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Anyone in Orange County willing to help a brother out?


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  FAM0US. said:
78 got scammed.

He is now looking for a hitman.

that's about it.

First I need someone who can snap a pic of the store that is located at the Target Mall.

6895 Katella Ave

Cypress, CA 90630

This used to be a video store called OMNI VIDEO but is now meant to be empty.

Confirmation of what is there is what I'm lookin' for firstly...

This kid Robert Campbell is somehow involved more than he's letting on.

Peep the convo on the left and then the address on the map.


Also getting a crew together.

the more the merrier.

and the more that KNOW the area the better.

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then there's the awesome AIM conversation

[23:16] sneakernerdNSB: bro i dont understand what you want ? i sent my shoes to the same address in westminster i emailed for updated someone emailed me back

[23:16] sahlan230978: word

[23:16] sahlan230978: first thanks for chatting holmes

[23:16] sahlan230978: real stand up of you

[23:16] sahlan230978: so how did you get paid?

[23:17] sneakernerdNSB: i got a bank check from them 2-3 after the emails

[23:18] sahlan230978: Did you request a bank cheque?

[23:18] sahlan230978: What was the signature on the bank cheque?

[23:18] sneakernerdNSB: no i didnt

[23:18] sneakernerdNSB: but i guess thats how they pay people

[23:19] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know whos signature from there store was it was awhile ago

[23:20] sahlan230978: so you don't have the name of the person on the check

[23:21] sahlan230978: What shoes did you sell through them?

[23:21] sneakernerdNSB: i didnt really look at the check at all ... i just seen the mail was address from them

[23:21] sahlan230978: I can understand that

[23:22] sahlan230978: have you ever been to their store?

[23:22] sneakernerdNSB: no i havent

[23:22] sneakernerdNSB: i didnt hear about cypress til you just said that in your thread

[23:22] sahlan230978: why do you think they won't give me their store number? when on their site they say "some items are only available for purchase in-store and are only listed on our website as a courtesy."

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: i was only aware of the westminster address

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know maybe because they where a phyical store and not there just online

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: and theres not one online store you could call

[23:24] sahlan230978: Yes there is. But that's not the point

[23:24] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know a lot of reasons i suppose

[23:25] sahlan230978: what shoes did you sell through them?

[23:25] sneakernerdNSB: just alot of random stuff

how does a guy who joined NikeSB.org in Feb not remember the $1500 deal he did the same month?

[23:25] sahlan230978: allot of random stuff

[23:26] sahlan230978: can you help me out here holmes - Heinekens?

[23:26] sahlan230978: Hawaii's?

[23:26] sahlan230978: Hunters?

[23:26] sahlan230978: youre a sneaker head and you know your stuff - could you please be more specific

[23:26] sahlan230978: thanks

[23:27] sneakernerdNSB: i wouldnt call myself a sneaker head but ok

[23:28] sahlan230978: you got a decent collection and your sig is 'sneakernerd'

[23:28] sahlan230978: you're a sneaker head holmes

[23:28] sahlan230978:

[23:28] sneakernerdNSB: i am more of collecter

[23:28] sneakernerdNSB: sneaker heads are kids who camps etc...

[23:29] sahlan230978: oh ok. definitions are different. that's cool

[23:29] sahlan230978: but as a collector you would remember what you sold through Dunkclusive

[23:29] sahlan230978: do you have the emails between the two of you?

[23:30] sneakernerdNSB: no it was awhile ago no need for me to hold onto them

[23:30] sahlan230978: how long ago?

[23:30] sahlan230978: a year?

[23:30] sahlan230978: a month?

[23:30] sahlan230978: 6 months?

[23:31] sneakernerdNSB: maybe around feb/march

[23:31] sahlan230978: Feb/March

interesting that dunkclusive.com was created in Feb


And 'sneakernerd' joins a week later on NikeSB.org

[23:32] sahlan230978: do you remember any of the random stuff you sold through them?

