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why shoes in house? whywhywhy </discharge>

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i know some fucking niggerkike claiming to rep my borough didn't just beg us gookwops to stop saying chinkybeaner.

Claiming to rep your borough? Its actually a colloquial tearm for the city of Peterborough UK my friend, also I'm neither a 'nigger' nor a 'kike'. You silly little boy, I bet your penis looks like a belly button.

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shut up nigga.

I take my shoes off in the house, but it's not a huge rule in my family. I also have some slipper jawns but i use them in the backyard to grill shit too.

Yes you have just made the exact point I originally made and by the way I am not a 'nigga'.

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Guest jmatsu
Yes you have just made the exact point I originally made and by the way I am not a 'nigga'.

would you mind posting a pic or snitching your racial/ethinic backgound? nigga nigga nigga

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really though, the cleanest homes i've ever been in have been the homes of my hispanic, black, asian, and immigrant friends. their families cleaned obsessively.

i'm convinced it is a class war thing. like you have to keep clean in case JOHN

MCCAIN types drop by, so you can prove you're clean and worthy of the american dream.

In addition to the above, I'm just amazed that you little oriental and mexican people can be so perky and have so much energy to clean house all the time, what with all the hard work you do at your med tech/nursing and janitorial jobs.

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no shoes here

Dirt on carpet. Grit on tile. then my socks/barefeet would pick up the grit and move it around. I flipped on my roommate for wearing his around. Even if I just have to run in for a second, I take em off.

Nothing worse than having to wipe the damned gravel off your feet to get into bed (like in college. shoes, shitty floors, lofted bed. Had to climb up, wipe feet while sitting on edge, then tuck in)

However... any other home where people walk around in shoes, its disgusting. All filthy on your socks or feet. Its part of why I didn't like summer camp as a kid. Climbing into bed with dirty feet.

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Though I can understand that people prefer keeping their shoes, I always remove mine. Not because it's something cultural or anything.

When I come back from going out, my feet in my socks can be hot (not to say sweaty), hurt or just want to breath. So when I come back home I remove my shoes and bring them in my room, then I wait for my feet to chill, then I put my slippers. I don't like walking with socks in the house because i live with my mom and my sister and they lose their long hairs and that could bring the long hair in my room, and also dust, and this will bring me to have to vacuum it a lot more often. I don't like walking barefoot because if something is dirty/sticking on the flooring my foot will be dirty and I don't like it.

Damn, I feel so weird and maniac by reading what i wrote.

On a sidenote, removing shoes is like removing coat and warm clothes, to make a contrast between the outerwear and the insidewear, where you want things to be comfy and feel relaxed.

Agreed on the "asian" smell in houses. Once I thought I could go to the same shop where they find their cleaning product and use the same to see if I get the same smell, but I'm to lazy to try, and i don't clean the house myself anyway.

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  • 6 months later...
honestly, this thing is beyond an asian culturalal thing...

why the fuck do people wear shoes inside of their homes? it blows my mind that some like to kick in dirt, dust, water, etc into their homes. what if you stepped on shit that day? fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk that is nasty. why even mop and vacuum if you're gonna step over the "clean spot" with your dirty ass shoes anyway? you stoops? i don't care if i was asian, white, or black i would smack my child if he walked passed the door with his shoes on. native americans got it backwards though cause they walk barefoot outdoors and then come inside barefoot too(JUST KIDDING HARHAR).

every time i walk inside of someone's house and the owner doesnt ask me to take off my shoes i want to ask if i could just spread shit on his walls too. YOU STOOPS NIGGA?!?!?

libs go fuck yehself! you ever heard of doormats bish? thats what thay there for!

holy christ i hated having to take off my shoes in all the indian kids houses from highschool. aight, you dont want dirty shoes all on the carpet, but you cool with smellin' cats' gross, fowl as fuck smelly feet while you tryina get your munch on? how about them shits getting all over your couch? that smell is hard to get out, mah main man at college's room reaks from his feet, i luh the dood, but real talk, peeps shit can get straight fungal! ima go run a marathon with no socks and come kick my dogs up in queens and see what yo' perceptions like!

fuck, gatdamn, i KNOW you dont enjoy having to sit down and lace up those tall docs when youre trying to get out of the house fast, dont front.

shit, now that im thinking about it, you kept them on to sleep in mah bed! YO SHITS BLOWN, STOP FRONTIN' LIKE YOU SOME REAL AZN

ilu still though<3

*edit- lol, i just actually read through some of this thread. i never realized how strongly people felt about taking them off. y'all are some germophobia havin' hypochondriacs

on that white people walking outside barefoot tip lib- your private driveway is one thing, i dont really got beef with that, but since ive been in school ive seen a handful of GIRLS straight up barefoot on new york city sidewalks, both inebriated and sober. GIRLS. GIRLS?! that shit is gross no doubt

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in my house, shoes always come off after you get in the front door.

and for most of my friends' houses, I do the same..

on a side note, whenever I go to someone's house I've never been to before, I always ask "shoes, on or off?" because I don't want to be grinding my socks on some grimy ass floors

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