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Things i've used for an unusually long period of time...


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I keep remembering shit after looking at other people's posts...

Original Nintendo - 21 years

Super Nintendo - 16 years

I've got a Sega Genesis and Original Game Boy that still work, but I almost never use them anymore...so I'm not counting them. But I got 'em both new when they were first released.

Fuck discs. If it doesn't come on a cartridge, I don't need to play it.

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  Hocus Pocus said:
Vintage brown cowboy-ish belt: almost everyday for four years. didn't realize this was long but apparently that's a good lifespan for a belt

I have a belt strap that's going on something like 8 years. Change the buckles every now and then. Don't wear it every day, though. Just got a belt strap from miz's guy. Hopefully it's still around in a couple of years, as I can only imagine the patina it'll develop.

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Playstation 2 - about 7 years

No Doubt-Tragic Kingdom/Fugees-The Score - 12 years

Beastie Boys-Hello Nasty/ Jay-Z-Hard Knock Life - 10 years

Transnine beanie - 5 years

Chucks - 4 years

My voicemail recording was the same for about 5 years...but I had to change it recently.

The strings on my P-bass are about 4 years old

the only things that i can think of...yeah nothing too impressive

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My '96 Toyota Avalon has over 240,000 miles on it and has NEVER broken down or been in the shop for anything wrong (only regular oil changes and updated stickers). Can anybody beat it?

I've had the same email addy for like 14 years.

Some t-shirts I still wear that I got like 9 years ago.

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  Thorns said:
My '96 Toyota Avalon has over 240,000 miles on it and has NEVER broken down or been in the shop for anything wrong (only regular oil changes and updated stickers). Can anybody beat it?

Wish I could, but theres many articles about hondas, toyotas, even mercedes going for over 1 million miles. Dont quote me on legitness though.

Password- 4 years.

P3 comp.- 6 years.

Visconti Fountain Pen- 1 year. <Parents bought me a more expensive pen since they know I take care of things that costs more than a couple bucks...its working, havent lost this one yet *knocks on wood*>

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  samsikle said:

my favorite stuffed animal (i don't have like a million of them btw): 15 years

i know i'm young but thinking of these years is kinda crazy.

same! i have a teddy bear named bubby that my mom bought me at the same time she bought me the 8 bit nintendo for christmas when it came out. i think that was '85 or '86. so that is like.... 21 years. i still kiss it good night sometimes.

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  Thorns said:
^there may be stories, but i've yet to meet a person.

The distance from the earth to the moon is only 238,000 miles roughly.

my family had a 92 camary that had 225k miles on it. it drove perfectly dispite being my first car and me beating the living shit out of it and no regular oil changes. the transmission finally gave out in 99 (thats only 7 years of driving!!!) and it wasn't worth it to fix it up so we gave it to a mexican family for free and they fixed it and are still driving it.

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i still have my porn i downloaded on at 14.4k modem on the prodigy internet network (think AOL) that is still on my xbox that i've recently looked at. she was some model i thought was hot. i saved the picture off playboy.com cause that was they only porn site i knew of back than. gotta be around 1990ish.

edit: holy shit, this brings back memories Prodigy_Sign_In_Screen.png

i was a user even before they offered world wide web access , and then they finialy did in about 94ish. old school porn on 14.4k us robotics modem on my parents $1600 66mhz computer!! i can't believe i discovered the internet by accident!

my parents beat my ass when they found out how much monies it was costing at the hourly rate.

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a NES system I bought used about 11 years ago. Tetris, Cobra Triangle, SuperSpike V'ball--ftw

a wool radar skully from an army surplus store--11 years

a vintage Puma track jacket (it was vintage when I bought it at a thrift shop back in '94)--13 years

I still use a blanket I've had for as long as I can remember--25-30 years

Burlington Coat Factory sleeping bag I use for a comforter--20 years

also have an iMac that I used just for iTunes up until I got a new MacBook a few months ago. Graphite, 500mhz--7 years

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  whitney said:
I have been wearing my eddie bauer jacket at home for the past few days. Its huge but keeps me warm.

I brought it in seventh grade and it was huge on me then...I thought I'd grow into it.


Its been 10 years.

Make sure to post the picture when you finally fit those things.

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NES- for a long time. still play duck hunt for fun sometimes

Sega Genesis- also for a long time. just played through old beat 'em up games with cousins who are over for old times' sake: Mystical Fighter, Streets of Rage 2, Battletoads vs. Double Dragon, etc.

TV- a really really really old small Toshiba in my room with big antennae. also downstairs our living room TV is a really old Sony. both from '70s, both have colour and cable, both work great

1988 Honda Accord- my dad's old white manual transmission go-to car with flip up headlights bought when new. recently passed away earlier this year (not worth it to replace transmission; ~20 years on the first clutch) :( i remember as a kid riding passenger while we listen to 98.1 CHFI... :o

lead pencil- since 7th grade? i'm in 2nd year university now; so....yeah

wallet- super vintage goat leather 6 card billfold my dad gave me when i was younger; still in relatively good condition

e-mail address- since 4th or 5th grade

that's all i can think of right now

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