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HIIT is super easy on a bike (machine). I do HIIT once a week (on a non-lifting day), and do about 20 minutes on the treadmill after each workout.

Also, I would totally recommend Back/Bi, Chest/Tri. Exercises that work the back usually work the biceps, and exercises that work the chest also work the triceps. Make sure you hit the chest and back first though, because your arms will ALWAYS give out before your back/chest. Use whatever energy you have left to work out the biceps and triceps.

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With HIIT you burn more calories, boost growth hormone levels, and it elevates your metabolism. It's more for burning fat, distance running will make you retain fat.

Do you have scientific evidence for that?

As I've said there is nothing special about HIIT. It's just a form of anaerobic excercise. Weight lifting is another example.

Here is scientific evidence, not some gym instructor nonsense:

Gibala, Martin J; Jonathan P. Little, Martin van Essen, Geoffrey P. Wilkin, Kirsten A. Burgomaster, Adeel Safdar, Sandeep Raha and Mark A. Tarnopolsky (September 15 2006). "Short-term sprint interval versus traditional endurance training: similar initial adaptations in human skeletal muscle and exercise performance". J Physiol 575 (3): 901-911. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2006.112094. http://jp.physoc.org/cgi/content/short/575/3/901. Retrieved on 2008-07-23.

Brief, intense exercise training may induce metabolic and performance adaptations comparable to traditional endurance training. However, no study has directly compared these diverse training strategies in a standardized manner. We therefore examined changes in exercise capacity and molecular and cellular adaptations in skeletal muscle after low volume sprint-interval training (SIT) and high volume endurance training (ET). Sixteen active men (21 ± 1 years, tjp_1692_mu1.gif) were assigned to a SIT or ET group (n = 8 each) and performed six training sessions over 14 days. Each session consisted of either four to six repeats of 30 s ‘all out’ cycling at sim.gif250% tjp_1692_mu2.gif with 4 min recovery (SIT) or 90–120 min continuous cycling at sim.gif65% tjp_1692_mu3.gif (ET). Training time commitment over 2 weeks was 2.5 h for SIT and sim.gif10.5 h for ET, and total training volume was sim.gif90% lower for SIT versus ET (630 versus 6500 kJ). Training decreased the time required to complete 50 and 750 kJ cycling time trials, with no difference between groups (main effects, P le.gif 0.05). Biopsy samples obtained before and after training revealed similar increases in muscle oxidative capacity, as reflected by the maximal activity of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and COX subunits II and IV protein content (main effects, P le.gif 0.05), but COX II and IV mRNAs were unchanged. Training-induced increases in muscle buffering capacity and glycogen content were also similar between groups (main effects, P le.gif 0.05). Given the large difference in training volume, these data demonstrate that SIT is a time-efficient strategy to induce rapid adaptations in skeletal muscle and exercise performance that are comparable to ET in young active men.

The only advantage (which may be of great importance to busy people) is that HIIT takes less time. It's not some miracle training system.

So, for people who like jogging, I would say - continue to do it.

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Do you have scientific evidence for that?

It's inefficient. It takes much longer than HIIT and puts a great deal of stress on your body, and stress releases stress hormones such as cortisol. You can mix in steady state cardio, but it's not the best thing for fat loss. Not to mention the effects of steady state cardio only last about 10 minutes after you're finished while HIIT continues to benefit you the rest of the day.


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so much debate over HIIT vs standard cardio.

End result, lift, do your cardio, eat right, and you're fine. the point is gettin your ass to the gym or being active for a hour.

as a matter of fact, dont even do your cardio...just calculate your diet and eat right.

nobody in this forum is trying to be a body builder or a pro athlete. stay active and eat right and you'll be ok.

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It's inefficient. It takes much longer than HIIT and puts a great deal of stress on your body, and stress releases stress hormones such as cortisol. You can mix in steady state cardio, but it's not the best thing for fat loss. Not to mention the effects of steady state cardio only last about 10 minutes after you're finished while HIIT continues to benefit you the rest of the day.


There are benefits in aerobic excercises. They are quite beneficial for your heart, for example.

