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Actually, the best thing is to trust noone (be they big or small). Always check yourself, find ways that work for you.

this is basically what i meant, in some indirect way.

pardon me it was my last day of class yesterday so i was hammered all day.

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Starting a Purple Wraath and Green Magnitude stack as soon as it comes in the mail. Anyone have any experience with these products? From what I gathered you're supposed to take the Green Mag pre-workout, and the Purple Wraath pre/intra. Any other information would be highly appreciated.

Anabolicmind forums always have reviews of supplements and they praise purple wraath...

Well TBH everything is praised there.

I mean yeah, just follow the instructions that are given. The way you are described it now is ideal enough.

I only take one pre workout supp that doesn't fuck with me like many others.

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^ you forgot broski
other such meathead related terms...

"no worries bro...

catch you at the club later, you can buy me a red bull and vodka and we can hang from the ceiling pipes by one arm after we take off our shirts!! WORD BRO!!!"!!

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Just got my Green Magnitude in the mail. Apparently Purple Wraath is on back-order and I have to wait to get it :( I also got a sample pack on isoFlex peanut butter chocolate whey. Sounds good.

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I bring in the hate every time, lol.

CUTUP you look bigger than 180 in that pic. How are the legs? What kinda numbers you hitting?

Without hate and some butting heads, the internet would be a boring place

I always get asked about my weight, its strange how much proportions play on how large you look. Im acutally slightly smaller now as I have leaned out for the summer, but only by a couple of pounds

My legs are good, but they could have been great. I was one of those idiots that thought " no one sees my legs, so I am not going to work them". I started hitting them heavily like 3-4 years back, and I am lucky my legs grow so quickly, or my proportions would look really stupid when I wear shorts

I like to do slow and controlled movements, so my numbers arent brutally high. Chest for reps of 8-12 I usually do around 245 on flat bench ( hitting my chest), so not too bad.

My squats could be better. I go very low but I am only putting back around 275 for 8-10. I should have started my legs much much sooner then I did, I would have grown all over

^^^seriously cutup looking swole. how many cals you taking in daily?

Thanks man, I dont really calorie count, but I guess around 3500 clean on average. I eat larger before my workouts, and lighter before I go to bed, and I find it works rather well for me. I used to take in like 4500 calories, and it ruined my shape. Too much fat and not enough detail, so I altered my diet and began to eat clean.

I am glad I did, I get my weight guessed at far larger then I am due to my shape, I looked like a bulky moster before, but I had far too much fat.

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I honestly don't understand all the talk about starting "stacks" or special short term diets.

Yeah, they would make sense if you were entering a contest or posing for a photo shoot, or even going on a tropical vacation. Other than that, they are worthless.

Any improvement you gain from them is temporary and short lived.

After years of doin' this shit, I've learned that the only thing that works is being consistent; in both training and diet. So, that being said, you need to be able to enjoy and 'live with" whatever training techniques or diet you decide to follow. Otherwise, you will just be another short term burn out.

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I honestly don't understand all the talk about starting "stacks" or special short term diets.

Yeah, they would make sense if you were entering a contest or posing for a photo shoot, or even going on a tropical vacation. Other than that, they are worthless.

Any improvement you gain from them is temporary and short lived.

After years of doin' this shit, I've learned that the only thing that works is being consistent; in both training and diet. So, that being said, you need to be able to enjoy and 'live with" whatever training techniques or diet you decide to follow. Otherwise, you will just be another short term burn out.

There is some truth to that..

Some things are long proven to work (think creatine), but in the end it's about eating the right foods for your body and training.

Well and steroids.

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The stack I'm taking is basically for energy/creatine. I'm trying it out to see if it helps my performance in the gym, but I don't plan on relying on it completely. I go to the gym 5 days a week and eat healthy so I would consider myself very consistent. Adding in a couple things to improve the quality of my workout doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.

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Creatine is fine. But bare in mind that weight and mass gain is due to water retention,

I don't have a problem with creatine. It's cheap, easy to take and harmless.

I do have a prob with thermogenic stacks and keto diets. I don't understand torturing oneself for very temporary results.

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Creatine is fine. But bare in mind that weight and mass gain is due to water retention,

I don't have a problem with creatine. It's cheap, easy to take and harmless.

I do have a prob with thermogenic stacks and keto diets. I don't understand torturing oneself for very temporary results.

Yeah when I decide to stop bulking I'm going to go on a clean healthy diet and maintain it for life. After reading "The China Study" I grit my teeth every time I have any dairy products, meat products, or anything other than fruits/vegetables.

Reading before and seeing someone on the forum take an ECA stack, or someone doing T3, it kind of upsets me. Whats the need for instant results. Doesnt it make you feel better when you put in hard work, do it the right way, and get results?

