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not nearly as defined as hali....but working on it :)

looking at the pics,i would asy that your fat level is around13-15%

you have a good build.Looks like you need to work on your upper and lower outer pecs

your side delts are quite good

there is a trick to taking a good pics to accentuate your muscles

you need shadows.In other words no front on lighting.Best to have side lighting,or even above.Look at halis pic.

have you got wide hips?

best to take a front on pic with fitted shorts or speedos.That way we can see your overall proportions

if you have wide hips,you might have to build your upper body to balance it out

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yeah my hips are wider than i'd like. my thighs are also quite big.

but thats mainly the reason why im so self conscious about my shoulders and back, i want it to be a bit fuller and broader.

and ill skip on the speedos lol

the problem with a lot of asian builds(no racism,and just generalising),is that they border on the feminine,They tend the have real narrow waists compared to their hips.Its slightly hourglass.Therefore throwing off overall balance.Thats why you have to build your obliques and lower back

are your outer quads the problem?

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yeah my outer quads are a bit bigger than id like it to be. ideally, my waist would measure at 32 but right now, my waist measures rouhgly 30 and my hips measure like 35-36 or something.

leave the pic...its the meathead thread lol

its very hard to change the shape of your legs.Uless you have a lot of fat

take a fully body pic,front on.,..wear some slim jeans

make sure the camera is at waist level when taking the pic.That way it wont distort your body

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the problem with a lot of asian builds(no racism,and just generalising),is that they border on the feminine,They tend the have real narrow waists compared to their hips.Its slightly hourglass.Therefore throwing off overall balance.Thats why you have to build your obliques and lower back

are your outer quads the problem?

that is a problem i am having actually. my traps/shoulders are underdeveloped compared to the rest of my body. it is hard for me to get them to respond. ive always sworn by total-body workout with big complex movements. perhaps adding some isolation is the answer?

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fluffer -

thx for the tips on the supps. yea i used to take a Zinc/Magnesium/Calcium combo pill until i found out that Calcium "nullifies" any effect Z and M has. ive been working nights too because we bake bread for the morning. this really hurts my training so ill look into that melatonin you mentioned. any other tips on improving quality of sleep is also appreciated. thanks again.

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that is a problem i am having actually. my traps/shoulders are underdeveloped compared to the rest of my body. it is hard for me to get them to respond. ive always sworn by total-body workout with big complex movements. perhaps adding some isolation is the answer?

compound exercises are great.But sometimes its hard to isolate a certain muscle group.Take dips for example.Unless you are strict with your form,its hard to isolate triceps

judging by your pics,you look good.how about some front on pics,as side pics can be quite deceiving

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yeah my outer quads are a bit bigger than id like it to be. ideally, my waist would measure at 32 but right now, my waist measures rouhgly 30 and my hips measure like 35-36 or something.

shit.. you've got it good compared to me..

I'm walking around with a 30" waist and 39" at the widest part of my hips.


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how about your lower back,any fat there

to get any lower is hard,mentally and physically.You are going to have to avoid sodium,be super strict with your diet,and do tons of cardio

but judging from your pics,you look like a genetically lean person.Your problem is putting on muscle,not getting lean

we better move this to meathead thread

nothing on my lower back besides skin

out of those three, I'm just super strict with my diet.. I don't do an ounce of cardio because I hate it :(

I have a super hard time putting on muscle.. I have literally eat upwards of 4500+ to start gaining anything.. which I've tried before.. but didn't like being really bulky..

I would LOVE to put on about 5 more pounds of pure muscle though.. that's my goal over the next 6 months.. and of course to finally get my weak ass lifts up.. aiming for 365 bench, 475 squat, 495 deadlift in the next 6 months..

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nothing on my lower back besides skin

out of those three, I'm just super strict with my diet.. I don't do an ounce of cardio because I hate it :(

I have a super hard time putting on muscle.. I have literally eat upwards of 4500+ to start gaining anything.. which I've tried before.. but didn't like being really bulky..

I would LOVE to put on about 5 more pounds of pure muscle though.. that's my goal over the next 6 months.. and of course to finally get my weak ass lifts up.. aiming for 365 bench, 475 squat, 495 deadlift in the next 6 months..

5 lbs of pure muscle in 6 months? it might take you 2-3 years

what i think you should do is increse your caloric intake,and burn the excess fat through cardio

dexter jackson(pro bodybuilder) hardly did any cardio.He had no trouble getting lean.But we wasnt getting bigger.His new nutritional adviser told him to eat a lot more,and get lean through cardio

that year he had great muscle gains and won a few contests

you are at a point now where you arent putting on weight, but you are muscle density is improving.

You can tell at guys who have trained for a while.Their muscles just look denser

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you pointed out one of my favorite bodybuilders' physiques of all time!

although, he was on the tiny side and still was juiced I like how frank zane looks..

though I'd really never want to get even as big as him, I'd much rather look like him than the typical bodybuilder

he couldnt get big,as he was an ectomorph,so he concentated on refining his phsyique.Symmetry and proportions were his priorities

he weighed i think around 180

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5 lbs of pure muscle in 6 months? it might take you 2-3 years

what i think you should do is increse your caloric intake,and burn the excess fat through cardio

dexter jackson(pro bodybuilder) hardly did any cardio.He had no trouble getting lean.But we wasnt getting bigger.His new nutritional adviser told him to eat a lot more,and get lean through cardio

that year he had great muscle gains and won a few contests

you are at a point now where you arent putting on weight, but you are muscle density is improving.

You can tell at guys who have trained for a while.Their muscles just look denser

yeah, sucks being all natural :(

I can't wait until I'm 25 yrs old.. all the older guys in my gym told me once I start hitting that age, my muscles will look even better because they'll start to gain muscle maturity

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anybody have tips on how to manage a diet at college? quite frankly, i can't avoid eating like shit combined with drinking/smoking every other weekend. luckily, genetic asian metabolism has been saving me from becoming excessively fat. i want to establish a good work out and diet plan for this school year, but the only healthy thing i consume are egg white omelets with vegetables. i'm stuck with dorm food that changes every day, so its usually a hit or miss.

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anybody have tips on how to manage a diet at college? quite frankly, i can't avoid eating like shit combined with drinking/smoking every other weekend. luckily, genetic asian metabolism has been saving me from becoming excessively fat. i want to establish a good work out and diet plan for this school year, but the only healthy thing i consume are egg white omelets with vegetables. i'm stuck with dorm food that changes every day, so its usually a hit or miss.

Yeah dorm eating is tough. You'll find that the cafeteria usually has a few items that are there every day (mine was a breaded chicken sandwich). And there is always a salad bar. So I'd say you could try to stick to some of the food that's regularly there and fill in calories w/ others.

Or you could be like me and get whatever you want, then burn the cals w/ more cardio

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they neglected to tell you your knees, back and shoulders will be fucked by then, too.

i like frank zane, but i am more of an early arnold fan myself. and dorian, for his dedication and guts.

yeah, sucks being all natural :(

I can't wait until I'm 25 yrs old.. all the older guys in my gym told me once I start hitting that age, my muscles will look even better because they'll start to gain muscle maturity

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