Ceteris paribus, HIIT may be more beneficial for fat loss, but simple cardio can be combined with weight lifting (on the same day), while it is almost impossible to do HIIT and lift weights one after another.

I am not against HIIT but sometimes people after discovering this form of activity begin to portray simple aerobics as something inferior and useless while it is not true at all.

As for benefits of aerobics, I'll let myself to quote wikipedia (not the best source, I know):

-Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs

-Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rat

-Toning muscles throughout the body

-Improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure

-Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen

-Improved mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression

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There are benefits in aerobic excercises. They are quite beneficial for your heart, for example.

Ceteris paribus, HIIT may be more beneficial for fat loss, but simple cardio can be combined with weight lifting (on the same day), while it is almost impossible to do HIIT and lift weights one after another.

I am not against HIIT but sometimes people after discovering this form of activity begin to portray simple aerobics as something inferior and useless while it is not true at all.

As for benefits of aerobics, I'll let myself to quote wikipedia (not the best source, I know):

I do both, actually. I kind of have to though. I only recommend HIIT because it's less time consuming. Both of them have their benefits.

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It's always good to do both. I wouldn't say either is pointless or inefficient in any way. The only way long distance running can retain fat is if your diet is shit. HIIT and long distance steady state cardio both have their benefits, so I would highly suggest doing both. Do HIIT on your off days, and steady state after a strong lifting session.

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i would imagine it to be extremely hard to adjust speed/level or whatever all while trying to pump out a good sprint lol.
It's definitely a hassle, especially changing speeds every 30 seconds.

The treadmills I use have an interval setting, so you set your sprint speed and your jog speed and switch back and forth with one button.

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It all really depends on your goals. HIIT is going to cause you to lose some muscle mass but will burn fat very efficiently. You have to sacrifice some muscle if you want that fat gone. On the other hand you can do LISS for 30-45 min after a workout and burn decent amounts of fat stores while retaining muscle mass. The LISS helps to provide oxygen and nutrients to your muscles after a lift and you won't be hampering your recovery because it is low-intensity. You won't see too many body builders doing HIIT unless they are a couple weeks out from a show. Just my 2 cents, correct me if I am wrong.

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thats debatable...

alot of people say doing cardio in the morning (on empty stomach) will melt off fat

others say your muscles suffer quite a bit when you do any kind of working out on an empty stomach.

So i guess if you're not trying to build loads of muscle, by all means, do cardio in the morning.

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i'm not gonna read this but i will ask a question since fndmybttrhalf is a genius with this shit.

i'm 140, i wanna weigh around 130. i do around 1-1.5 miles of jogging on the treadmill every day. i also do basic stuff like push ups pull ups and crunches and shit like that, around the house stuff, no gym work, i only wanna drop some fat, reccomendations? i have a very low carb diet with white meat and veggies and fruits all that fun jazz. any advice?

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thats debatable...

alot of people say doing cardio in the morning (on empty stomach) will melt off fat

others say your muscles suffer quite a bit when you do any kind of working out on an empty stomach.

So i guess if you're not trying to build loads of muscle, by all means, do cardio in the morning.

I was thinking along the lines of "it speeds up your metabolism for the day..." or something-rather. I've heard something like that before.

And really? Run without eating ANYTHING? I'd die! :P

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I was thinking along the lines of "it speeds up your metabolism for the day..." or something-rather. I've heard something like that before.

And really? Run without eating ANYTHING? I'd die! :P

depends on what you do for cardio. i'd say running with a light meal is the best, i'll have a little bit of oatmeal/glycocharge then do some HIIT/two miles, shower, and then actually eat breakfast.

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im so tired of diet gimmicks. made for fat lazy women who are too lazy to eat healthy or goto the gym so they think some magic noodles are gonna help them :/

I like eating healthy, it only gets better as you get more skilled culinarily. Some people think starving themselves is what's healthy to do to lose weight, but I get to eat 6+ times a day and it's all good meals. I bet the main people to buy those noodles will be fat people that want the illusion of eating healthy.

