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WAYWT shit talking thread


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What about some hair? I mean you look bland, like a white guy in tokyo.

Like how they would draw a white person in an anime. You know how the draw blacks in anime...

what about some hair? what about you grow a fucking clue...i don't look like a bland white guy in tokyo, i look like a white guy with a shaved head would look anywhere in the world...oh, and i also look like a naval officer...christ

and no i don't know how they draw "blacks" in anime...jesus

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only when he masturbates or when pleasuring his drill sgt.

you talk about class and would like to claim maturity? how could i engage in an intelligent conversation concerning the military and politics with someone who writes drivel like this? buddy, there are no drill sgt. in the navy

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you talk about class and would like to claim maturity? how could i engage in an intelligent conversation concerning the military and politics with someone who writes drivel like this? buddy, there are no drill sgt. in the navy

"in the navy" -village people.

shut up grunt. or is jar head the appopriate term for navy cretins?

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well, he seems to have better taste and much more class than you. i'm sure he'd do better in japan.

do exactly what better in japan? engage in fruitless nanpa outings with you and your boy from the "tokyo" thread? better taste? great, he doesn't like my shades...cool, i can handle that - he does have good taste in music, i'll give him that.

jmatsu, you are full of an endless stream of tired comments

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Jmat I am on it.. not just because you asked either... i was already getting ready to neg rep this guy because of his poor fit.

"WAYWT shit talking thread 02-27-2008 08:44 AM jmatsu you wack, white devil. "

this is fantastic - you BOTH + repped me. freudian slip of the finger on your mouse? fools

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do exactly what better in japan? engage in fruitless nanpa outings with you and your boy from the "tokyo" thread? better taste? great, he doesn't like my shades...cool, i can handle that - he does have good taste in music, i'll give him that.

jmatsu, you are full of an endless stream of tired comments

you have superiors in the navy or whatever boys club that got you to jp. you strike me as the type of goon that is used to taking orders. recognize your superiors here, jarhead.

my comments are tired? my comments are a reaction to your shitty posts about crap denim and fuckin bearbricks. you're a disgrace. really not helping the military's image...

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we need some german and/or italian poster to accidentally posrep him too, itd be like a little WWII re-enactment on supertalk

except sidneylo has the nuke

Nah, those are just the major axis powers. What about Thailand, Finland, and Iraq?

Ya gotta have the whole fuckin Planeteers gang neg rep that shit.


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i am that hardy sailor soundune's commanding officer, and i have some good things to say about that boy. he hotbunked with me, and it was grand. when we crossed the line, he took it like a man. bowed to king neptune and kissed the seababy! he loved that sump on the rump.

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you have superiors in the navy or whatever boys club that got you to jp. you strike me as the type of goon that is used to taking orders. recognize your superiors here, jarhead.

my comments are tired? my comments are a reaction to your shitty posts about crap denim and fuckin bearbricks. you're a disgrace. really not helping the military's image...

hmmm, you strike me aaaaaasss...a fucking idiot.

indeed, a chain of command exists in the navy and as a junior officer i reside on the low end. i take orders, i also give orders - it's the fucking military you twat. as far as i can tell you have not a single quality that would rank you superior to me in life...but then again i can admit that the way one writes on an internet thread isn't the best evidence for passing that kind of empty judgement.

crap denim and fucking bearbricks...indeed i inquired about bearbricks in the tokyo thread - last time i checked it was a GENERAL discussion - not a jmatsu and rajio circle jerk. crap denim - as you can see i'm trying to SELL the ONLY pair of edwins i own, which were purchased 5 years ago in GERMANY while i was LIVING there.

and FINALLY - i'm a disgrace...to the military?? dude, you buy people clothes and take them on shopping trips for a living...or whatever the fuck you do

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hmmm, you strike me aaaaaasss...a fucking idiot.

indeed, a chain of command exists in the navy and as a junior officer i reside on the low end. i take orders, i also give orders - it's the fucking military you twat. as far as i can tell you have not a single quality that would rank you superior to me in life...but then again i can admit that the way one writes on an internet thread isn't the best evidence for passing that kind of empty judgement.

crap denim and fucking bearbricks...indeed i inquired about bearbricks in the tokyo thread - last time i checked it was a GENERAL discussion - not a jmatsu and rajio circle jerk. crap denim - as you can see i'm trying to SELL the ONLY pair of edwins i own, which were purchased 5 years ago in GERMANY while i was LIVING there.

and FINALLY - i'm a disgrace...to the military?? dude, you buy people clothes and take them on shopping trips for a living...or whatever the fuck you do

you dont even know who you're trying to insult...

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i am that hardy sailor soundune's commanding officer, and i have some good things to say about that boy. he hotbunked with me, and it was grand. when we crossed the line, he took it like a man. bowed to king neptune and kissed the seababy! he loved that sump on the rump.

ah, someone who might actually have some experience with the navy

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Grunt = Army infantry

Jarhead = Marine

Whatever happened to the outfit criticisms? The military slights are a bit much.

already crapped on his stupid fits in the past. what is a navy insult?

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hmmm, you strike me aaaaaasss...a fucking idiot.

indeed, a chain of command exists in the navy and as a junior officer i reside on the low end. i take orders, i also give orders - it's the fucking military you twat. as far as i can tell you have not a single quality that would rank you superior to me in life...but then again i can admit that the way one writes on an internet thread isn't the best evidence for passing that kind of empty judgement.

crap denim and fucking bearbricks...indeed i inquired about bearbricks in the tokyo thread - last time i checked it was a GENERAL discussion - not a jmatsu and rajio circle jerk. crap denim - as you can see i'm trying to SELL the ONLY pair of edwins i own, which were purchased 5 years ago in GERMANY while i was LIVING there.

and FINALLY - i'm a disgrace...to the military?? dude, you buy people clothes and take them on shopping trips for a living...or whatever the fuck you do

it's pretty obvious that you are on the low end. infact, i'd think you to be a "bottom."

the tokyo/jap thread/here or whichever- if you act a fool, then you shall be treated like one.

you're even dumber for buying edwin denim in germany than in japan. nice one, moron.

you think i am a personal shopper? nigga, if itweren't for people like me, people you wouldn't be in japan...maybe not even have a military job.

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