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shit you hate


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-Girls dressing up like guys (wearin baggy jeans / white tees)

-Ghetto girls havin to curse in every sentence

-Mike Bloomberg

-Girls saying "like" constantly

-Baby Milo (Guys, leave this for the ladies that like bape!)

-racist people

-Guys sayin they can sleep wit anyone when they've only slept with 1 or no girls.

-non blacks tryin to act black

-conceited people/Braggers

-Fake anything

-Guys wearin Yankee fitted then switchin to a White Sox fitted cause they're leading the world series.

-Prada shoes, they look like payless

-people drawin/writin on their shoes

-salt & vinegar potato chips

-being short

-people with no sense of humor or those who just aren't funny but think they are

-weatherman spending 5 min. explainin the weather when all you care about is the temp. for tomorrow ( show me the 5 day forecast already please thank you)

-sales rep. stalkin you in the store like your goin to steal something (this is why you have tags on clothes that beep when you walk out u douchebag)

-candy corn

-grandma panties

-fat chicks wearin sexy/revealing clothes, its good to think your sexy but seriously your not

-when my bowling ball gets stuck in the back of the lane and i have to call the guy to get it for me


-Being bored or not having anything to do after class

Thats it for now....

"Meow.....Bitches" icon_smile_cool.gif

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HIPPIES. i. hate. hippies. hate. HATE. so much. why the smelliness? the dirtiness? the BAD FASHION SENSE. the drum circles, the love buses, the no-shaving, the hula-hoops, the beads in the dreds! what is all this? why all this talk about love and tolerance? it is unnatural, un-human, to have that much love. impossible!

i hate them so much. i hate them even more than retards.

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- Non-Europeans using the word 'eurotrash'

- Using pimp as a verb - especially 'pimped out'.. AARGH!

- People who think 'gay' has the same meaning as 'loser'

Edited by Tisswat on Oct 24, 2005 at 03:17 AM

--- Original message by Tisswat on Oct 24, 2005 03:15 AM

Are you from Europe? Shut the fuck up you fucking piece of Eurotrash. btw Im not European.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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- Non-Europeans using the word 'eurotrash'

- Using pimp as a verb - especially 'pimped out'.. AARGH!

- People who think 'gay' has the same meaning as 'loser'

Edited by Tisswat on Oct 24, 2005 at 03:17 AM

--- Original message by Tisswat on Oct 24, 2005 03:15 AM

Are you from Europe? Shut the fuck up you fucking piece of Eurotrash. btw Im not European.

--- Original message by MilSpex on Oct 28, 2005 03:59 AM

You have SERIOUS issues!

What are you so angry about all the time? You really shouldn't own guns.

First mass murderer with Superfashion.â„¢

At first I thought you just didn't think before you post, but now I see you really have anger management problems.

What did Europe do to you? Did Europe molest you as a child? Did Europe call your Mom a "dumb bitch" on the playground one day? Did Europe snipe you in line to buy all the new Supreme shit to put on eBay (fucking resellers!)?

Stop being so angry and self-righteous... You're a menace.

And stop thinking you know shit about American politics when you live in Australia!!!

Go to Iraq if you are so angry and gun-crazy.

Actin' bad like a kid at Six Flags...

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samsikle why do you dislike filipinos?

--- Original message by nimo112 on Nov 5, 2005 02:27 PM

why don't i like filipinos? hm. are you from the bay area? majority of them hella front like they're representing something like a trend or a lifestyle and it's whack. and it's the fobby filipinos that bug me the most--who try to be HELLA americanized and it's like, who are you trying to kid namean? don't hate--it's just how i see things.

Edited by samsikle on Nov 6, 2005 at 04:53 AM

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  • 2 weeks later...

Felching...that shit is nasty

women who think mid driffs shirts are for everyone

not covering your cough

Red States

deserts where forests used to be

Oil drilling in Alaska


corporate tax breaks


that fucking wand they probe my nutsak with at the airport

flipflops...god I hate those things....sloppy, dirty,lazy feet on display...fuck, burn 'em all!!!

Self involved college students...you not the only one who had to stay up late dickhead!!

Dead Marines for Cheap oil

Cheap oil for SUVs

SUVs for Moms with one kid in the verrrry back with a sack of pampers!


Chopper shows on TV

Posers on choppers..just cause you can afford a 70k chop don't make you cool.

My PTSD from Desert Storm....fuck I hate loud noises like:




Loud shitty Choppers

Loud shitty bass music from a Honda with a fucking fartcan hangin out the back...Please get a real car if you want to go fast.

All people who create loud noises from any oriface or instrument should die by my hand!!!

