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hold one dumbell between the knees and do sissy squats. are a good exercise.

with dumbells only, i would do:

one-arm dbell extensions for triceps

lateral raises, and dbell presses for delts

dbell bench press and flyes

one-arm rows for chest


dbell sissy squats

dumbell shrugs

you won;t get "too big" wouldn't worry.

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this is basically what i did when i was going to the gym about a year ago. but after reading starting strength i started to feel like i should really invest in a barbell and weights. if i am gonna waste time at the gym i rather do it the best way possible.

if i end up going for the dumbbell route, would u suggest i do the workouts in the same way rippetoe suggests for barbells? warmup sets and the 5x3 work sets with maximum weight?

hold one dumbell between the knees and do sissy squats. are a good exercise.

with dumbells only, i would do:

one-arm dbell extensions for triceps

lateral raises, and dbell presses for delts

dbell bench press and flyes

one-arm rows for chest


dbell sissy squats

dumbell shrugs

you won;t get "too big" wouldn't worry.

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Dumbbells are great. I use them almost exclusively because of my messed up shoulders. You can achieve greater range of motion and are not locked into 1 plane of movement which is essential if you are restricted cuz of impingement.

Also, it's safer to go heavy with DBs if you don't have a spot.

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Also for you thunderthighs out there, I'm thinking the best way to whittle down the muscle (not toning them) is to put your thighs in a cast hhahhaha. Best way to loose muscle is through disuse I think, anyone try this?

Also has anyone tried doing what the book "Eat, Stop, Eat" did in terms of loosing fat while keeping muscle? Basically 2 per week 24 hour fasts. It's my fourth week and I had steadily lost 4 pounds WHILE increasing my overall weights/reps in many exercises almost weekly. Basically my workouts now mainly consist of weight/resistance training, and a little less cardio (I hate daily cardio anyway aside from the occasional circuits).


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no back exercises?

hold one dumbell between the knees and do sissy squats. are a good exercise.

with dumbells only, i would do:

one-arm dbell extensions for triceps

lateral raises, and dbell presses for delts

dbell bench press and flyes

one-arm rows for chest


dbell sissy squats

dumbell shrugs

you won;t get "too big" wouldn't worry.

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yeah, they have dumbells but i can't do proper squats and no deadlifts at all with dumbbells , and rippetoe "told" (lol) me that if i don't do these properly i should just invest my time somewhere else.

i am not looking to get a bodybuilder body, just getting more shoulders,thicker arms and lose some fat. i also already have quite muscular thighs from playing volleyball for 10 years, so i am kinda afraid of doing squats and start looking ridiculous like knucks.

Yeah man, stay away from squats or your legs will get HUGE.


What a fucking joke.

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am i giving myself too much time to rest? for instance if i do back & biceps monday, they won't be getting worked out for a whole week. won't i lose progress that way?

Monday (back & biceps)

Dumbbell rows (3 sets of 15, 120 sec rest in between) (back)

Dumbbell stiff leg dead lifts (3 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between) (back)

Concentration curls (3 sets of 10 reps, 120 sec rest in between) (biceps)

Weight curls (3 sets of 10 reps , 120 sec rest in between) (biceps)

Tuesday (chest & triceps)

Dumbbell chest press (5 sets of 5, 120 sec rest in between) (chest)

Dumbbell pullovers (5 sets of 5, 120 sec rest in between) (chest)

Seated dumbbell triceps extension (5 sets of 5 reps, 120 sec rest in between) (triceps)

Dumbbell kickbacks (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (triceps)

Lying dumbbell extensions (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (triceps)

Wednesday (legs & abs)

Dumbbell squats (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (legs)

Dumbbell lunges (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (legs)

Bicycle abs workout (5 sets of 5, 120 sec rest in between) (abs)

Crunches (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (abs)

Thursday (shoulders, traps, forearms)

Dumbbell upright rows (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (traps)

Dumbbell deltoid lateral raises (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (shoulders)

Standing one arm dumbbell presses (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (shoulders)

Dumbbell shrugs (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (traps)

Forearm exercise (5 sets of 5, 60 sec rest in between) (forearms)

Friday (cardiovascular)

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Loads of studies have been done that show it takes roughly 1 week for your bodypart to recover from a solid workout. Not including athletes and well experienced lifters obviously

Keeping in mind that doing chest also works your tris and shoulders, back hits shoulders and biceps, ect. So while you may not be specifically targeting those areas again, they are still getting used

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Don't be afraid of rest. It's actually your body's best friend. Keep in mind the physiology of what your trying to accomplish.

Stop reading muscle mags, the non natural ones anyway. The guys in those mags can only train the way they do because of juice. Steroids ability to facilitate recovery is their main benefit.


Running, or even slowly climbing, stairs is a great non gym lower body exercise; made even better if you wear a weight vest

pushups and chin/pullups ( again with a weight vest)

......add DB exercises and you can get yourself in pretty good shape without going to a gym

oh, obviously some ab work

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Exam season in UK now, doing super abbreviated workout. Thought I might share to those that are interested

Trap bar deadlift (since my gym doesn't have it, I'm doing Squats instead)



I go twice a week. As I usually do. My squatting routine consists of a linear progression of 5sets of 8reps. Dips and Pullups are 4 sets each.

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i've only been doing starting strength for about 6 weeks, and i really like it. still putting on weight. i just need to keep improving my diet

i also do other secondary lifts, mostly to help stabilize and strengthen my shoulder. just started turkish get ups, highly recommended


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I've been using a combo of IsoPure, Optimum Pro Complex and New Whey Protein Shots (great to pack in your bag or keep in your car)

how does All The Whey Compare to Isopure?

also, good deal on Opt Pro Complex for those who are interested:

2 4.6 lbs jugs = $80 shipped....that's cheap


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^The concept of "servings" is nebulous. A "serving" of ATW =28.4gm/25gm of protein. A serving of Isopure=65gms/50 gms of protein. So, if you are referring to price, you need to figure out price/gm of protein

I wasn't asking about price. I can do the math myself. I was asking if anyone has first hand knowledge for a comparison or has read reviews on s comparison of the products themselves.

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Isopure is excellent stuff sonic, but it will run right through you

I am not sure if its because its all %100 whey isolate, or if they have an additive which also adds to the effect. But once that "hits" your bowels, be close to a bathroom

It killed me for weeks before I got accustomed to it, and even then it still wreaks havoc with my ass, but its great stuff. I have used both the powder and the pre-mixed in bottles isopure and loved it. Be aware of the stench that will eminate from you when taking it. I find my stomach does better with isolate/concentrate blends rather then only isolate

Maybe to negate this effect it could be saved for the immediately after workout shake, when you need the quicker absorbtion

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