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Nah, I'm in agreeance. If I want to be a strong powerlifter, I'll powerlift. If I want to run fast, I'll do sprints.

Right now I feel like increasing endurance while keeping myself entertained through timed workouts.

Now you're a beast knucks, but if we had a race, I'd probably win. If we had a lift-off you'd win.

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Posted · Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given

Alright, I got this plan from a trusted member on here and I've hacked it to bits. On top of that a friend who lifts has questioned a lot of the ordering of stuff. Need a reality check. I should point out that things seem to be going well overall and I've made noticeable physical gains (to me, anyhow), I'm just neurotic.

MWF split, workouts in order, LISS cardio on T, Th, Sat

Day 1:

Squat [3x5]

Stiff leg dead [3x8]

inverted row [3x7 or failure]

curls, calf raises, abs

Day 2:

Bench [3x5]

Shoulder Press [3x5]

Incline DB Bench [4x8]

Triceps (changes with mood) [3x8]

Lateral raises [3x8]

Day 3

Deadlift [3x5]

Pull Ups [3x7 or failure]

Curls, calf raises, abs

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I did a bunch of pistols this morning. Do you do them with the 2nd leg behind you resting on something or forward in the air? Try the 2nd one if you haven't.

It's good for balance as well as flexibility in your hams.

leg in front is the only way to go. how much is considered "a bunch" ?

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Alright, I got this plan from a trusted member on here and I've hacked it to bits. On top of that a friend who lifts has questioned a lot of the ordering of stuff. Need a reality check. I should point out that things seem to be going well overall and I've made noticeable physical gains (to me, anyhow), I'm just neurotic.

MWF split, workouts in order, LISS cardio on T, Th, Sat

Day 1:

Squat [3x5]

Stiff leg dead [3x8]

inverted row [3x7 or failure]

curls, calf raises, abs

Day 2:

Bench [3x5]

Shoulder Press [3x5]

Incline DB Bench [4x8]

Triceps (changes with mood) [3x8]

Lateral raises [3x8]

Day 3

Deadlift [3x5]

Pull Ups [3x7 or failure]

Curls, calf raises, abs

I think this generally looks good. The one thing I'd take a look at i Shoulder Press. I feel like this lift can be great alone (like bench) or as an auxiliary lift. You have it as auxiliary, in which case I suggest doing 3 x 8. You'll lighten the load, but that's fine. You could even do 3 x 5 bench one week and then 3 x 5 SP the next.

I think pullups are really great. If you're doing straight sets, I suggest getting to 3 or 4 sets of 10 (working your strength up), and then start weighting them.

leg in front is the only way to go. how much is considered "a bunch" ?

Ha, now I'll get called out. jk. They were just part of my warmup so I think I did 3 or 4 sets of 10 each leg. I alternate. Do you?

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Posted · Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given
Been bulking all fall & winter. About to go on my cut. Diet suggestions so Im not passing out from hunger?

Cut healthy and you can cram tons of food down your gullet. The classics. Chicken, fish, cottage cheese, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.

...Shoulder Press. I feel like this lift can be great alone (like bench) or as an auxiliary lift.

Can I ask why you'd alternate rather than maintain both at primary weight?

I think pullups are really great. If you're doing straight sets, I suggest getting to 3 or 4 sets of 10 (working your strength up), and then start weighting them.

dj are the pull ups and inverted rows weighted?

I was typing up a response to Dunkin that was exactly what Leeacto suggested. I haven't tried going big on the first set since I started with the lifting routine but I could usually crank out a first set 13-14 but that destroyed my last two. Will experiment Friday.

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Cut healthy and you can cram tons of food down your gullet. The classics. Chicken, fish, cottage cheese, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.

Can I ask why you'd alternate rather than maintain both at primary weight?

I was typing up a response to Dunkin that was exactly what Leeacto suggested. I haven't tried going big on the first set since I started with the lifting routine but I could usually crank out a first set 13-14 but that destroyed my last two. Will experiment Friday.

For SP, it depends on your focus. If you just want chest, just do 3 x 5 Bench, 3 x 8 SP. If you need more emphasis on shoulders, then I suggest the switch every week. Both will work fine I think.

Also, going all out on the first set of pullups is fine. In that format, I've liked doing a setup of "Do X pullups in as few sets as possible." If you're around 13, 10, 7, I'd say to go for 25 or 30.

What do you think? These are just suggestions.

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Posted · Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given

Back when I was doing bodyweight only stuff I used to go with the pull up method you described. Might as well give it a shot.

I may try the alternating pattern just to see how it goes. Right now my shoulders need a lot more attention. Thanks.

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so ive been on and off palumbo's keto diet for like a year

got pretty lean, but after doing 1 hour of cardio a day plus lifting 5 days a week, i burned out kinda badly this fall and since the xmas holidays ive pretty much been switching from keto to all out binges for weeks at a time.

does it sound wise to go back into keto, get lean as possible, then slowly add carbs back in (start with berries, then move on to other fruits, then sweet potato, then rice, lastly oats if at all) or should i just stay in keto? i actually like the way i look and feel on it, except my workouts are so great because my strength sucks. but the diet is super easy to maintain and i get a weekly cheatmeal which helps with reinforcing the clean eating all week. however, its impossible to put on mass with the diet.. although i dont want to get bigger, just get lean and maintain...

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dj are the pull ups and inverted rows weighted?

anyone here use a weighted vest as all?

and i never understood the use of chains until i read an article on critical bench...gonna have to try it onw....

Only started doing weighted pull ups at the end of last year but was playing around yesterday to see how much I could max out and got 3 reps with 20kg. I love weighted pull ups and dips and I just stash a dumbbell between my legs instead of using a vest or belt.

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Need some simple advice. Just read gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously, in any degree, is impossible. Like literally impossible. I've wrestled and been around weights for a while now, but barely heard of this. Sure both goals require completely opposite conditions, but I figured there was a middle ground for gaining muscle and losing fat.

Now I'm and ecto/meso, but more towards ecto. I don't care about losing fat, but if I'm trying to gain muscle mass, how much will cardio affect my ability to do so? According to the above mentioned theory (which i guess is common knowledge), I wouldn't gain any muscle mass if I ran/wrestled a significant amount.

I feel like it's not true, or at least not 100%, and that's it's still possible, but google search keeps saying otherwise. Drop some knowledge please.

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Over the years I've become obsessed with the idea of always having a large gas tank. I don't think I could go 3-6 months of only lifting/eating and getting soft.

lolwut? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

I don't know how much clearer I can be by saying that's it's possible to gain muscle and lose fat within a training cycle. will you lose the most fat you can in that time period this way? no. will you accrue the most muscle you can in that time period this way? no.

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I simply don't know what you mean by training cycle. I took it as gaining for a couple months without cardio, then only cutting fat for a period of time.

Thus, I said that seeing as I like having a large gas tank (a lot of cardio), I wouldn't enjoy gaining mass for 3-6 months without any cardio.

So basically I have no idea what a training cycle is...

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