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i'm not gonna read this but i will ask a question since fndmybttrhalf is a genius with this shit.

i'm 140, i wanna weigh around 130. i do around 1-1.5 miles of jogging on the treadmill every day. i also do basic stuff like push ups pull ups and crunches and shit like that, around the house stuff, no gym work, i only wanna drop some fat, reccomendations? i have a very low carb diet with white meat and veggies and fruits all that fun jazz. any advice?

Hmm, don't bother too much with the whole low carb thing. I don't really believe in it. Taking in good fibrous carb foods is very good for you. Stick with alot of low GI carb foods (http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/lowglycemicfoodlist.htm)

Start with this, calculate your BMR: http://health.discovery.com/tools/calculators/basal/basal.html

Depending on how much activity you have throughout your day, multiply your calculated result by 1.3(little-no excercise) to 1.8(lots of heavy lifting/heavy workout/active sports). The result you get is the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight.

Simiarly, take a days worth of diet (your white meat, veggies, etc) and see how much calories youre taking in. Its estimated that roughly 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat. So, if your BMR is roughly 3000, then take in 2500 calories per day in foods.

Theory is, drop your caloric intake down roughly 300-500 from your daily calories, then you'll drop 1-2 lbs per week.

Now it all differs for people because individuals metabolize at different rates so you can't really say the calculator above is 100% accurate but keep track of it for a good month or so and see what kind of results you get. If you dont lose a single pound, try dropping your caloric intake a bit more etc.

Also, your diet will have quite a bit to do with fat loss. Even if you have a caloric deficit, you want to avoid foods with high sugar, and this includes even fruits. Taper off your fruit intake throughout the day, keep your carb intake to morning, and earlier throughout the day and post-workout.

If you want to start doign some heavier lifting and weight lifting, keep your protein in check and you should be set.

I was thinking along the lines of "it speeds up your metabolism for the day..." or something-rather. I've heard something like that before.

And really? Run without eating ANYTHING? I'd die! :P

well the theory is that your body will use your body fat as energy for roughly up to 40 minutes before it starts eating away at your muscles and the protein you need.

But yeah, cardio in the morning will be great for speeding up your metabolism for the day.

Usually, what you might wanna do is take a quick protein shake with a banana or something for a good energy boost pre-cardio, but running on an empty stomach is still very much debated.

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I like eating healthy, it only gets better as you get more skilled culinarily. Some people think starving themselves is what's healthy to do to lose weight, but I get to eat 6+ times a day and it's all good meals. I bet the main people to buy those noodles will be fat people that want the illusion of eating healthy.

Yeah its a shame. I eat a good 6-8 meals a day and maintain my weight right now.

Its hard to explain to people what a healthy diet is lol. They think eating romaine lettuce with loads of fatass ranch will get them skinny.

This is kind of the way I feel about the whole no-carb diet. Your body needs the carbs! Carbs are great if eaten right! Same with good fats...but people just freak out when they read the fat content and carb content of foods.

But yeah, those noodles are ridiculous :/

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Yeah its a shame. I eat a good 6-8 meals a day and maintain my weight right now.

Its hard to explain to people what a healthy diet is lol. They think eating romaine lettuce with loads of fatass ranch will get them skinny.

This is kind of the way I feel about the whole no-carb diet. Your body needs the carbs! Carbs are great if eaten right! Same with good fats...but people just freak out when they read the fat content and carb content of foods.

But yeah, those noodles are ridiculous :/

That or the salad has ham, cheese, croutons, and all kinds of other shit on it. lol

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i'm not gonna read this but i will ask a question since fndmybttrhalf is a genius with this shit.

i'm 140, i wanna weigh around 130. i do around 1-1.5 miles of jogging on the treadmill every day. i also do basic stuff like push ups pull ups and crunches and shit like that, around the house stuff, no gym work, i only wanna drop some fat, reccomendations? i have a very low carb diet with white meat and veggies and fruits all that fun jazz. any advice?

and easier answer would be run jog more and workout harder lol.

1-1.5 miles may not be doing much. I think 1 mile burns roughly around 100 calories at your weight. I'd say a good cardio session should be a good 30-40 minute jog. as for pushups and pullups and crunches, push yourself! When it hurts is when it matters the most so push yourself and do another 10 crunches, 10 more pushups, etc.

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