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They're okay as long as you don't bring your humerus above parallel with your shoulders. That's how you can impinge your biceps in your shoulder and it's very, very bad.

impingements are the worst things to try and get rid of too. My shoulders have been killing me for almost a year now.

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Um...yeah (unless we're talking dumbbells per arm, then no)

my bad. corrected

for some reason I didn't think at all about two handed curls... I always called them barbell curls so I figured you must have been talking about single handed. That would be pretty impressive.

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I started farting like crazy since I started resistance training.

I can't tell if it's due to

1) eating more protein

2) drinking more caffeinated soda to stay awake

3) muscle fibers undergoing repair

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I started farting like crazy since I started resistance training.

I can't tell if it's due to

1) eating more protein

2) drinking more caffeinated soda to stay awake

3) muscle fibers undergoing repair

tis the protein

depending on how much protein I have in my system, the frequency and smell severity of my farts vary

I've narrowed it down for my body:

~275g/day, minimal farts that don't smell most of the time

~350g/day, fart a fair amount with anything in 3 feet of me feeling the consequences

~400g+/day, almost a constant fart throughout the day and room must be evacuated for an hour if I rip one in the general area

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tis the protein

depending on how much protein I have in my system, the frequency and smell severity of my farts vary

I've narrowed it down for my body:

~275g/day, minimal farts that don't smell most of the time

~350g/day, fart a fair amount with anything in 3 feet of me feeling the consequences

~400g+/day, almost a constant fart throughout the day and room must be evacuated for an hour if I rip one in the general area

Thanks. That's exactly it.

I've been on a protein / meat binge lately. I've had massive cravings...

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yes, it IS cheating. and who said anything about progress? of course it'll help you progress since it allows you to overload your back. and when did I ever say it was wrong to use them? I just said it's cheating. and I'm sorry you're so serious and butt-hurt over the fact that I negged you.

Actually not very serious. If I recall it was you who took the low road and negged instead of having a legitimate conversation about something (the point of these threads). To get back to the topic...a spotter allows you to overload your chest and put up weight that you normally couldn't do. By you claiming they are cheating, you are implying that it is wrong. My straps allow me to put up weight the same way your friend allows you to put up your last few reps. Feel free to negate...

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Actually not very serious. If I recall it was you who took the low road and negged instead of having a legitimate conversation about something (the point of these threads). To get back to the topic...a spotter allows you to overload your chest and put up weight that you normally couldn't do. By you claiming they are cheating, you are implying that it is wrong. My straps allow me to put up weight the same way your friend allows you to put up your last few reps. Feel free to negate...

who said that I'm implying that cheating is wrong? certainly not me. I just said it was cheating. if you want to put any other words in my mouth, feel free to.

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Anyone have tips for relaxing the lower traps/ rhomboids? I did a lot of clinch wrestling last night and finished it with pullups, now I feel like an old man.

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dont think this question was answered, but i'd like to see your thoughts on this kunk/mrchairy/anyone

LISS is best if you are trying to preserve muscle. Best to be done after working out because it won't hamper muscle recovery and provides oxygen to the muscles. You should be doing minimum of 20 minutes and average about 45. The body doesn't start to burn stored fat until after 20 minutes or so of cardio work.

HIIT is great for burning that last bit of body fat when trying to get into single digits. But be wary of lifting and doing HIIT on the same days. If you do it properly, you will be too tired to have a productive lift. You wont see any change unless your diet is in check. Abs are made in the kitchen.

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dont think this question was answered, but i'd like to see your thoughts on this kunk/mrchairy/anyone
steady state helps, too. hiit is better but any cardio that doesn't waste muscle or deplete glycogen is helpful.

agreed. kunk took the words out of my mouth. hiit, better. but low intensity cardio is a good option also.

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so i'm currently at over 3k calories a day and 2 weeks into my routine (which i think is fairly solid, basically a 5x5 deal but without working legs, muscle groups split into two days like a/b/a/b/rest/rest), and i've actually lost 3 lbs. i don't think i can really cram any more food down my throat every day. fucking discouraging.

post said diet

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Anyone who says straps are cheating for rows or deadlifts is an idiot. I don't use them personally but if my grip ever got in the way of upping the weight on those lifts I would.

I'm going to have to disagree and say it is cheating. but cheating isn't always wrong when it comes to bodybuilding/lifting in general. sometimes those last few cheat reps are what's going to be the deciding factor of you getting stronger and/or bigger.

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going into my 3rd week of 5x5 training

going to do one more week and then change programs

anyone have any ideas

oh, and does anyone ever smoke/vape herb before working out, i find it helps me zone out while i'm doing cardio

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i don't really have a specific diet per se, i just eat as much as i can while trying to maintain a 50/30/20 (carb/protein/fat) split as far as where the calories are coming from. i also drink a 100g protein PWO shake.

looks good, but no need for the 100g protein in your pwo shake. how heavy are you? I'm 173lb and 50g is plenty at my weight. anything more is really just a waste of protein. do you add any sort of simple carbs to you pwo shake?

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