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damn, I'm guessing they skimped on XS stuff again this season too :(

bad luck on the timetable pand, 4 and 6 hour breaks are bullshit. my timetable isn't too bad this semester (besides thursdays):

monday: 10:30 - 15:30

tuesday: 9:30 - 17:30

wednesday: 10.30 - 12.30

thursday: 14.30 - 19.30 :mad:

friday: 15:30 - 17:30

better look out for stalkers posting your timetable online though :P

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that's ridiculous that they let more people than can fit book into the classes. RMIT only allows a certain number of people to book into each class, if you're not up at 6am setting up your timetable on the day it opens then you're basically guaranteed a shitty timetable.

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reasonable considering the state of the economy. the company that I'm doing vac work with atm took 20 new grads this year, 4 in the department I'm working in alone.

I'd be keen to get started as soon as I graduate, grad positions usually start early jan to mid feb so you still have a couple of months to kick back before starting work.

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haha, yeah the long uni break is great until you run out of shit to do. would have been nice to have a proper break this time though, the only holiday I had was 1 week in sydney and the 2 weeks over xmas & ny. I get next weekend off before I start back at uni again :P

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I'm not sure any of us have bothered to turn up to an event hahaha, seksu might have been to a few from memory. If you can get us into parties, i'll be in for a week of parties and free booze meet up...

I'm sure fat will have somthing, and anyone and everyone has a hook up for that.

I'm not sure how many of our favourite labels will be showing, with the economy...

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last year the only noteworthy show for me was fat's. this year's line up is looking better though, several of the "Paris Runway" shows sound good and there are some interesting designers in the independent runway shows. I'm particularly looking forward to Lui Hon's first presentation, the shots online look great and he's a really nice guy (one of the SA's at Assin).

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last year the only noteworthy show for me was fat's. this year's line up is looking better though, several of the "Paris Runway" shows sound good and there are some interesting designers in the independent runway shows. I'm particularly looking forward to Lui Hon's first presentation, the shots online look great and he's a really nice guy (one of the SA's at Assin).

are you going along d? If there was stuff worth seeing I would be keen. Seeing Paris, then NY fashion weeks always makes me want to crash some here in melbourne

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just had a look through the program.

Paris Runway 5 looks decent for Friedrich Gray and NOM*d but everything else is insufferable shit, I've never liked a single piece that alpha60 has produced and Jack London is nothing but a shameless Dior knockoff (although I do buy their business shirts because they're cheap and fit reasonably well :P).

I'd like to see the Claude Maus presentation but it's the only designer I'm interested in at Paris Runway 7. not sure why they're been presented by Assin though, might be because they did a collaboration with them last year.

I may to go to the Independent Runway at Docklands, even then it's only really for Lui Hon's presentation. saint augustine academy, trimapee and who am eye are kinda meh.

may go to some of the shows if they turn into sufu meet ups haha.

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