But on the same topic, I think preworkout supp's are alright. As long as you are not taking stimulants for an extended period of time....

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I go to the gym 5 days a week and eat healthy so I would consider myself very consistent.

When you do it for 5+ years, and make it part of your life, you are consistent. In order to do that, you need to "not hate" your training and diet.

Again, I speak from experience...mine and countless others.

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Yeah when I decide to stop bulking I'm going to go on a clean healthy diet and maintain it for life. After reading "The China Study" I grit my teeth every time I have any dairy products, meat products, or anything other than fruits/vegetables.

Reading before and seeing someone on the forum take an ECA stack, or someone doing T3, it kind of upsets me. Whats the need for instant results. Doesnt it make you feel better when you put in hard work, do it the right way, and get results?

But on the same topic, I think preworkout supp's are alright. As long as you are not taking stimulants for an extended period of time....

you make it sound like taking EC or T3 will magically give you the results you want.

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I was on an EC and a low-carb (not keto) diet. Did it for 3 weeks and I felt the results were good. I was basically testing it to see how my body reacted to it when I needed to lose more body fat after a solid bulk.

I've been eating right and lifting for about a year now, and I am more dedicated and committed now than I ever have been. Going to the gym and lifting is something I truly enjoy, and it's great to get rid of any stress and shit I might have. I have no gripes with my diet or training routine, but going on a cut is obviously not going to be pleasant for anyone. As of now, I'm back on the regular diet. Oatmeal for breakfast, whole grain carbs, lean protein, tons of veggies etc.

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you make it sound like taking EC or T3 will magically give you the results you want.

And QFT. Ephedrine is not a miracle drug. It HELPS while you're cutting. The main reason I used it is because I heard of the energy it gives you, and since I was on a low-carb the energy was needed. I plan on going back on a EC stack when I do my next cut too.

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I find it funny when people dump like hundreds of dollars on the latest supplements. I know guys who take loads of Nitrix just so they can always look vascular, its sad

However, proven gear like creatine, glucosmaine, a good multi vitamin and L-Glutamine will always be effective and cheap

I am a huge fan of kre-alkalyn creatine, as no waste product ( creatinine) is produced which doesnt effect your liver. Likewise there is no bloating or gass like with monohydrate, and you can take minor amounts and still get results. I never saw the big deal with creatine until I tried kre-alkayln

Mind you there is something to be said about bloating and putting water in your joints to cushion heavy lifts...

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In line with thermogencic stacks discussion:

Hydroxycut has been recalled

FDA urges dieters to quit using Hydroxycut


WASHINGTON (AP) — Government health officials warned dieters and body builders Friday to immediately stop using Hydroxycut, a widely sold supplement linked to cases of serious liver damage and at least one death.

The Food and Drug Administration said the company that makes the dietary supplement has agreed to recall 14 Hydroxycut products. Available in grocery stores and pharmacies, Hydroxycut is advertised as made from natural ingredients. At least 9 million packages were sold last year, the FDA said.

Dr. Linda Katz of the FDA's food and nutrition division said the agency has received 23 reports of liver problems, including the death of a 19-year-old boy living in the Southwest. The teenager died in 2007, and the death was reported to the FDA this March.

Other patients experienced symptoms ranging from jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, to liver failure. One received a transplant and another was placed on a list to await a new liver. The patients were otherwise healthy and their symptoms began after they started using Hydroxycut, regulators said.

Iovate Health Sciences, which makes the diet pills, said in a statement that the 2007 death of the teenager was not caused by Hydroxycut. The statement gave no details.

"The number of adverse event reports described by the FDA in its advisory is small relative to the many millions of people who have used Hydroxycut products over the past seven years," said the company statement. "Iovate's own assessment of the potential risk associated with the use of these products differs from that expressed by the FDA."

On its Web site, the company said it agreed to the recall out of "an abundance of caution." Iovate is based in Canada, with U.S. offices near Buffalo, N.Y. Consumers can get a refund by returning the pills to the store that sold them, the company said.

Dietary supplements aren't as tightly regulated by the government as medications. Manufacturers don't need to prove to the FDA that their products are safe and effective before they can sell them to consumers.

But regulators monitor aftermarket reports for signs of trouble, and in recent years companies have been put under stricter requirements to alert the FDA when they learn of problems. In 2004, the government banned ephedra, an ingredient in many supplements, linked to heart attacks and strokes.

Katz said it has taken so long to get a handle on the Hydroxycut problem because the cases of liver damage were rare and the FDA has no authority to review supplements before they're marketed. "Part of the problem is that the FDA looks at dietary supplements from a post-market perspective, and an isolated incident is often difficult to follow," she said.

