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clopek vs. I'm Big At LC

Guest jmatsu

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Wow Clopek, you really do put some effort into these battles huh?

Ain't that a little sad, spending time to sift through my posts so you can find a couple that reenforce your belief that I'm just a big 'ol fag? Oh well, I guess that some people are just so boring and such terrible people that they feel they need to pick fights with others.

Hmm, have fun with that. I'm gonna go play some poker with my friends.

Maybe you should go jerk off while I'm gone, you might miss the only source of entertainment in your life.

Peace haters.

- Ben

i put no effort into this, i'm sitting on my ass after a day at work watching southpark and intermittently bashing you on sufu.

it took 2 seconds to look through all 40 of your posts, some of which i knew of already because of how glarngly stupid they were.

boring and terrible? 1 out of 2 ain't bad i guess...

did you guys throw on entourage while you played hold em? please stereotype yourself further.

edit: it was grammatical, however it made no fucking sense.

please go away now.

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If you're putting "no effort into this", why do you seem so very defensive and continue to try and make me give in?

And if you want to talk about grammar, your sentence

i'm sitting on my ass after a day at work watching southpark
is missing a comma, which is resulting in a misplaced modifier. You're making it sound like your job is watching Southpark. If you want it to be correct, you should have typed
i'm sitting on my ass, after a day at work, watching southpark

And have you watched Entourage? Truthfully, I enjoy it very much. I'm assuming you're someone who hates it because you think it stands for stupid Americans who just love reading People and find Britney Spears' life so amazingly interesting. If not, I respect your opinion.

Thank you, come again.

- Ben

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-because its funny and you're a douche

-i dont give a fuck if i missed a comma, clearly my job is not watching southpark fucktard

-i have seen it and the reason it sucks has nothing to do with its target demographic (although that helps), its how fucking terrible the characters are. so much potential wasted on so many shitty people. who gives a shit about this shallow prick and his asshole mooch friends? oooooh, one of you is rich and completely uninteresting, lets make a show out of it.

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If you're putting "no effort into this", why do you seem so very defensive and continue to try and make me give in?

And if you want to talk about grammar, your sentence is missing a comma, which is resulting in a misplaced modifier. You're making it sound like your job is watching Southpark. If you want it to be correct, you should have typed .

And have you watched Entourage? Truthfully, I enjoy it very much. I'm assuming you're someone who hates it because you think it stands for stupid Americans who just love reading People and find Britney Spears' life so amazingly interesting. If not, I respect your opinion.

Thank you, come again.

- Ben

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma with no conjunction. For example:

It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark.

It is usually considered an error in both British and American English. It is condemned in The Elements of Style.

Can we please leave grammatical errors out of this and get back to the task at hand?

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Isn't that really what most of tv is nowadays? Most of it is shit, and I will admit that. I actually love the characters, I find them absolutely hilarious, but, as I said before, I respect your opinion on the matter because you have real, solid reason.

I only pointed out your comma error because you stated my last comment was grammatically incorrect, so i figured I'd continue the trend.

Name calling too? Oh man, this guy's a pro. I better step out of the ring and just get on my knees and bow. What are you, a second-grader?

- Ben

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clopek you just gotta stop picking fights in which you only half-heartedly fight

your whole attitude in any ebeef i see you in is just like "ehhh i disagree with you sometimes but its not really a big deal i guess but i still hate you i'm to big of a person to be participating in an online argument anyway."

Isn't that really what most of tv is nowadays? Most of it is shit, and I will admit that. I actually love the characters, I find them absolutely hilarious, but, as I said before, I respect your opinion on the matter because you have real, solid reason.

I only pointed out your comma error because you stated my last comment was grammatically incorrect, so i figured I'd continue the trend.

Name calling too? Oh man, this guy's a pro. I better step out of the ring and just get on my knees and bow. What are you, a second-grader?

- Ben

i'm not too big of a person, but when shit boils down to comebacks like this i am definitely too lazy to keep going.

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I joined like 4 days ago, what do you expect my post count to be? Now you're just making excuses not to fight anymore so I won't keep kicking your ass.

Now is when you come back and call me a douche, and try to rebuild your defenses for another round of flaming. It's a little predictable and boring, especially when you can't even come up with some real contributions to this "battle".

- Ben

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i was referring to westside. please feel free to continue kicking my ass though.

allow me to continue flogging the dumbass persona you portray with every post

I'm Big At LC vbmenu_register("postmenu_789065", true);



join date: Nov 2007

posts: 52


no one gives a fuck that you're big at your school. and i'm almost certainly sure you aren't.\



Like the fit in general, but the gloves in addition make me feel like I'm looking at a bargain basement hit man. Take the gloves off.

- Ben


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I'm also sure I'm not "big" at my school, it's a play on those shirts and shit that are like "I'm big in Japan".

What if I said "no" to allowing you to "continue flogging me"? What purpose would that serve? Truthfully it seems like I'm the one flogging here, and you're putting up very flimsy retorts to try and stop me.

- Ben

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i was looking for the perfect video ever to kindof end this shit off , yknow that south park where cartman beats the shit out of a midget, but the midget keeps saying "see! there is nothing i cannot do! my stature will never hold me back!" that's what i keep thinking of here.

stupid copyright laws.

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