My cubicle... where presently I am subjected to better than half of the above list to include those Goddamn flipflops...die bitch...die die die with those flipflops...casual friday does NOT mean it's Toe-jam, flopping time in the office....I HATE THAT FUCKING SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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^^agreed....this milspex joker never contributes anything worth a shit....where are these moderators when you need em?

--- Original message by siznam on Oct 28, 2005 03:01 PM

except starting the what are you wearing today thread. yeah.

I dont know anything about US politics? Lived in DC for 3 years. got a lot of american friends, hang out with em alot in Japan. Its simple - Europeans (not including brits) I consider 99% assholes who somehow think they`re better than Americans and Australians and above violence and war. I resent France and Germany for undermining America`s,Australia`s, UKs, Polands and the rest of the coalition`s war against Terrorism. It might be over now if the world showed a more united front in Iraq.

Bush`s and America`s response to 9/11- Invade Afghanistan and kill or capture anyone attached or supporting the attacks = respect.

Spain`s response to the Madrid train bombings - Pull out of Iraq,Â@hide under the covers and all but apologise to Al Qaeda = not much respect.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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what the fuck r u talking about? why dont u go suck gwb's dick.

i honestly start to doubt what ever the fuck u r talking about..i dont even think u been to war, out of every one i know came back from war and was supporting the war at the first place hate it with a passion. they wish they never have enlisted. have u seen people dying... do u actually study what our foreign policy do to other country? i have friends was so pump to go to war and came back with life long depression.

and what does war on terror have to do with iraq? we invade a soverign country in the first place. they didn't have shit. proven by united nation and us investgators.

u think the whole thing is going to be over soon? it had just started, MARK MY WORDS. i bet u more american will die due to what we done to other country.

do u know how many innocent people we accidentally kill base on the cause of WAR ON TERROR? and u call that respect? little boy loose their arm and leg even families for that shit and u call that respect? we beaten innocent prisoner to death u call that respect. how if that was u or your dad getting beaten to death and the goverment try to play it out like it was nothing?

u r like 13 aren't u? worship military and want to be cool so u ask everyone what they are wearing hun?

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what the fuck r u talking about? why dont u go suck gwb's dick.

i honestly start to doubt what ever the fuck u r talking about..i dont even think u been to war, out of every one i know came back from war and was supporting the war at the first place hate it with a passion. they wish they never have enlisted. have u seen people dying... do u actually study what our foreign policy do to other country? i have friends was so pump to go to war and came back with life long depression.

and what does war on terror have to do with iraq? we invade a soverign country in the first place. they didn't have shit. proven by united nation and us investgators.

u think the whole thing is going to be over soon? it had just started, MARK MY WORDS. i bet u more american will die due to what we done to other country.

do u know how many innocent people we accidentally kill base on the cause of WAR ON TERROR? and u call that respect? little boy loose their arm and leg even families for that shit and u call that respect? we beaten innocent prisoner to death u call that respect. how if that was u or your dad getting beaten to death and the goverment try to play it out like it was nothing?

u r like 13 aren't u? worship military and want to be cool so u ask everyone what they are wearing hun?

--- Original message by 6MT on Nov 18, 2005 07:44 PM

I know a few people that have been to war. My best friends dad was an infantry sgt in Vietnam, saw plenty of shit and came back fine - He also has just retired as chief of the Australian Defence Force. His name is Peter Cosgrove. Look it up.

Another guy I knew in HS was first in to East Timor with the ADF. Again, saw shit - didnt fuck him up, now I think hes in IT or something.

There are a lot of people in the US military reupping for tour after tour in Iraq because they believe what they are doing is right. You dont hear about those guys in the mainstream media though.

do u know how many innocent people we accidentally kill base on the cause of WAR ON TERROR?

Yeah about 3000 in New York on S11. Its war, and more innocent people are gonna get killed.

I never said it would be over soon, learn to read English - I said if France and Germany and all those other piss poor nations had shown more of a united front in Iraq it might have been over already.

how if that was u or your dad getting beaten to death and the goverment try to play it out like it was nothing?

Yep and if Al Qaeda gets a hold of you - they`re gonna torture you and kill you unless you have a Koran in your pocket and a full beard - they dont give a fuck if you posted on SF that the US is wrong. Dont you get it? Because you are not like them they will kill you. America and the rest of the decent world is trying to stop that from happening. I think you must be about 14icon_smile_big.gif. Your naiivity is funny.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

Edited by MilSpex on Nov 18, 2005 at 08:05 PM

Edited by MilSpex on Nov 18, 2005 at 08:49 PM

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dude, u r ignorant, thats all i have to say.

