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I want to buy a gun


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  verb said:
This brings back bad memories of the SomethingAwful 'guys I want to buy a shotgun what would be good to shoot girls across the street in the head' thread that resulted in a murder. Ugh.


Wasn't there a much more recent thing too where some dude from the forums killed a forum person at a party or something?

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Reminington 700 .308....for recreational use/ range/ hunting...amazingly accurate

I cant recommend a gun for protection though, The crime rate in Australia doesnt warrant that yet.

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i fuckin suck at shooting revolvers, i go to the range in milpitas with my friends everyonce and a while, and last time we shot revolvers and i could just not control it. my best friends favorite gun is the compact .40 so thats the one we shoot the most, ive actually gotten really accurate with this. i remember only using a glock once or twice and that its light with not as much kickback. so in conclusion get what feels comfortable

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  headcoat said:
Shotty for home defense. You can pick up a 12 gauge Remington for cheap and it'll punch holes in any fucker dumb enough to trespass your adobe. Dont even have to aim well, just point in the general direction and he'll be pockmarked.

If you want a pistol, well you'd better take an NRA course and have a shooting range nearby to practice. These things aint toys ya know.

I'd second this. Assuming that it is for home defense, which I'm assuming it is. I can't imagine a drug dealer or gangster asking for gun advice on here.

A few weeks ago some stupid bastard was snooping around our yard looking to steal something at my mom's house. My stepdad came out, the guy ran and my stepdad shot him. The cops found him and brought him back. The guy complained that my stepdad had shot him. The cops gave my stepdad a hard time for a bit, but didn't end up pressing charges or investigating futher. (From what I understand, you aren't necessarily protected from shooting someone just for being on your property) I can't imagine this would have been the case if he would have put a real bullet into him, seriously hurting or killing him, or even worse hurting or killing an innocent bystandard.

I personally keep a loaded 22 pistol in my bedroom. My neighborhood has a few shitheads but nothing serious and I have never come remotely close to using it. It really helps me to sleep better at night just knowing that I have a fighting chance in case some stupid motherfuckers ever try to break in.

edit: I hope this doesn't turn into some fucking debate on the right to bear arms or some shit.

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A few weeks ago some stupid bastard was snooping around our yard looking to steal something at my mom's house. My stepdad came out, the guy ran and my stepdad shot him. The cops found him and brought him back. The guy complained that my stepdad had shot him. The cops gave my stepdad a hard time for a bit, but didn't end up pressing charges or investigating futher. I can't imagine this would have been the case if he would have put a real bullet into him, seriously hurting or killing him, or even worse hurting or killing an innocent bystandard.

What state was this? He would've been fucked in quite a few places in the Land of the Free. At least it wasn't England, he'd be in a jail cell right now.

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  verb said:
This brings back bad memories of the SomethingAwful 'guys I want to buy a shotgun what would be good to shoot girls across the street in the head' thread that resulted in a murder. Ugh.


if those girls thought ahead and bought a gun for protection they might be alive today.

psychos are everywhere. Are you gonna rely on the government or the police to protect you on every street? Fuck that. Be proactive. Get a gun.

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  MilSpex said:
if those girls thought ahead and bought a gun for protection they might be alive today.

psychos are everywhere. Are you gonna rely on the government or the police to protect you on every street? Fuck that. Be proactive. Get a gun.

I'm all for gun ownership, but lets be real here. Is your life so fraught with danger that murderous pyschos threaten you daily? Common sense and situational awareness will keep you safer than a CCW. If you feel that vulnerable, just stay inside or join a commune.

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Texas. I don't know if my stepdad not whether not getting charged was or wasn't in accordance with Texas law though. The context is important. The guy was a crackhead and the neighborhood is one my family has lived in for generations but it has turned to shit within the last few decades. I think the cops kind of understood that it was necessary for my stepdad to make an example of this guy for the sake of deterring other would be thiefs. Also, the city is a border city known for violence (mostly due to drug dealing) so this type of incident is considered not that big of a deal and cops will usually bend the rules for it as they are undermanned and usually busy with other bigger shit, that and they're pretty fucking lazy.

Or perhaps it was legal for him to have shot him. I'm not sure to be totally honest. The cop claimed it wasn't and told my stepdad he should be careful about tht type of thing.

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  headcoat said:
I'm all for gun ownership, but lets be real here. Is your life so fraught with danger that murderous pyschos threaten you daily? Common sense and situational awareness will keep you safer than a CCW. If you feel that vulnerable, just stay inside or join a commune.

what if the scum come into your home/commune armed and try to fuck you up or steal shit? its called home invasion and happens relatively often in Australia. What are you gonna do then huh? call the cops?

