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complete opposite for me past few days.. feeling flat and soft, but worst of all, weak compared to usual in the gym..

not really surprised because I've been lifting on this routine for a good 8 weeks and I usually take a week off every 8-10 weeks so my cns can fully recover..

I'll start to deload the next two workouts and starting next week, I'll take my cruise week.. and then start head strong again

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Would my diqqq padding decrease tremendously due to 50+ pounds of weight loss?



p.s. my rafs don't look right with my diqq bulging past my legs.

pps you nikks might get confused. my crotch extends past my legs when i wear pants and i need to fix this.

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christ, how did you manage that? just intense exercise and clean diet? or was there some supplemental help as well

I should have said that I was skinny the whole time...but you can be thin and still have a lot of body fat. I replaced 35lbs. of fat with 35lbs. of muscle (or something else).

I now have 135lbs. of lean weight, and 15lbs of fat.

To answer your question, no supplements other than protein powder. Gym 4x week, twice with a trainer. Nutritionist 1x month. No sugar, salt, white flour, etc. Lots of chicken breasts, cottage cheese, and whole grains.

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what does your chest workout look like?

-2 sets pushups, 10 reps each set

-2 set bench press with dumbells, sometimes declined/inclined, 10 reps each set

I do that 4x week, and just the 20 pushups the other 3 days.

I was measured yesterday, and my chest is the same size as my waist. I look like a 9-year old girl. :(

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off topic:

the other day i started doing upper/lower split instead of the usual totalbody. my glute/ham/quad are so sore im walking in tiny steps with my legs straight it looks relaly wierd and its not helping me rbeak into those new jeans like im walking with a buttplug

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holy shit! need some rest my man. 4 x week chest workouts is just tension with no recovery. also, you are light so you're not pushing up much bodyweight.


flyes w/dumbell:

3 x 6-8

slight incline press w/barbell:

3 x 6-8

decline dumbell presses:

4 x 10

no more than once every 4 days.

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-2 sets pushups, 10 reps each set

hey maybe lower frequency but pump up the volume a little bit add some more sets and reps so maybe once a week u try to go for broke and beat the max reps u can do on pushups like to 40 or so. have some shakes and then it will grow big time

edit: kunk spoke so please disregard that i use buttplugs, and my chest advise

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-2 sets pushups, 10 reps each set

-2 set bench press with dumbells, sometimes declined/inclined, 10 reps each set

I do that 4x week, and just the 20 pushups the other 3 days.

I was measured yesterday, and my chest is the same size as my waist. I look like a 9-year old girl. :(

thats cuz you workin out like a 9 year old girl.


pushups won't do much in increasing chest size, hit it heavy with the weights.

holy shit! need some rest my man. 4 x week chest workouts is just tension with no recovery. also, you are light so you're not pushing up much bodyweight.


flyes w/dumbell:

3 x 6-8

slight incline press w/barbell:

3 x 6-8

decline dumbell presses:

4 x 10

no more than once every 4 days.

Agreed wit hthis work out but no benchpress?!

I see benchpess as crucial in building size and strength of chest.

i say, in this order:

3 sets benchpress - 7-10 reps - will build overall bulk and shape of chest

3 sets incline db press - 7-10 reps - even out your boobies

4 sets decline db press - 10 reps - dont want saggy titties now

3 sets of flyes, 7 reps each - sculpt that chest and broaden it out

and yeah, stick to twice a week max.

and from the sounds of it, you're a small guy who is having trouble getting bigger. you may want to consider taking up a gain diet if you want to get some good results.

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while we are on adivse hour can someone please teach me the upper trap development. the area around my neck is really really small. but my lats are really big so it makes me look really pencil necked i want to fix it. i dont feel it from cleans nor deads. and ive been throwing in dumbell shrugs but its not doing much. please advise

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