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  on-display said:
anyone here have experiences with ketogenic diets?

eh i've done some research about it...sounds like a pain in the ass to keep up with to be honest. Whether I'm bulking or cutting, I usually keep my diet pretty healthy and keep a good track of what i'm intaking and thats done a great job thus far.

basically, keto diet is where you replace your carbs with fat (good fats) as your main source for fuel. this makes your body seek for fat for energy, thus 'burning off more fat' so your diet would consists of lower levels of carbs and higher fatand maintain protein.

i think keto diet is too hard to keep up with unless you really adopt it as a lifestyle...i like my carbs. the idea of shifting your metabolism to a fat for fuel one doesn't sound too natural to me...your body needs a good level of carbs for energy.

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  Lab said:
was it fun relearning all those signal transduc pathways?

Urgh, all that was a pain in the dick. I preferred things when I was in high school and those pathways were simple and bare bones.

I should start doing big pathways diagrams again, haven't done anything like that since high school. Forgot how helpful they are.

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  capa said:
holy shit dude what is your diet? do you drink?

~2800 at the moment

320g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fats

and I drink/smoke way too often

  fndmybetterhalf said:
nice mrchariebrown,whats your bf% at? i would guess around 10%? either way, lookin good. i'll be there with you in a few months :)

thanks! I'm not entirely sure on my bf%. I've been told anywhere from 6%-10%. so I just usually tell people 8%. and 9% on days I feel bloated :o

  on-display said:
Nice mrchariybrown. How many calories are you taking in?

thanks, about 2800

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  cernunnos said:
more like 10-12

usually, when bf is really low (less than 10) the vascularity becomes more prominent than on your body. but i could be wrong due to low-res pictures

yeah, you're right. those pictures suck though. they were taken with my phone. and they were taken around 2:00 in the morning, when I'd look the worst possible, especially after a night of drinking.

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I'd suggest a slow bulk. Eat about 500 calories over maintenance, don't do extensive cardio, keep the protein and carbs up, and lift heavy. Just monitor it by using the mirror. If you feel you're putting on too much fat, eat a bit less or up your cardio.

Looking good so far though. Also, lifting heavy doesn't increase body fat. The only thing that can make your body fat higher or lower is your diet.

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  powerviolence said:
yeah I mean I should really work on the diet, but I just picked up this like gigantic thing of whey protein so I wanna get much bigger, but wont my body fat increase if I lift with less reps and eat more?

I want to be lean still.

not necessarily. like Physikz said, eat good loaded calories and you won't see much fat gains.

just watch your sugars and fats and load up on carbs and protein.

i think the rule of thumb is like:

13-15x body weight = g of calories

1-2 x body weight = g of protein

2-3 x body weight = carbs

with that said, if you wanna put on some muscle pounds, hit the weights hard!

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Anyone with experience may advice me?

I want to shed my calves, thighs, and stomach (not necessarily a 6 pack, but just cut out the 'baby fat')

Will running help?

FYI, I've done the whole gym routine 2 years ago. Is there a way to just run and shed w/o lifting? Oh, and my diet is really messed up. I do not intake enough protein, and I eat a lot of sandwiches (ham, cheese, salad mix w/ dressing). I'm about 5'10 and last weight was about 147 (not sure now).

Oh, and I stay away from sugar at all times (maybe some gummy bears from time to time. I never eat out, and I basically cut out all sweets from diet.

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gettoasty, cutting fat off, even more so specifically legs and stomach, doesn't have much to do with running or working out. When it comes to cutting fat, it is literally 80% diet.

you dont have to lift or run, though it will help burn some of your calories, most of it will come from having a good diet.

btw...you're 5'10 and 147 and you wanna lose weight? hmm...?

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Sounds like you're the dreaded "skinny-fat". That is mainly caused by lack of muscle mass. I would suggest trying out a full-body starting strength program. I know you don't want to lift weights, but if your diet isn't on par, and all you do is run, nothing will really happen to benefit you.

I guarantee that you will be way happier with your body if you do some weight lifting before you focus on cutting the fat. Also it's important to remember there is no such thing as spot reducing. The best way to cut fat is to do cardio and have a solid diet, then let the fat melt off wherever your body makes it. Men tend to carry the most stubborn fat in the stomach and back, so you can count on those places to be the last to go.

The reason I suggest a starting strength/mass program is because having muscle increases your BMR. What that means in layman's terms is you will burn more calories by doing less which will make it much easier to burn off fat when the time comes. Sometimes losing weight is the worse option. I would try putting on about 5 pounds of muscle and going from there. If your diet sucks and you're doing cardio, your body will try to hang on to the fat for dear life. If you have a good diet and you lift AND do cardio, your body will shed fat and you will be fitter and more healthy.

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  gettoasty said:
Anyone with experience may advice me?

I want to shed my calves, thighs, and stomach (not necessarily a 6 pack, but just cut out the 'baby fat')

Will running help?

