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stumbled upon this and it blew my mind...

Watch the last shot of this show and you can SEE the answer!

Do you get it???

Ok.....the last shot focuses on Walt's glasses.

When Gus is walking towards the car his suspicion is only raised when Walt begins to urge him towards the car. He looks around as if he can hear Walt talking......Walt's glasses are bugged.

Once you view it that way it all falls into place.

When Walt woke up a few episodes back and his broken glasses were fixed by his bed he assumed that Flynn had fixed them. That however has never been confirmed they could have been dropped in my surveilance obsessive Gus.

It explains how Gus has been one step ahead the whole way through, playing Walt and Jessie...

Either way this is the best TV I have ever seen!

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If u watch the episode again, Gus has no listening device in his ears and you can see the gears turning in his head before Walt even starts talking.

Jesse is a bad liar, should not have let on about the poison, and probably should'nt have insisted that Gus come to the hospital in such certain terms. Also, if things are as they appear, Walt should be dead or at least Jesse should be after him, but Jesse makes no mention of him in spite of the fact that he is the probable culprit.

In all likelihood, the glasses created a reflection, but even if they didn't Gus did not get to where he is w/o being cautious and careful.

Lastly, Walt aint killing no ankle biters.

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Wow. Mind blown! Gus been in the game for ages!!

Btw, I think Gus stopped because his brain was cranking and he figured out Jesse's plan and is going down to confront him. Either that or it was the glasses on the forehead...

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just read this on the comments somewhere:

"During the scene where Walter is spinning his gun on the table, the gun lands on a flower plant giving White an idea.

Ricin the poison used on Brock comes from a flower plant."

if thats true shit is gonna hit the fan next ep

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Why would Walt go thru the hassle of getting Saul to steal the ricin from Jesse rather than just make a new batch?

Also, what would Gus gain from poisoning Brock? I can understand Walt trying to frame Gus to get Jesse back on his side. But I wouldn't think he'd use ricin which would lead back to him...

ahh, dammit, i just can't wait for next ep.

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I hope this isnt gonna turn out like Lost, where all the theories are incredibly sound and are backed up by subtle but solid proof, except that the show never actually explains shit properly in the end

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  mrip said:
as cheesy as that gus shot was it was worth it cuz i thought gus was still alive for a brief second

I saw him step out and was momentarily shocked.

To be quite honest, I have no clue how they're gonna get 16 more episodes. Don't get me wrong, I want the show to go on forever, but these writers have their work cut out for them.

The progression of Jesse's character has been amazing... and Walt as the villain is great as well.

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  islandboi8204 said:
why did gus go confront hector?

Gus went to kill Hector personally because Hector was the last remaining connection to the cartel.... it didn't hurt that Hector killed his brother years earlier.

I agree that it was a poor choice on Gus' part. The moment he stepped out of the car in the nursing home parking lot, I looked at a buddy of mine and said "Gus is fucking up". Yes, he wanted the "job" done correctly, but he made it way too personal. He failed to separate his emotions from his job, and it cost him his life.

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