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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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I like PFs a lot more than chucks, especially since the last 10 years or so. My chucks fall apart pretty quick, but I've been wearing the same pair of PFs for like 7 years now with no problems

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arboretums are win.


they like the dirt..most of the denim under that grime is fading to a lighter color (see pocket)

3-4 days a week in the outdoors....

there will be more pics to come..

fit as well, it's still changing a bit with every wash (machine...and tumble dry).

fading and color contrast is beautiful.

i really like these jeans..

also the button is very shiny. wow. shiny things are also win.

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Haha, I can see my mom coming in, me in a nike running shirt, my running shoes and a pair of 14.5oz denim jogging on a treadmil... rofl.

Fishboner, those are looking good, how often are you washing? I did my initial soak, and then another soak Sunday night and my denim got significantly lighter after the second soak.

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Fishboner, those are looking good, how often are you washing? I did my initial soak, and then another soak Sunday night and my denim got significantly lighter after the second soak.

was hoping someone would ask:D

I've been trying some different things...clean jeans are happy jeans (fabric-wise), but dirty jeans just fucking look sexy...these definitely love the outdoors..

When the jeans get dirty (but not too smelly, muddy, or wet)

I generally just hang them and beat them a bit with some bamboo (like one would 'clean/dust' a rug or carpet).

When they get absolutely fucking filthy, it's inside out in the washer and a tumble dry

I gave them a couple of soaks in the beginning, and I've lost track of exact washes..

these will probably end up looking like a vintage pair of work jeans (given the punishment they take), and i can't wait.

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We seem to be having a love/hate relationship lately; me and these jeans. Initally hated them for being little too big, hated them some more for the crotch blowing out then loved them after doing a hot wash and dry after two months. Anyways heres some pics.





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Haha, I can see my mom coming in, me in a nike running shirt, my running shoes and a pair of 14.5oz denim jogging on a treadmil... rofl.

Fishboner, those are looking good, how often are you washing? I did my initial soak, and then another soak Sunday night and my denim got significantly lighter after the second soak.

i get some funny looks at the school gym for this...

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Jeez, people are ending up with cuffs worn through and holes forming in the back pockets already? What are you doing in these jeans?

wearing them, innit:D

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