The FDA relies on voluntary reports to detect such problems, and many cases are never reported, officials acknowledge.

Health officials said they have been unable to determine which Hydroxycut ingredients are potentially toxic, partially because the formulation has changed several times.

Public health researcher Ano Lobb, who has studied Hydroxycut and other dietary supplements for Consumer Reports, said the problem may be an ingredient called hydroxycitric acid. Derived from a tropical fruit, it's been linked to liver problems in at least one medical journal study. Lobb said it's likely that other supplements containing the same ingredient remain on the market.

"You really have to be careful about dietary supplements, especially weight-loss pills," said Lobb. "People believe that the FDA has verified that these products are at least safe and effective, and that's really not the case. When you see fantastic claims — that's generally what they are."

On the Net:

* FDA press release: http://tinyurl.com/cfxjbe

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finally made a workout plan. it might not be the best, but it's what i've come up with after looking at a bunch of other teen's workouts. as always, feedback is welcomed.

monday & thursday

Weight curls (3 sets of 10 reps , 120 sec rest in between)

Forearm exercise (2 sets of 12, 60 sec rest in between)

Seated dumbbell tricep extension (3 sets of 10 reps, 120 sec rest in between)

tuesday & friday

Dumbbell lunges (4 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Bicycle abs workout (3 sets of 12, 120 sec rest in between)

Sit ups (3 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)



still don't have a meal plan, but i'm working on it.

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Dang. Come to think of it I was thinking of getting a new creatine complex...how is green mag phyziks?

I just started it yesterday so I don't know much, other than it tastes good. I will let you know in a week how it's doing for me. I read tons of reviews on bodybuilding.com though, and heard nothing but good shit.

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finally made a workout plan. it might not be the best, but it's what i've come up with after looking at a bunch of other teen's workouts. as always, feedback is welcomed.

monday & thursday

Weight curls (3 sets of 10 reps , 120 sec rest in between)

Forearm exercise (2 sets of 12, 60 sec rest in between)

Seated dumbbell tricep extension (3 sets of 10 reps, 120 sec rest in between)

tuesday & friday

Dumbbell lunges (4 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Bicycle abs workout (3 sets of 12, 120 sec rest in between)

Sit ups (3 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)



still don't have a meal plan, but i'm working on it.

This is a stupid workout plan.


Where are the squats? Leg press? Bench press?

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Hydroxycut being banned?

They might as well ban all fat burners, as most of these kids drink no water when on them, still party it up and drink, and take more then the recommended dose

I would like to see more info on the liver shutting down and the jaudnice, and whether or not is was due to de-hydration and overdoing the dosages

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This is a stupid workout plan.


Where are the squats? Leg press? Bench press?

don't have the equipment nor gym membership to do a lot of those exercises, so i decided to do whatever i could work with. like i said, it's NOT perfect (probably far from it) but i have little to no experience with strength training, merely trial & error.

constructive criticism would be nice, though.

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If you have dumbbells, might as well throw in some dumbbell squats / deadlifts...they're not the same obviously but it's better than nothing.

Do dumbbell chest press, flys, incline press etc etc

It's very easy to do even if you don't have the "necessary equip"

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better? i'm not overtraining with this plan am i?

Monday & Thursday

Weight curls (3 sets of 10 reps , 120 sec rest in between)

Forearm exercise (2 sets of 8, 60 sec rest in between)

Seated dumbbell tricep extension (3 sets of 10 reps, 120 sec rest in between)

Dumbbell chest press (3 sets of 10, 120 sec rest in between)

Tuesday & Friday

Dumbbell lunges (4 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Bicycle abs workout (3 sets of 12, 120 sec rest in between)

Sit ups (3 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Squats (3 sets of 12, 60 sec rest in between)


Back extensions (2 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Dumbbell rows (3 sets of 6-8, 120 sec rest in between)



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better? i'm not overtraining with this plan am i?

Monday & Thursday

Weight curls (3 sets of 10 reps , 120 sec rest in between)

Forearm exercise (2 sets of 8, 60 sec rest in between)

Seated dumbbell tricep extension (3 sets of 10 reps, 120 sec rest in between)

Dumbbell chest press (3 sets of 10, 120 sec rest in between)

Tuesday & Friday

Dumbbell lunges (4 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Bicycle abs workout (3 sets of 12, 120 sec rest in between)

Sit ups (3 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Squats (3 sets of 12, 60 sec rest in between)


Back extensions (2 sets of 10, 60 sec rest in between)

Dumbbell rows (3 sets of 6-8, 120 sec rest in between)



I really dont like it. Especially if thats the order in which you'd do exercises too......

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