[23:32] sneakernerdNSB: around there

[23:33] sahlan230978: so you don't remember any specific shoe from that deal?

[23:33] sahlan230978: do you remember how much the cheque was for?

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: around $1,500 give or take

[23:34] sahlan230978: that's a pretty big deal!

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: not really

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: thats not alot of money to me

[23:35] sahlan230978: are you other forums?

[23:35] sneakernerdNSB: nope

[23:36] sahlan230978: it seems very strange that you can't remember what you sold

[23:36] sneakernerdNSB: does it really matter ?

[23:36] sahlan230978: if I look at your posts and when you joined NikeSB.org you'd think you could remember back to Feb/March

[23:36] sneakernerdNSB: what does my post count have to do with anything

[23:37] sahlan230978: I'm looking at how many deals a collector has made in the last 4 months

[23:37] sahlan230978: just seems strange

[23:37] sneakernerdNSB: whats strange ? a collector selling shoes ?

[23:37] sneakernerdNSB: it happens

[23:38] sahlan230978: strange is that a collector can't remember. That's all. And you have no emails or anything showing this deal at all

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: why would i keep email from almost 3 months ago?

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: that doesnt make sense

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: i have no need for them

[23:38] sahlan230978: do you use hotmail/gmail/yahoo?

[23:38] sahlan230978: aol?

[23:39] sneakernerdNSB: nope i use blackberry and att

[23:40] sahlan230978: So do you know where 6895 Katella Ave is?

[23:40] sahlan230978: Is it near you?

[23:41] sneakernerdNSB: it could be by me but i wouldnt know the address only the shit around the streets


[23:41] sneakernerdNSB: why

[23:41] sahlan230978: You're name is Robert Campbell correct?

[23:42] sneakernerdNSB: yes

[23:42] sahlan230978: Do you know where Katella Ave is?

[23:42] sneakernerdNSB: yes

[23:43] sahlan230978: Do you know the Target mall infront of your house?

[23:43] sneakernerdNSB: there a target by me but not in front of my house

[23:44] sneakernerdNSB: theres also alot of other stores whats your point ?

[23:44] sahlan230978: but it's pretty close right?

[23:44] sneakernerdNSB: kinda of

[23:44] sahlan230978: As a collector you know most sneaker spots in the OC right?

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: no becauset there are now

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: *because

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: i dont shop over either so wheres this going?

[23:45] sahlan230978: I'm sorry I'm confused

[23:46] sahlan230978: and you've never been to Dunkclusive right?

[23:46] sahlan230978: I just want to find someone who's actually been to their store

[23:46] sneakernerdNSB: didn't you read the part where i said i was aware of them having a address in cypress

[23:47] sneakernerdNSB: my shoes went to wesminster just like yours

[23:47] sahlan230978: did you mail them?

[23:47] sahlan230978: or hand deliver them?

[23:47] sneakernerdNSB: i sent them via usps

[23:47] sahlan230978: But they're so close by to you

[23:48] sahlan230978: it's strange you didn't just drop them off


[23:48] sneakernerdNSB: thats what i said but i was told they dont do drop offs or pick-ups

[23:48] sneakernerdNSB: so i was like whatever

[23:48] sahlan230978: they don't do drop offs at their store?

[23:49] sahlan230978: See this is very strange

[23:49] sahlan230978: they have a store inCypress

[23:49] sahlan230978: a PHYSICAL STORE

[23:49] sahlan230978: near your house



[23:49] sneakernerdNSB: i asked to come to westminster and drop them off

[23:49] sahlan230978: but you can't drop off shoes there?

[23:49] sneakernerdNSB: and i was told its not possible

[23:50] sahlan230978: are you willing to go to their store location at Target sometime?

[23:51] sahlan230978: because that would really help me out

[23:51] sneakernerdNSB: yeah i can swing by there but i thought you said someone told you it was empty ?