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For home defense, most people 'round these parts go with the .357 revolver.

I mean, you could buy a glock, bring it to the shooting range and pretend you're playing Grand Theft Auto in real life.

But for all practical purposes, the trusty old .357 has the stopping power to get the job done.

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  tweedlesinpink said:
edmond...tell me you don't have as many guns as you have unworn jeans

lol. i'm sure he has more unworn jeans than he has bullets.

if i were to get a gun. i'd get a fucking shotgun. no would would fuck with that, or you could spend $15,000 USD on an imported, fully-trained german shepard from Russia.

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Smith and Wesson Model 686, .357 cal, 7 shot, 4" barrel revolver.

Dead reliable, better than any auto ever will be.

If you can't do the job with seven shots, you won't be able to do it with ten or fifteen.

It's a nice size, will fit well under a jacket or in a glove box, has all the stopping power you'll ever need and is accurate and affordable. Cleaning/maintenance is a snap. And there's just something very bad-ass looking about a stainless revolver that a composite auto lacks, and there are situations where the visual impact of a gun comes in handy.


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It is interesting because cities where there is more gun regulation tend to have more violence. I was in Phoenix and you could literally see people at the supermarket with their guns in their holsters and it is nothing compared to D.C. when it comes to homicide. The theory is that if people know that other people have guns and aren't weaponless urbanites, a tranquility can arise. Then again, other places outside this country might have high gun control and not much violence. There are so many variables involving a place and its people

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  poly800rock said:
to avoid people posting tec 9's or uzi's i'll put it out there I'm being serious saying I want to buy a gun. Any suggestions for a first time gun buyer? what to look for? Shotgun, handgun, rifle? England? looking your way.....

Depends what you want a gun for. Do you hunt? Trap shoot? Want something for defense?

I own rifles, shotguns and handguns and I use them all for different things, so I can't say one is 'better' or more fun than any other. For home defense, I keep a loaded Ruger SP101 .357 w/ a spurless hammer hanging in a holster next to my bed. I use two Brownings for bird hunting and I have several rifles (.30-30, .30-06) for target practice, deer hunting, etc.

For a first gun, I have to disagree with whomever said a Glock isn't a good choice. My Glock 40 is by far my favorite gun. I enjoy H&Ks as well. Anyways, like I said, depends on what you are looking to use the gun for, how 'experienced' with guns you are, and how much you are able to spend. Think it through, take a safety class, go to a range and test out the guns they have to see what feels good for you. Do some research on gun forums, buy a gun magazine, go to a gun show or swap meet!

  whot?! said:
I've also been looking into it, and have been advised by more than one dealership to avoid the glock because of the possibility of it not discharging when needed.

This is a very untrue blanket statement. There is a reason why it is the handgun of choice for literally 99%of law enforcement agencies worldwide. There are only a couple Glock models (17 in particular) prone to any jamming at all. I have owned a .40 for about 5 years and have fired at least 10,000 rounds through it and have never had a single problem; however, I do take it apart and clean it often.

  headcoat said:
Shotty for home defense. You can pick up a 12 gauge Remington for cheap and it'll punch holes in any fucker dumb enough to trespass your adobe. Dont even have to aim well, just point in the general direction and he'll be pockmarked.

Have you ever tried pulling a 4.5-foot long, heavy ass shotgun out, cocking it and having enough time swing it around at someone storming you? Sure, they are fantastic if you hear someone breaking in downstairs and can plan ahead, but if you could only have one gun in your house, you would always want a handgun.

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what will sufu evolution look like 5 years from now?

military style jacket? check

selvege jeans? check

red moon/japanese wallet? check

diors? check

aldens? check

visvims? check

bike/bicycle? check

yoyo? check

knife? check

rolex? check

gun? ??????????????????????

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Just curious Edmond, when you say a shotgun is not good for bringing outside, where are you intending to take it?

Anyways in terms of badassness, a taurus raging bull pretty much is all you need. From wiki ".454 Casull cartridge has even been used to hunt animals as large as Cape Buffalo[1] and African elephants.[2]". More than enough than a crackhead with a knife. Either that, or an 1911. You can't fuck with someone that's worked for over 96 years. With so much weaponry they have at their disposal, even Delta operators still use it - customized to hell of course, but still. Hell, a 1911 would prob match repro denim way better.

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