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I want to buy a gun


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I've also been looking into it, and have been advised by more than one dealership to avoid the glock because of the possibility of it not discharging when needed.

Surprisingly, all of the people I've talked to have suggested regular 6 shot handguns for a newbie..

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Shotty for home defense. You can pick up a 12 gauge Remington for cheap and it'll punch holes in any fucker dumb enough to trespass your adobe. Dont even have to aim well, just point in the general direction and he'll be pockmarked.

If you want a pistol, well you'd better take an NRA course and have a shooting range nearby to practice. These things aint toys ya know.

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  whot?! said:
I've also been looking into it, and have been advised by more than one dealership to avoid the glock because of the possibility of it not discharging when needed.

Surprisingly, all of the people I've talked to have suggested regular 6 shot handguns for a newbie..

yeah, the glock trigger is uber-sensitive. not a good first pistol.

  openchestwounds said:
Look up the M1911 for handguns, those are ill. Maybe a little too powerful for a starter gun though.

m1911 is very heavy and hard to conceal. and better for folks with big hands.

pick up a .38 special; simple; you won't surprise yourself with a bullet in the chamber you didn't know was there; your friends won't mistake it for a lighter; it won't jam on you

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if you are going to get a handgun, get a usp or a 1911 (best pistols ever). but in all seriousness, avoid pistols because their only possible purpose, besides squirrel hunting, is to kill people. wait, never mind, definitely get a pistol.

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i grew up around numerous handguns, as my dad was always strapped, one gun under the car seat, even; military issue M191A1, a glock or two, numerous berettas, two dillingers (my mom and dad had matching dillingers one serial number apart; an anniversary gift), .38 special, etc... i kept one and flogged the rest, gifting some. i kept the beretta b/c it was the easiest to put in a drawer and forget about.

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