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revenge is a fucking waste of time.

if you absolutely must do anything....talk to her about it, rationally and reasonably.

if you absoltely must, tell her about number 1.

number 2 is none of your fucking business.

number 3 is none of your fucking business.

number 4 - do you mean he sent you an email with that in it? or you found it while snooping through his emails? if he told you about this, and you really feel you need to act on it, tell the friend whose company details he has. if not, stop being a fucking snoop.

seriously, youre not going to gain shit from this. inform your friend about things that may concern them, but of nothing else.

justice...? if you get involved in the underhand sort of way that you seem to be alluding to, youll only be the same piece of shit you make him out to be.

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JPGM: I have tried telling her about it, she chooses to believe the fuck. He's your typical witty, rich and apparently easy going kinda lad, and shes probably smitten. He's made me lose a really close friend, and Im not sure if you've gone through the same, but it seriously sucks.

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I'd generally say that just let it be, but I guess the fact that he backstabbed you and is pretty likely to hurt the girl at some points warrants some kind of action.

I would've suggested talking to the girl, but if she doesn't listen to you its pretty tricky. if he has some sort of a profile on that dating network, couldn't you just use that somehow by bringing it to the girl's attention?

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Thanks Mike. Yea, I thought about that too, but he can just deny everything like he already has. This is really just the tip of the ice berg, during this time, he's repeatedly lied and minced his words. In front of her and towards her, he's a perfect lad. And from what I hear from her friends, shes fallen pretty hard as well. I seriously doubt she'd give me time of day, and by just telling her about it, she'd think Id be up to tricks. And furthermore, the only reason I know he's a member on these websites, is cause Ive been snooping his emails.

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If you're really that determined to get him, you should try to confront her with something other than all these things you have on him now, because no matter what the situation, even with the "best intentions", snooping around in someone's email is never a good look for you.

Whatever you have on him loses it's validity for others if they find out that you know this because you've been snooping around his mail.

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what I mean't with the dating site was that does he have some sort of a profile there? if he does, I don't see how he could deny it if the girl sees it. better yet, have some girl call the guys phone so that the girl picks up, then have them say something like "is ____ there? I got this number from _____ (the dating site)"

its a pretty dirty trick, but then again your not falsifying the truth really, just exposing the guy.

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leave a note on his car that says you unscrewed the lugnuts on one of the tires.

then videotape him frantically searching like an idiot.

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