FYI, I've done the whole gym routine 2 years ago. Is there a way to just run and shed w/o lifting? Oh, and my diet is really messed up. I do not intake enough protein, and I eat a lot of sandwiches (ham, cheese, salad mix w/ dressing). I'm about 5'10 and last weight was about 147 (not sure now).

Oh, and I stay away from sugar at all times (maybe some gummy bears from time to time. I never eat out, and I basically cut out all sweets from diet.

Don't be scared of the iron. Like the above poster suggested, get your diet in check. A billion hours in the gym can get ruined with a shitty diet.

You don't need a lot of time at the gym either or have to do a crazy weight lifting routine, I'm currently on the 3rd week of my cutting routine and have dropped 11lbs just doing squats, deadlifts and bench with HIIT cardio. My sessions don't last more than 30 mins, but the most important part is I eat about 1gram protein per lb of lean mass and really clean (just steak, beef, chicken and green veggies). The more muscle your body has, the easier the body fat will drop.

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As someone mentioned, yes I still have the 'skinny fat' hanging around mid section and have small 'mitties' (Only when my nipples get cold does my chest really 'inflate' (no homo?)) So yeah, the lack of muscle in certain areas is apparent.

The diet containing those meats+veggies I can handle, but what type of meals do you recommend for a quick breakfast/lunch? I really do not have time to prepare steak for lunch as I have classes in between.

And one thing about going to the gym is I never have a buddy to go with so if I need 'spot' I have to ask random (Especially deadlifts and squat). Bench.....bar or free-weight? I prefer free-weight.

Thanks for the advice. New week starts, will change up some grocery shopping items.

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  gettoasty said:

The diet containing those meats+veggies I can handle, but what type of meals do you recommend for a quick breakfast/lunch? I really do not have time to prepare steak for lunch as I have classes in between.

And one thing about going to the gym is I never have a buddy to go with so if I need 'spot' I have to ask random (Especially deadlifts and squat). Bench.....bar or free-weight? I prefer free-weight.

Thanks for the advice. New week starts, will change up some grocery shopping items.

When I'm cutting weight, I just keep it stupid simple. It just makes it easier. Two days out of the week I workout outside the house, so on those days I just throw some steaks/meat with dry rub in the oven, takes about 10 mins to cook and put that in some tupperware. You can also use a george foreman grill

Veggies I generally go with spinach or bagged stuff or hit a salad bar. I also boil a shit load of eggs and stash them in the fridge and carry a few around for snacks, with some hot sauce in my bag.

Days I have more time are generally the same, but I marinate the steaks in some korean marinade (splenda instead of sugar). Steam some frozen veggies.

You can also eat out, I just avoid carbs (I'm technically on a keto/low carb diet). No breads, chips, sugar..etc. Bacon cheeseburger (no ketchup, toss the bun) is ok if you're strapped. Just don't make it a habit (too much sodium).

I work out alone, you don't need a spotter. Just don't go crazy with the weights. Youtube search "Rippetoe" to see how to properly do all the lifts so you're using your time wisely and also not fuckig your body up.


Also I'd like to note that I just basically do one set of each exercise until I fail. Which might go against what a lot of people do here, but I'm experimenting with the idea of doing as little as possible to get the most results, been working pretty well.

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I eat pretty clean and lift 3 times a week.. but can't get rid of the fat around my belly


perhaps not enough protein? I try to eat like this everyday

9pm: oatmeal + 4 eggs + (cottage cheese and whole grain bread if I have time)

12pm: chicken/beef/ + veggy + fruit + [red/brown/black rice on workout days]

3pm: chicken + veggy + fruit + [red/brown/black rice on workout days]

6pm: some random meat + veggy + fruit?? (boring diet lol)

after workout: 1 protein shake with water

9pm: perhaps some more food

12am: protein shake with milk before sleep

I'm 5'9" 165lb

I got huge calves too... genetics lol... they're 17"

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  exhausted said:

perhaps not enough protein? I try to eat like this everyday

9pm: oatmeal + 4 eggs + (cottage cheese and whole grain bread if I have time)

12pm: chicken/beef/ + veggy + fruit + [red/brown/black rice on workout days]

3pm: chicken + veggy + fruit + [red/brown/black rice on workout days]

6pm: some random meat + veggy + fruit?? (boring diet lol)

after workout: 1 protein shake with water

9pm: perhaps some more food

12am: protein shake with milk before sleep

I'm 5'9" 165lb

I got huge calves too... genetics lol... they're 17"

where are your fat sources?

and I'd ditch the milk in your bedtime shake.

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Steak in microwave?!

I got to try that now. I'm assuming you take the steak out and let it thaw for awhile though.

Thanks for the suggestions! I hope these meals curve my hunger too, its embarrassing when my stomach growls in class. I'm use to taking a snack with me like crackers or something.

I should also try In-N-Out 'Protein Burger' (SP?)

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