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i am legend


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Hey, that goth-ninja-zombie-vamp-chick he had in his lab had a tight little body on her. He coulda gone over to Atelier and kop'd some CCP lingerie for her – he'd a bin good t'go.

Yo for real!

Also, why was he wearin' all the same shit er'day?! I mean, there was nobody else in the city; Go run through Atelier and rock some different steez every day. But nah, he has to wear those same run down cords...

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Hey, that goth-ninja-zombie-vamp-chick he had in his lab had a tight little body on her. He coulda gone over to Atelier and kop'd some CCP lingerie for her – he'd a bin good t'go.

Yo for real!

Also, why was he wearin' all the same shit er'day?! I mean, there was nobody else in the city; Go run through Atelier and rock some different steez every day. But nah, he has to wear those same run down cords...

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^^true, and I would have definitely driven something more exotic than he did.

All in all pretty enjoyable in my opinion, better than most shit at the theatres.

Streaming, screener quality version here by the way


dont post links.

we get in trouble for links like that.

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I enjoyed it for what it was. I didn't go in with extremely high expectations, I wasn't expecting to see a cinematic masterpiece or something that I'd spend the next few nights dwelling on or trying to recount all the little plot intricacies and other bullshit. Though another post apocalyptic movie coming out that I have extremely high expectations for is the film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road. If done right, it could be fucking incredible. It would be great to see a post apocalyptic environment that had no CGI at all.

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I'm surprised with all the free shit he had available to him, that he didn't build supped up armored SUVs, mini vans, sports cars with UV lights and chain saws sticking out it sides.

He could have hit up Home Depot and built a huge wall or moat around his townhouse.

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I'll get back to this thread after I've read the book, am curious now.

Anyway I always really dig this atmosphere, and thought NYC looked really good.

Some things:

- so nobody looted when they closed of Manhattan and shit hit the fan? I thought it looked all very neat and stylish.

- 10 minutes before he gets tricked by the undead/vampire guys by stepping in a quite elaborate (psychological even) trap he says that one exposed himself to sunlight and that it appeared as if they have devolved away from even their basic survival instincts???

- all other points have been noted already...

back later

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- 10 minutes before he gets tricked by the undead/vampire guys by stepping in a quite elaborate (psychological even) trap he says that one exposed himself to sunlight and that it appeared as if they have devolved away from even their basic survival instincts???

yeah... he didn't say anything about survival instincts, but something about the last remnants of human societal structure where now gone. even when he said that, though, i thought he was fundamentally misinterpreting things: the zombie guy who briefly exposed himself to the sun was pretty obviously upset that neville captured the woman zombie -- hardly the action of an unsocialized figure.

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the guy went into the sunlight because neville caught his woman.

neville was way off on his anlysis of their personalities.

wow, i just figured this out.

the head zombie was the one who stuck his head out.

he learned the trap that caught neville by studying the trap neville set to catch said zombie's woman.

he was seeking revenge on neville.

that's why he was such a beast.

the moral of the story is don't mess with a zombie's woman.

that's why he freaked when he got downstairs and saw her in the lab.

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it's left to the imagination, above average film making, but im still not so sure about the trap neville got caught in

did he set it and forgot, or did the creatures do it? It's pretty ambigous, on the one hand smith is going crazy mentally and so could have forgot but on the other hand he was visibally distraught at seeing 'fred' in that place and in the novel the vampires set a trap after watching neville for ages, but then neville insinuates they are stupid?

and wtf was all the headbutting about? so stupid

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the ending did truly suck.. I feel like it ended so abruptly.. I mean come on, when the zombie kept smashing his skull against the glass, there was a hole in it big enough to throw the grenade through and he couldve escaped with the woman and the child..

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Ah so apparently I finished the book already, but there were a couple of short stories behind it that didn't have anything to do with the I am legend story. Not reading those now.

Back on point, I'm always curious how the writer of the story feels about a movie being made from his story but then it gets changed so much.

I mean, they even changed the whole idea behind why he is "Legend"

Apart from that, I don't think I have much to add to what has been said already, and Sid was really on point with what he said.

Iso, you finished the book already?

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the ending did truly suck.. I feel like it ended so abruptly.. I mean come on, when the zombie kept smashing his skull against the glass, there was a hole in it big enough to throw the grenade through and he couldve escaped with the woman and the child..

no man

he was waiting for the absolute last moment

because once the grenade detonates, everyone dies

the glass wouldn't have saved him

remember that in a lab, there are compressed gasses in the near proximity

the ending was not bad because a conclusion would have taken too long

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the ending did truly suck.. I feel like it ended so abruptly.. I mean come on, when the zombie kept smashing his skull against the glass, there was a hole in it big enough to throw the grenade through and he couldve escaped with the woman and the child..

I think Neville wanted to die once he discovered the cure. Mainly because he had nothing else to live for because his family was dead and everything.

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