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15-17 Sets? What is your rep count like?

For awhile I did chest/biceps back/triceps which wasn't too bad.

I'm going to do shoulders with my back day which consists of squats, deadlifts, rows, and I'll probably throw in horizontal pulls, shrugs and a few others.

for quads (15-17 sets), reps are usually 8-15

for example on the lighter squat sets i usually do 12-15 reps and with leg press i often aim for 15 reps per set (again, with heavy weight sometimes i only get 6-8 reps)

i definately need to shrug more as ive been neglecting my upper back. again i would recommend shoulders after back

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The deltoids ARE your shoulder muscles

I just pair my back/bi, chest/tri because the biceps get worked during a good back workout, and the triceps get worked during a good chest workout. Throw in a couple isolations for each one and they should be good to go.

yeeah i shouldve edited i meant that i like training BACK followed by deltoids/shoulders.

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pulled a str8 bitch move at the gym last night

got there late, trying to get it all in before they closed so i'm going low rest

put up a new max on db bench, so i'm feeling pretty good

go to do incline barbell, which i always suck at

hit fail on my second set, go to rack it, get the left side set and bang the bar on the bottom of the right rack

awkward position, can't recover, yell at some dude for a little help...and then manage to shake the weights on that side off in time to almost crush his feet


Incline barbell is a bitch. I always try to get a spot when I'm benching, it's really the only exercise you need one for. Even if you don't know the guy, just ask for a quick spot so you never have to worry about when you fail. That way you can always go all out.

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Q: I took about a week off while home in America... came back, and did my typical workout 3 days ago, and am still quite sore. Mostly I'm doing squats, deadlifts, bench presses, etc, and have been in a solid routine for a few years (with the exception of a few weeks here or there).

I guess I'm wondering... are my muscles healed enough after 48 hours to lift again today? Or are they only "healed" once they're no longer sore? Any recommended reading on this matter?

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^ I know what you mean dude, squatting has fucked me up. I have a really small waist (I can fit into 28's with ease) but they're mad tight in the thighs :(. I don't really mind to much though, I don't want chicken legs or anything.

I hit my back awesomely last night. After a good back workout my entire body feels so drained. I even skipped playing Resident Evil 5, and opted for sleeping for 12 hours to recover instead.

JoyDiffusion: Generally 48 hours is perfect to avoid over-training, but if you're still sore I would suggest postponing your workout until that goes away.

Kunk: You are more mentally and physically powerful than I. I tried a keto diet for awhile, but my body just doesn't operate properly on ketones. I could barely speak properly for the first couple of days, and my lifting suffered huge. I've heard that once you're on it for a bit you get your strength back up, but I couldn't last long enough.

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Kunk:[/b] You are more mentally and physically powerful than I. I tried a keto diet for awhile, but my body just doesn't operate properly on ketones. I could barely speak properly for the first couple of days, and my lifting suffered huge. I've heard that once you're on it for a bit you get your strength back up, but I couldn't last long enough.

I tried it for two weeks recently. Ate only chicken and eggs white.

Shit is awful, all I can say. I can't imagine living without carbs constanly (like some women models too, I've heard)

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I'm pretty sure it's not his legs bones that are causing this, but his quad muscles...

its all about creating an illusion...unfortunately,its not a pretty one

granted,he has a well built upper body,but his strengths are also magnifying his weakness

i personally think he has to drop a few pounds of muscle,and work on balancing his upper body with his lower body (no hate)

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its all about creating an illusion...unfortunately,its not a pretty one

granted,he has a well built upper body,but his strengths are also magnifying his weakness

i personally think he has to drop a few pounds of muscle,and work on balancing his upper body with his lower body (no hate)

I'm already lowering weights for my leg movements and whatnot. I'm limiting myself to putting 315 on for squats but I can only get so far.

unfortunately, genetics gave me large, child-bearing hips and thunder thighs. great for squats but not to fit into slim jawnz.

