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A set of Texas BBQ pickups with the new toasted nickle covers by Rio Grande.. Best fucking guitar pickups in the world, hand wound in Texas.


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herman miller chair, correct?

yup, herman miller aeron.

there's an interesting story about it in malcolm gladwell's "the tipping point." this chair scored horribly in testing. people hated the design initially. but herman miller believed in the product and pushed it into the market anyways. and although it took few years, after people became used to the unusual design it became the best selling office chair ever.

go figure.

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i have this chair at work and its so fucking uncomfortable. i don't get it... $1000 for a chair that sucks?

Jigga wat? I work at least 12+ hour days 5 days a week and I have to say that HM-type chairs are the BEST. Every single chair in our office is HM. I never realized how much an improvement in comfort a chair could bring until I tried sitting in a normal chair again for long periods. It may be expensive and you may be paying a price premium, but the fundamental design is pretty amazing.

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i have this chair at work and its so fucking uncomfortable. i don't get it... $1000 for a chair that sucks?

there are many adjustment points on the aeron, so it may not be configured correctly for your height/weight/body type/posture. i couldnt quite get them figured out either and bought the mirra chair instead ( a lot more basic option from HM) and i absolutely love it. I would say spend some time messing with the suspension/tilt until it feels better. there are definitely worse out there! i went the cheap route when i first opened my store and the first chair i bought nearly killed me.

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Jigga wat? I work at least 12+ hour days 5 days a week and I have to say that HM-type chairs are the BEST. Every single chair in our office is HM. I never realized how much an improvement in comfort a chair could bring until I tried sitting in a normal chair again for long periods. It may be expensive and you may be paying a price premium, but the fundamental design is pretty amazing.

WORD! most comfy chair ever!

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