[23:51] sahlan230978: yeah

[23:51] sahlan230978: but I have no photo evidence

[23:51] sneakernerdNSB: oh ok

[23:51] sahlan230978: that would be awesome holmes

[23:51] sahlan230978: thanks so much

[23:52] sneakernerdNSB: dont sweat it

[23:53] sahlan230978: and if they are there

[23:53] sahlan230978: think you can ask them what's up with my shoes!

[23:53] sahlan230978: ha

[23:53] sahlan230978:

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honestly 78. I would suggest just taking the hit, as hard as it is, and moving on. Are you a United States citizen? For some reason I assume you live in Asia. Anyways, I had something very similar happen to me a few years ago with some canadians, lost about the same amount in money as well. Basically 1500 dollars is too little for the FBI or any one to waste their time. These kids probably have the bare minimum of scamming skills to make finding them just difficult enough for the cops to not want to expend the energy. This is especially true if it's an international thing because it brings it to a jurisdiction level where you 1500 bucks is peanuts. Sorry about the scam though and best of luck.

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I have been to that Target and am aware of the OMNI VIDEO sign; cannot comment as to whether the store was operational or not.

And to echo what Ian Brown said you would likely have to take a hit because the amount is not enough to warrant police action, especially in a relatively large Southern California city. However, if I do come across Robert Cambell and he is wearing some rare dunks I will kindly punch him in the mouth and spit in his face.

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  78 said:
then there's the awesome AIM conversation

[23:16] sneakernerdNSB: bro i dont understand what you want ? i sent my shoes to the same address in westminster i emailed for updated someone emailed me back

[23:16] sahlan230978: word

[23:16] sahlan230978: first thanks for chatting holmes

[23:16] sahlan230978: real stand up of you

[23:16] sahlan230978: so how did you get paid?

[23:17] sneakernerdNSB: i got a bank check from them 2-3 after the emails

[23:18] sahlan230978: Did you request a bank cheque?

[23:18] sahlan230978: What was the signature on the bank cheque?

[23:18] sneakernerdNSB: no i didnt

[23:18] sneakernerdNSB: but i guess thats how they pay people

[23:19] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know whos signature from there store was it was awhile ago

[23:20] sahlan230978: so you don't have the name of the person on the check

[23:21] sahlan230978: What shoes did you sell through them?

[23:21] sneakernerdNSB: i didnt really look at the check at all ... i just seen the mail was address from them

[23:21] sahlan230978: I can understand that

[23:22] sahlan230978: have you ever been to their store?

[23:22] sneakernerdNSB: no i havent

[23:22] sneakernerdNSB: i didnt hear about cypress til you just said that in your thread

[23:22] sahlan230978: why do you think they won't give me their store number? when on their site they say "some items are only available for purchase in-store and are only listed on our website as a courtesy."

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: i was only aware of the westminster address

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know maybe because they where a phyical store and not there just online

[23:23] sneakernerdNSB: and theres not one online store you could call

[23:24] sahlan230978: Yes there is. But that's not the point

[23:24] sneakernerdNSB: i dont know a lot of reasons i suppose

[23:25] sahlan230978: what shoes did you sell through them?

[23:25] sneakernerdNSB: just alot of random stuff

how does a guy who joined NikeSB.org in Feb not remember the $1500 deal he did the same month?

[23:25] sahlan230978: allot of random stuff

[23:26] sahlan230978: can you help me out here holmes - Heinekens?

[23:26] sahlan230978: Hawaii's?

[23:26] sahlan230978: Hunters?

[23:26] sahlan230978: youre a sneaker head and you know your stuff - could you please be more specific

[23:26] sahlan230978: thanks

[23:27] sneakernerdNSB: i wouldnt call myself a sneaker head but ok

[23:28] sahlan230978: you got a decent collection and your sig is 'sneakernerd'

[23:28] sahlan230978: you're a sneaker head holmes

[23:28] sahlan230978:

[23:28] sneakernerdNSB: i am more of collecter

[23:28] sneakernerdNSB: sneaker heads are kids who camps etc...

