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I think its possbile for even non-pro athletes to do HIIT and lift weights after the other with out an extended break

isnt the point of HIIT to train your body (heart rate) to recover quicker over time?

are you going to be at your optimal with whatever you do second? no but you can be optimal for that time, and isnt that what all this is about, putting your body under stresses it is not normally exposed to?

we could disagree forever.... i just dont think you are giving people who are seriuos (not pros and not me right now) about their fitness the benefit of the doubt

again people are all built differently with different abilities

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What is the point in HIIT? I once used to like it, but as it was already correctly mentioned: diet makes ~70% of your success in fitness.

I like to run at medium speed and lift weights and I can easily do both on the same day, one after another. And running for 40min takes more calories than HIIT session, that's for sure. I do it 3 times a week and I try to keep my diet clean (also I try to walk a lot).

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  NatseOklim said:
I'm not saying you can't do both, just that you can't do both to the intensity needed and one after the other.
  cernunnos said:
What is the point in HIIT? I once used to like it, but as it was already correctly mentioned: diet makes ~70% of your success in fitness.

I like to run at medium speed and lift weights and I can easily do both on the same day. And running for 40min takes more calories than HIIT session, that's for sure. I do it 3 times a week and I try to keep my diet clean (also I try to walk a lot).

then what the hell we going on about :rolleyes:

HIIT helps u retain more muscle...perfect example is sprinter vs. long distance runner.

The sprinter is jacked and the LDR is skinnier

its all what u want or are going for.....

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Running for 40 minutes doesn't burn more calories than HIIT btw. Calories burnt is about distance, not speed. I guarantee you run further in a 20 minute HIIT session than in a 40 minute LSD run. Add onto that raising your metabolism for a couple of hours from the HIIT and it's definitely more calories burnt.

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  dunkin deeznuts said:
then what the hell we going on about :rolleyes:

Well we're going on about the protocols of HIIT, which say you should be performing at about 80% of your max heartrate during those sprint sessions. If you want to get into semantics then I'll stop calling what the people running, lifting and playing bball are doing, HIIT.

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Add onto that raising your metabolism for a couple of hours from the HIIT and it's definitely more calories burnt.
Well, lifting weights do the same because it is essentially anaerobic (just like HIIT).

I run for 40 minutes and burn 500kkal, the distance is about 7km (4.3 miles) .

hence, combining weight lifting with slow running i think i can achieve better results, but that's only my opinion on that matter.

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  NatseOklim said:
Well we're going on about the protocols of HIIT, which say you should be performing at about 80% of your max heartrate during those sprint sessions. If you want to get into semantics then I'll stop calling what the people running, lifting and playing bball are doing, HIIT.


do you consider this intense?

this is what i did yesterday after lifting and followed with playing ball

this dude does this after weight lifting all the time

i don't understand how doing something like this could have you fatigued for the WHOLE DAY you must be out of shape


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i dont think natseoklim or i meant to say that it should fatigue you for the whole day. My point was that back-to-back lift/hiit/baskebtall would be extremely dificult for most people.

i'm roughyl 5'10" and 180 lbs right now. bf% i would guess around 14%. def dont consider myself to be out of shape but idk...i guess it is different per person but i like to keep HIIT seperate from lifting. last thing i want is my body to be overtrained especially since i am lifting more for a bodybuilding physique, not so much for athleticism.

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  dunkin deeznuts said:
thats HIIT workout is prtty nuts

trying to do HIIT on a normal guy treadmill is not fun, thats why i like jumprope....

plus i go to a local gym where everyone is reading US weekly while on the elliptical

looking at pictures is easier then reading a novel (which I've seen some do)

I prefer watching movies while on the treadmill..since I can't really run with my knee I fast walk at about 4.5-4.7 speed..

I actually saw a woman excerise the other night with a black trench length wool coat and long black pants..on the elliptical..I'll edit with a picture later

back to those hip adductions!

