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No more internets. No more sufu. (confirmed)


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i watched the entire video but it really doesn't make sense....

why would internet companies want to basically shut down the internet? They can only put so many restrictions/censorship so much/charge so much before people just stop using the internet.

probably not going to happen imo :P

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This is a typical case of "the US does not equal the world"....

What so there is a switch somewhere in the US that will turn off all the internets allover the globe?

(I didn't watch the clip, couldn't care less...)

They said it was major ISPs from all over the globe, but I still think its conspiracy theory bullshit.

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you guys are missing the point. This has been CONFIRMED by ISPs. there is gonna be a times artical on it.

i watched the entire video but it really doesn't make sense....

why would internet companies want to basically shut down the internet? They can only put so many restrictions/censorship so much/charge so much before people just stop using the internet.

probably not going to happen imo :P

People will still buy it. like what was being said, they are already starting bandwidth restrictions in america, and I know they have it in most all other countries. this isn't bullshit guys.

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Who the fuck uses a major ISP anyway?

Shitty service, bloated fees, supporting large corporations, call centers in India, etc...

Find a local ISP and sign up.

I've been using Sonic.net at all three stores, my home, and they're amazing for anybody in the Bay Area...

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That guy is full of shit, and he cant even get his facts straight. The US military did not invent the internet! Serioulsy, who falls for that crap.

word Al Gore did!


Why does it seem like every bad thing is going to happen in 2012?

Maybe the Mayan prophecy was for the end of the World...

....Wide Web.

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whatever happens happens. We survived before the internet, if they try to make it into a controlled hub used for tracking citizens then i would simply stop using it.

Seriously, theres more to life than media. If the government keeps turning up the noise on this big brother shit hopefully that will influence people to start standing up for their rights rather than complaining on the internet

fuck the internet, i love jah, yeah.

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1. them foreign titties were off the muthafuckin' chain. got me droppin' mad packets of info when i ping dat, y'dig? mad packets.

2. this is all conspiracy theorist bullshit. 2012, check. the us government spearheading it, check. massive, unstoppable force where not a single person in

power is positioned to do anything to stop what is allegedly going to happen, check.

an upcoming major news article that not a single secondary source can seem to corroborate, check.

if you fall for this, you don't deserve the fucking internet.

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