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I dropped you a pm ^

Heres the list for anyone else interested. Its not complete by any means, but its a good start for people eating to bulk on the cheap. There are many more but I figured I would stick to the most basic foods that everyone generally likes.

Yams ect are also excellent but can be expensive, plus its an aqquired taste

Pasta/Brown Rice :preferably whole wheat

Peanut butter :nutrient dense as hell, great as a post workout snack

Nutella : Nutrient dense

Kraft Dinner : Cheap as all hell, eat the whole box and your looking at close to 1000 calories and loads of protein

Potatoes : Cheap and carb loaded. Plus you can add toppings to increase the calories

Eye of Round : Really cheap beef and great for marinating

Ground Beef : Great for Hamburger Helper ( also cheap as hell) and tacos ect.

Almonds : great source of good fats, along with sunflower seeds

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i have to say that all the whey cinnamin bun is the best whey i have ever tasted. I actually crave it. is the free shipping code a constant thing or should i stock up while thats goin on?

do you think smarties are a suitable sub for dextrose?I cannot find a local source and looking at the ingredients theys seem to only be dextrose and coloring.

im not looking for a pwo spike just a pre work out energy boost. Since doing the PMSF type of diet my energy levels are so low on those no carb no fat days. Ive tried eating a few packets of smarties right before and during my training a couple times and it seems to help quite a bit.

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Going to incorporate some parts of P90X into my current weight lifting routine. For now I'm just going to do the Cardio X, Ab Ripper X, Plyometrics, Kenpo and Yoga (no homo, but I could use work on my flexibility). I don't think doing variants of body weight push ups will help my chest/triceps/delts as much as my current weight lifting routine does. The back routine on p90x is surprisingly good, but I already do pull-ups and from what I've seen they don't do heavy dead lifts but I love them.

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i am gonna give p90x a try. seems like it's all arranged for you with neat calendars and stuff like that and that's exactly what i need right now since finals are coming during june and i don't wanna be spending too much time researching to develop a proper workout and meal plan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So as a few other users have stated I'm thinking of trying out the P90X. I don't really have any of the extra equipment like a pull up bar, dumb bells or push up handles. Anything in particular I should look out for when buying this stuff or should I just hit up the local sporting good store and get whatever's cheapest?

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can someone enlighten me on what p90x is? too lazy to google.

also looking for online protein deals for canadians, i checked out allthewhey's canadian depot but the customer service and website suck too badly.. plus they dont have cinnabon bun which i wanna try. any ideas? cant afford popeyes Isoflex whey anymore.

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If you are ever in Mississauga, go to a little place in Streetsville called " Liquid NRG". They have their own brands of whey isolate and concentrate blends and they are very very well priced

They also have decent monthly specials were they throw in loads of free glutamine or vitamins ect. Its worth the drive if your going to be buying multiple tubs

As far as P90X goes, its a complete meal and workout plan that allows people to go through it at their own pace. The reason it is so effective is it is almost constantly changing, your body is left guessing and forced to change at a rapid pace which increases gains/ weight loss.

It seems to be one of the few things that has come along in recent times that actually works well for almost everyone. But it makes the biggest notable changes in newbies and people that are overweight and need a starting point for weight loss/lifestyle change

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So as a few other users have stated I'm thinking of trying out the P90X. I don't really have any of the extra equipment like a pull up bar, dumb bells or push up handles. Anything in particular I should look out for when buying this stuff or should I just hit up the local sporting good store and get whatever's cheapest?

playdisonlyatnight It's a workout regimen that has been hawked on late night infomercials, but it's actually legit. It's a really intense workout routine that combines things like pull ups/pushup routines, plyometrics, kenpo, yoga, weights..etc. I've been doing it for a good month and have cut 17lbs. It's no joke! It's been compared a bit to cross fit without the heavy lifting.

mpcec Unfortunately my doors aren't designed to hold those pullup bars (my doors don't have frames and/or are too wide).

However..in terms of pullup bars everyone I know that has done p90x, and a lot of people I've read that have done it all recommend the Iron Gym Pull up bar (which is also an informercial product! go figure)


I've been doing p90 with simple resistence bands. I know I could be getting a more intense workout with a bar, but they've worked good enough for me.

Dumbbells..most people say select tech adjustable ones just cause they save space. I don't have the money for that right now, but I've been using your basic octogonal dumbbells. You don't really want round weight ones because you'd want the options to use them as pushup bars. You can kill two birds with one stone. I have a set of nike pushup bars i got from a friend, they're padded..but I feel the weights are more stable to me.

That's all you really need.

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still on keto

im not even hungry during the day until like 5pm then i crave all types of food until i go to sleep.

still looking for cheap protein online. why the fuck does whey depot (canadian "all the whey") have such terrible customer service??? i put in an order, the site was messed up, i have sent them emails and left messages and they wont get back to me

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sort of off topic, but not really. anyone do plyometrics or can recommend some good routines? i want to increase my explosiveness/but really jumping ability. no, im not trying to dunk.


Loads of great excersies ^

Routines can vary big time, but I find low weight jump squats work well for jumping

Grab a barbell in each hand, drop low to a squat position slowly and controlled, ( basicly just squat with barbells)and then burst upwards with a jump as fast as you can. As you fall, drop into a squat again, controlling your motion so its completely fluid and regulated, follow again with a burst upwards.

You will need to do this with very low weights, as the controlled downward motion will knock the crap out of you. There are a couple of martial arts experts who go to my gym and swear by these as training for roundhouses and jump kicks

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for low the low weight jump squats, should i be reaching upwards? i only work on jump exercises maybe once a week.. currently doing the following:

up downs (step up step down) on a heavy bag (approx. 1 ft. in height) , fast as i can for 1 min

jump up then down from the heavy bag, fast as i can for 1 min

side step over the bag, 1 leg at a time, fast as i can for 1 min

side jump over the bag, fast as i can for 1 min

squat jump over the bag, hands at the ears, high as i can, turn around with calf only jumps-- rinse and repeat for 1 min.

i figure i could try to add the weighted squat jumps. very low weights meaning like -- 5lb? number of reps? sets? thanks for the link.

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