[23:29] sahlan230978: oh ok. definitions are different. that's cool

[23:29] sahlan230978: but as a collector you would remember what you sold through Dunkclusive

[23:29] sahlan230978: do you have the emails between the two of you?

[23:30] sneakernerdNSB: no it was awhile ago no need for me to hold onto them

[23:30] sahlan230978: how long ago?

[23:30] sahlan230978: a year?

[23:30] sahlan230978: a month?

[23:30] sahlan230978: 6 months?

[23:31] sneakernerdNSB: maybe around feb/march

[23:31] sahlan230978: Feb/March

interesting that dunkclusive.com was created in Feb


And 'sneakernerd' joins a week later on NikeSB.org

[23:32] sahlan230978: do you remember any of the random stuff you sold through them?

[23:32] sneakernerdNSB: around there

[23:33] sahlan230978: so you don't remember any specific shoe from that deal?

[23:33] sahlan230978: do you remember how much the cheque was for?

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: around $1,500 give or take

[23:34] sahlan230978: that's a pretty big deal!

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: not really

[23:34] sneakernerdNSB: thats not alot of money to me

[23:35] sahlan230978: are you other forums?

[23:35] sneakernerdNSB: nope

[23:36] sahlan230978: it seems very strange that you can't remember what you sold

[23:36] sneakernerdNSB: does it really matter ?

[23:36] sahlan230978: if I look at your posts and when you joined NikeSB.org you'd think you could remember back to Feb/March

[23:36] sneakernerdNSB: what does my post count have to do with anything

[23:37] sahlan230978: I'm looking at how many deals a collector has made in the last 4 months

[23:37] sahlan230978: just seems strange

[23:37] sneakernerdNSB: whats strange ? a collector selling shoes ?

[23:37] sneakernerdNSB: it happens

[23:38] sahlan230978: strange is that a collector can't remember. That's all. And you have no emails or anything showing this deal at all

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: why would i keep email from almost 3 months ago?

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: that doesnt make sense

[23:38] sneakernerdNSB: i have no need for them

[23:38] sahlan230978: do you use hotmail/gmail/yahoo?

[23:38] sahlan230978: aol?

[23:39] sneakernerdNSB: nope i use blackberry and att

[23:40] sahlan230978: So do you know where 6895 Katella Ave is?

[23:40] sahlan230978: Is it near you?

[23:41] sneakernerdNSB: it could be by me but i wouldnt know the address only the shit around the streets


[23:41] sneakernerdNSB: why

[23:41] sahlan230978: You're name is Robert Campbell correct?

[23:42] sneakernerdNSB: yes

[23:42] sahlan230978: Do you know where Katella Ave is?

[23:42] sneakernerdNSB: yes

[23:43] sahlan230978: Do you know the Target mall infront of your house?

[23:43] sneakernerdNSB: there a target by me but not in front of my house

[23:44] sneakernerdNSB: theres also alot of other stores whats your point ?

[23:44] sahlan230978: but it's pretty close right?

[23:44] sneakernerdNSB: kinda of

[23:44] sahlan230978: As a collector you know most sneaker spots in the OC right?

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: no becauset there are now

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: *because

[23:45] sneakernerdNSB: i dont shop over either so wheres this going?

[23:45] sahlan230978: I'm sorry I'm confused

[23:46] sahlan230978: and you've never been to Dunkclusive right?

[23:46] sahlan230978: I just want to find someone who's actually been to their store

[23:46] sneakernerdNSB: didn't you read the part where i said i was aware of them having a address in cypress

[23:47] sneakernerdNSB: my shoes went to wesminster just like yours

[23:47] sahlan230978: did you mail them?

[23:47] sahlan230978: or hand deliver them?