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I'm already lowering weights for my leg movements and whatnot. I'm limiting myself to putting 315 on for squats but I can only get so far.

unfortunately, genetics gave me large, child-bearing hips and thunder thighs. great for squats but not to fit into slim jawnz.

first of all,i have structural flaws that limit my progress too.But i have realised that frame cam only sustain a certain amount of muscle before i start looking like a caricature....or even worse a bodybuilder

i have dopped at least 15 lbs of muscle,as i found my taper just made wearing clothes a nightmare,as nothing would drape properly

I even stopped training arms as they were really throwing off my proportions,and have lost at least 3/4 of an inch

mrchariybrown,if i was you,which i am not,i would consider stripping down to 160-65lbs

btw,you have a great upper body...nicely proportioned

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first of all,i have structural flaws that limit my progress too.But i have realised that frame cam only sustain a certain amount of muscle before i start looking like a caricature....or even worse a bodybuilder

i have dopped at least 15 lbs of muscle,as i found my taper just made wearing clothes a nightmare,as nothing would drape properly

I even stopped training arms as they were really throwing off my proportions,and have lost at least 3/4 of an inch

mrchariybrown,if i was you,which i am not,i would consider stripping down to 160-65lbs

btw,you have a great upper body...nicely proportioned

I've been 160-165. the problem I have with that is, weight starts coming off my upper body first and then my hips and thighs look even more disproportionate to my upper body because my actually hip bones are rather wide

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I've been 160-165. the problem I have with that is, weight starts coming off my upper body first and then my hips and thighs look even more disproportionate to my upper body because my actually hip bones are rather wide

in know a lot of guys with the exact problem,and all we did was cut out squats all together,as that just exaggerates that dread carrot type of look and just worked on leg extensions,hack squats (light) just to maintain defintion,while at the same time hitting the upper body hard

In some cases they stopped training legs all together,as light training maintained size instead of decreasing it

have a look at gyms that a frequented by a lot of gay males,and you would notice that they train purely for aesthetics,not freaky muscles

their priority is aesthetics,symmetry and proportion...making sure no no muscle is overdeveloped.

They have have great shoulders,defined ,but not overdeveloped arms,defined chest,slight taper and great legs.

They want to look great in clothes,especially jeans and tee/singlet....and let me tell you,women love this type of physique

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in know a lot of guys with the exact problem,and all we did was cut out squats all together,as that just exaggerates that dread carrot type of look and just worked on leg extensions,hack squats (light) just to maintain defintion,while at the same time hitting the upper body hard

In some cases they stopped training legs all together,as light training maintained size instead of decreasing it

have a look at gyms that a frequented by a lot of gay males,and you would notice that they train purely for aesthetics,not freaky muscles

their priority is aesthetics,symmetry and proportion...making sure no no muscle is overdeveloped.

They have have great shoulders,defined ,but not overdeveloped arms,defined chest,slight taper and great legs.

They want to look great in clothes,especially jeans and tee/singlet....and let me tell you,women love this type of physique

my problem isn't that I want freaky muscles. that's the last thing I want. but my problem is that I want freaky pound-for-pound strength AND aesthetically appealing proportions.

I understand that this is really hard to achieve and sooner or later, I'll have to choose one or the other

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my problem isn't that I want freaky muscles. that's the last thing I want. but my problem is that I want freaky pound-for-pound strength AND aesthetically appealing proportions.

I understand that this is really hard to achieve and sooner or later, I'll have to choose one or the other

it all comes down to changing your mindset,and what really motivates you to train

if you kill that desire to acquire ''freaky pound for pound strength''.then it might kill your desire to train

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I've been working out pretty steadily for almost 9 months now and I haven't seen that many gains. I didn't have a steady income for a bit so it was hard to eat enough. However, now that I'm able to eat more, I'd like some suggestions on what to do.

I went from 140lb to 130lb for 8 months and just got back to 135lb in 1 week. I'd like to get bigger upper arms right now and I'm doing mostly hammer curls and skullcrushers/closed grip benchpress for that but I pulled a tendon or something in my left wrist so when I grip anything too hard, it hurts like crazy... so hammer curls and resistance bands are what I can do. Any suggestions to work around this are cool.

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you're right, does anyone know of anything tasteless, or something that actually taste good, maybe fruity, besides nectar?

all the whey's flavors are awesome


their fruit flavors are pretty good, but chocolate mint and cinnamon bun are definitely the best

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I've been working out pretty steadily for almost 9 months now and I haven't seen that many gains. I didn't have a steady income for a bit so it was hard to eat enough. However, now that I'm able to eat more, I'd like some suggestions on what to do.

I went from 140lb to 130lb for 8 months and just got back to 135lb in 1 week. I'd like to get bigger upper arms right now and I'm doing mostly hammer curls and skullcrushers/closed grip benchpress for that but I pulled a tendon or something in my left wrist so when I grip anything too hard, it hurts like crazy... so hammer curls and resistance bands are what I can do. Any suggestions to work around this are cool.

are you fuckin serious? of course you are not going to grow if you dont eat anything

140lbs to 130lbs surely you must be trolling

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