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This past year and a half I've lost a good amount of weight, maybe like 40 pounds or so. Even though I've lost a good amount of weight I'm still pretty soft looking, skinny fat I guess you would call it. I don't want to bulk up, more stay between 160-180 but just be more defined.

I'm considering joining a gym and getting a few sessions with a personal trainer but that would seriously cut into my ability to kop this season. Any of you want to give me some tips on at home shit. Should I go out and buy some mats so I can do pushups/situps and shit in my basement. Should I go jogging/sprinting/running?

I don't want anyone to hold my hand, but I'd appreciate it if someone could link me to some good resources with at home routines.

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Is protein more important before or after a workout? I know you should consume protein before and after, but which is more important?

it's all important, not just pre- and post- workout.. at ALL hours of the day/night

it's kind of like asking, "which is more important? the heart (post workout) or brain (pre workout)?"

you can't really live without either.. but I guess you could go on as a vegetable with a severely damaged brain, so to answer your question, post-workout imo.

but honestly, I think this is a stupid question. you should consume protein from the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep.. hell, some people even wake up in the middle of the night to knock down a protein shake and fall back asleep

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hi im "yes homo" and id like to know more about the "stay-pumped" supplement please(if legal).

the pic is taken 8months ago. once i passed age 30 ive been finding it harder to keep lean mass much less packing more.

i found Waterbury Programs(t-nation) to work well because of the supersets/circuit style of training and short rest period. this helps me boost my metabolism a lot.

if anyone have similar programs to suggest, please let me know!!!!!

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hi im "yes homo" and id like to know more about the "stay-pumped" supplement please(if legal).

the pic is taken 8months ago. once i passed age 30 ive been finding it harder to keep lean mass much less packing more.

i found Waterbury Programs(t-nation) to work well because of the supersets/circuit style of training and short rest period. this helps me boost my metabolism a lot.

if anyone have similar programs to suggest, please let me know!!!!!

looking good gaydad...''stay-pumped''supplements imo ,are a waste of money.They are only good for instant gratification.

You are going to find it even harder to hold on to lean muscle as you get older.Your testosterone levels are going to drop ...hence losing muscle mass and holding onto fat more.you have to be strict with your diet and eat clean

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hi guys lets talk about supplements

i take these ones from order of importance in my opinion:

- fish oil

- whey

- creatine

- multi-vitamin

- glucosamine

- zinc/magnesium

have you got joint problems?

what about glutamine?..i think its essential,as it sppeds recovery

i decided to test it out.I stopped taking it for a month.My recovery suffered.I felt more lethargic.As soon as i went back on it,i improved within 5 days

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glutamine? i have tried L-glutamine. is that the same. i cant honestly say i benefited from it because it seems to be one of those things that takes some faith in. how would u use it? please advise

you take 2-3 mg 3 times a day.Morning,post training and bedtime

here are some articles


german technologies glutimine is a good product


you have to test things for at least a month.A lot of times ppl have a placebo effect.If i was to only take to products it would be protein powder and glutimine

you also need to take antioxidants after training

be careful when you take your zinc /magn supplemnts.They dont get absorbed properly if have protein shakes.the effect is nullified

also take melatonin at night,as this induced a deep sleep,therefore aiding in muscle recovery

heres the only picture i have so far...

this was about a month and half ago..at roughly 170lbs or so.


hard to tell with this pic,but looks like you are carrying unwanted fat around the waist.You have wide clavicle and thick shoulders

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i def have a gut id like to get rid of...this is mainly my fault too as i dont really work out my abs too much cuz i hate doing it.

that hasnt got anything to do with it.You have to watch what you eat

do you drink alcohol? alcohol tends to get stored around the gut,and the calories consumed dont get burned off with exercise

perfect example is hulk hogan.The guy is on the juice.He is pretty lean,bit he has a big gut.Go to the pub and have a look at the skinny guys with guts

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eh i stopped drinking roughly a year ago. havent had a sip of anythign with alcohol since june 07 or so.

any workout tips for building my rear delts? i find myself being a bit self conscious about my delts cuz i feel like my rear delts arent quit even with the rest of my shoulders

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eh i stopped drinking roughly a year ago. havent had a sip of anythign with alcohol since june 07 or so.

any workout tips for building my rear delts? i find myself being a bit self conscious about my delts cuz i feel like my rear delts arent quit even with the rest of my shoulders

bent over laterals(can be done on an incline bench if you want to be strict)

you can also do them with cable and reverse peck decks

a lot of ppl ignore rear delts and side delts.But if you are wearing a tank top nothing looks better than well develped deltoids

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Har, I am a girly man compared to knucks and kunk.

Although if we're posting pictures:


Bench at that time was probably around 300, I never could make the commitment to get to the next level.

i think halifamous has got close to the perfect proportions

great set of shoulders,defined arms,and chest isnt overly developed

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