though, and I use it for the effect and not the taste. A supplement that works and tastes great is Green Magnitude. It's a pre-workout "Creatine Matrix Volumizer".

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have you tried atw chocolate? i havent tried the ON one, but i wasnt planning on getting that either.

I'm sure ATW's chocolate tastes good. I had the chocolate whey from The Whey Depot (ATW's Canadian company but without the good flavours), and it was much better than ON's.

I still don't understand how they can call it "Double Rich Chocolate". Ugh.

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Have you tried a carb up yet? I usually do it now once a week, it really helps me get through my workouts for the week (I'm doing P90x). Some people like doing clean carb ups pre-workout. I just use my carb ups as a cheat day and usually do it for 2-3 meals. You should test out carbing up if your workouts are suffering.

My diet is 95% keto for the most part, I've been cutting about 2-3 lbs a week.

Yes, im on the dave palumbo diet, so once a week my last meal (protein shake with PB) is replaced with a cheat meal with a carb limit of 500g. although youre supposed to have it on the same day each week, i slowly worked the cheat meal from friday to sunday (and had a couple of mini extra cheat meals during one of the 8-9 weeks ive been dieting) in hopes that it would provide glucose for my monday leg workout.. but sadly my strength is diminishing and ill probably be doing sets of 225lb for squats for the last 5-7 weeks.. assuming i continue dieting for that long. im not competing or anything

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT FUCKS! UPS just delivered my 10 pounds of ATW Cinnamon Bun flavour. 30 bucks of customs charges (not that bad considering I got a good deal on the protein), and this stuff tastes fucking great.

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dude im living with offered that we both go in on some whey to share. being a frequent sufu user and follower of the meatheadz thread, my first suggestion was that we hop on nutraplanet and order tub of cinammon bun flavored ATW isolate.

saw the package sitting outside the door, mixed it up in a blender with some milk and yogurt (OOOHWEEE) despite the fact that i had already put down my pwo shake minutes before.

i think atw owes sufu a thank you...

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