[23:47] sneakernerdNSB: i sent them via usps

[23:47] sahlan230978: But they're so close by to you

[23:48] sahlan230978: it's strange you didn't just drop them off


[23:48] sneakernerdNSB: thats what i said but i was told they dont do drop offs or pick-ups

[23:48] sneakernerdNSB: so i was like whatever

[23:48] sahlan230978: they don't do drop offs at their store?

[23:49] sahlan230978: See this is very strange

[23:49] sahlan230978: they have a store inCypress

[23:49] sahlan230978: a PHYSICAL STORE

[23:49] sahlan230978: near your house



[23:49] sneakernerdNSB: i asked to come to westminster and drop them off

[23:49] sahlan230978: but you can't drop off shoes there?

[23:49] sneakernerdNSB: and i was told its not possible

[23:50] sahlan230978: are you willing to go to their store location at Target sometime?

[23:51] sahlan230978: because that would really help me out

[23:51] sneakernerdNSB: yeah i can swing by there but i thought you said someone told you it was empty ?

[23:51] sahlan230978: yeah

[23:51] sahlan230978: but I have no photo evidence

[23:51] sneakernerdNSB: oh ok

[23:51] sahlan230978: that would be awesome holmes

[23:51] sahlan230978: thanks so much

[23:52] sneakernerdNSB: dont sweat it

[23:53] sahlan230978: and if they are there

[23:53] sahlan230978: think you can ask them what's up with my shoes!

[23:53] sahlan230978: ha

[23:53] sahlan230978:



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  Downwithianbrown said:
honestly 78. I would suggest just taking the hit, as hard as it is, and moving on. Are you a United States citizen? For some reason I assume you live in Asia. Anyways, I had something very similar happen to me a few years ago with some canadians, lost about the same amount in money as well. Basically 1500 dollars is too little for the FBI or any one to waste their time. These kids probably have the bare minimum of scamming skills to make finding them just difficult enough for the cops to not want to expend the energy. This is especially true if it's an international thing because it brings it to a jurisdiction level where you 1500 bucks is peanuts. Sorry about the scam though and best of luck.

im not sure if your familiar with cali state law but under penal code 484 there is a title labeled grand theft.


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the main thing revelead in 1.5 days of research is that this guy(s) is a notorious scammer based in the OC area. They've been doing this for a while on NT, ISS, NSB and maybe even more.

Yeah my money is peanuts BUT as with most net-crime the more complaints the more the FBI (not cops) have to act - regardless of the $.

Ofcourse most of the kids who trade in kicks are lazy kids with ADD... so it ain't like it's ever gonna get anywhere.

Honestly the money's pfffffffffffffffft to me.

It's the principle.

And yes I am in Asia but I am a US citizen and do travel stateside often.

Also this seems helpful http://www.ic3.gov/

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  renski said:
im not sure if your familiar with cali state law but under penal code 484 there is a title labeled grand theft.


I know you are being helpful but I am a card carrying member of the California State Bar. It takes a lot for the police to get involved, especially for internet crimes. Research with computers is involved and the Police are not so savvy with computers as one may like. There are some cities that have an internet crimes department, but the amount in controversy is usually more then the market value of some highly sought after sneakers.

Another aspect that should be considered is where 78 is from. Australia is not high on the priority list. I am not saying that efforts should be halted, but calling the police and hoping they get involved is an exercise in futility.

Didn't notice you were a US citizen. However, just like 78 has said getting a list of those scammed is a way of motivating the police. A short desciption of what items were involved, the time of occurence, the value, and the parties involved should be documented.

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Hopefully we'll have pics of the 3 addresses involved in this whole mess.

One guy has come and said he will help eye witness this 'sneakernerd' if confirmation of identy needs to be done.

I should be getting paid for this kinda work. hahahaha.

Imagine if the privacy law in the states hadn't restricted all the sat map sites from the close ups... I'd be recording the 3 addresses waiting to see some kid in bright dunks walk out. hahahahaha

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