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  youkinorn2 said:

I've always wondered how doing a slightly more relaxed workout but doing lifting/cardio like...6 days a week, both every day, compares to lifting 3 times a week and doing cardio 2/3 times a week intensely. I'm guessing that people generally consider it best to do the latter, but I've always found it more pleasant to do the former. Maybe just because I like doing cardio so much.

We did that sometimes as a novice when I was rowing. It's so tiring, it is not even funny.

The seniors hit 7 days a weak when it got to peak season, doing a cario session in the morning and weights later on in the day. Or vice versa.

I wouldn't say that the workouts were any less intenst though. Though there was more emphasis on cario than weights when I was doing it.

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  dunkin deeznuts said:
i dont think you can make a blanket statement liek that

not saying i could do that but people have different levels of conditioning and stamina

20 minutes of high intensity training may seem like nothing to someone thats been doing it a while.......

Some days I'm doing cardio, lifting, and boxing. I do them in different parts of the day so I can put the maximum effort into them, if I tried to do them one after another I'd be taking away from my other workouts. He may be able to do all three successively, but I doubt he's putting much effort into HIIT and lifting.

  cernunnos said:
What is the point in HIIT? I once used to like it, but as it was already correctly mentioned: diet makes ~70% of your success in fitness.

I like to run at medium speed and lift weights and I can easily do both on the same day, one after another. And running for 40min takes more calories than HIIT session, that's for sure. I do it 3 times a week and I try to keep my diet clean (also I try to walk a lot).

With HIIT you burn more calories, boost growth hormone levels, and it elevates your metabolism. It's more for burning fat, distance running will make you retain fat.

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  villain said:

do you consider this intense?

this is what i did yesterday after lifting and followed with playing ball

this dude does this after weight lifting all the time

i don't understand how doing something like this could have you fatigued for the WHOLE DAY you must be out of shape


Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said that and you know it. You cannot do 3-4 hours of exercise in a row and do it all to a good intensity - NO ONE can.

And for the record, 6'2" and 88kg but when I was doing HIIT regularly I was 75kg and I was doing that along with (not one after the other) BJJ and Shootfighting but not really weights (hence being 75kg).

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  NatseOklim said:
Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said that and you know it. You cannot do 3-4 hours of exercise in a row and do it all to a good intensity - NO ONE can.

And for the record, 6'2" and 88kg but when I was doing HIIT regularly I was 75kg and I was doing that along with (not one after the other) BJJ and Shootfighting but not really weights (hence being 75kg).

lol ok man

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ive adjusted my routine accordingly

day1: bi/chest + upper abs

day2:legs/shoul +Lower abs

day3: tri/back + obliques


I do some jump rope before each workout for around 10 minutes

as a teenager still I am surrounded by junk food and drinking, etc. but I try

my best to eat healthy. I have a (whey) shake every morning and before I sleep.

this routine seems to be working much better than when I just did universal all body workouts, and I already feel stronger.

input? I've just turned 17 so I am not as experienced as you guyz

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  powerviolence said:
ive adjusted my routine accordingly

day1: bi/chest + upper abs

day2:legs/shoul +Lower abs

day3: tri/back + obliques


I do some jump rope before each workout for around 10 minutes

as a teenager still I am surrounded by junk food and drinking, etc. but I try

my best to eat healthy. I have a (whey) shake every morning and before I sleep.

this routine seems to be working much better than when I just did universal all body workouts, and I already feel stronger.

input? I've just turned 17 so I am not as experienced as you guyz

wat is this upper ab/lower ab/oblique business.

just hit your entire abs 3-4 times a week. why seperate it?

and im still confused as to why you decided to go bi/chest and tri/back instead of tri/chest

i wish i could go back to being 17. working out is so much easier when you're young. :[ i had all the stamina in the world.

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  Zubin said:
can HIIT be done on ellipticals? Just up the resistance?

i wanna start HIIT but feel self-conscious on a treadmill ( i think i run funny)

you can but it might be alittle harder than say...sprinting.

idk, im personally not a fan of ellipticals or treadmill. cardio is best done on ground for me.

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