--- Original message by 6MT on Nov 18, 2005 08:27 PM

yeh and you`re just another brainwashed left winger. You`re the ignorant one.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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Been to this war....it did not fuck me up...it is still wrong. Every one uses the excuse that Al Queda doesn't care who you are. Let me tell you something. This war was a mistake!!! Period. We have created a situation where no matter how long we stay.. we cannot win. And when we leave...if you think Afghanistan was bad...Iraq is going to be a terrorist dream. Their own country just like Afghanistan, only this time they won't need international funding, because they will have their own personal oil well. Hussein was no angel. But he kept a country with 3 factions fighting for power together for 40 years and there was no religious extremism or terrorist activity. Just a civil war brewing under the surface that he kept quelled, abeit by violence, for many decades. We toppled that leadership and now we have to deal with it. Starting this war was a mistake...leaving now will be a mistake....not leaving now will be a mistake....Thank George Bush. Amen.

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dude, u r ignorant, thats all i have to say.

--- Original message by 6MT on Nov 18, 2005 08:27 PM

yeh and you`re just another brainwashed left winger. You`re the ignorant one.

--- Original message by MilSpex on Nov 18, 2005 08:51 PM

fine, call me what ever u want, i'll live with that.

i know for sure i cant live with myself if i support such wrongful cause

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Been to this war....it did not fuck me up...it is still wrong. Every one uses the excuse that Al Queda doesn't care who you are. Let me tell you something. This war was a mistake!!! Period. We have created a situation where no matter how long we stay.. we cannot win. And when we leave...if you think Afghanistan was bad...Iraq is going to be a terrorist dream. Their own country just like Afghanistan, only this time they won't need international funding, because they will have their own personal oil well. Hussein was no angel. But he kept a country with 3 factions fighting for power together for 40 years and there was no religious extremism or terrorist activity. Just a civil war brewing under the surface that he kept quelled, abeit by violence, for many decades. We toppled that leadership and now we have to deal with it. Starting this war was a mistake...leaving now will be a mistake....not leaving now will be a mistake....Thank George Bush. Amen.

--- Original message by damnIam on Nov 21, 2005 10:04 AM




Fuck the Islamists. Fuck the Jihadists. I hate every country under Islamic law in the whole world. I hate that we invaded the wrong country. I hate that Iraq was secular and had Christians living peacefully in it, but now all the Islamists are terrorizing them and blowing up liquor stores and shit cause they want a country under Islamic law. I hate that. I hate that Iraq is going to come out more Islamic than it was before we went in there. Saddam was sketch but not nearly as sketch as the dudes in Iran and Saudi Arabia. I love that Saddam was about drinking whiskey and popping pills, he said "fuck the Koran I'm gonna party"--- TRUE, that's my homie.

I hate Saudi Arabia. I hate oppressing women. I hate Bush all your main homies are Saudis. I hate people who do business with Islamists. I hate people not knowing that Bush is on the ISLAMIST Saudis nuts. Radical Islam=Terrorism. Radical Islam is the enemy. Iraq was NOT a radical Islamic country. Now it will be. Thanks Bush! I'm no "war hating left winger." I hate when liberals try to "understand" and be "open minded" to a culture that wants enslave women and kill anyone that disagrees with them. But shit, that was not Iraq.

What we need to do is drop rap videos on all these Islamic countries. Get the kids to stop thinking the Koran is cool and start going after the goods NOW. Fuck the chance of 72 virgins in heaven, get it NOW. It's there for the taking! Just ball out, As sala'amu alaikum Dipset bitch! Fuck a Koran, pop bottles bitches! Grey Goose, big chains, oil money, get it get it! Sell that crack, get that money, fuck those hoes... Those complete body shaws, those aren't hot! Hell no! How are we supposed to see if she even got an ass? Baby Phat! Get those jewels on your celly Jasmine! Ahkmed get your money up! Stop getting so angry about Israel, make money with those Jews, they are good at that! Get that paper, get rich, get bitches, when was the last time you saw Abdullah Hassan at the club poppin bottles with models? NEVER. He's just a herb!

Actin' bad like a kid at Six Flags...

Edited by RedFoxxworth on Nov 21, 2005 at 11:30 AM

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Been to this war....it did not fuck me up...it is still wrong. Every one uses the excuse that Al Queda doesn't care who you are. Let me tell you something. This war was a mistake!!! Period. We have created a situation where no matter how long we stay.. we cannot win. And when we leave...if you think Afghanistan was bad...Iraq is going to be a terrorist dream. Their own country just like Afghanistan, only this time they won't need international funding, because they will have their own personal oil well. Hussein was no angel. But he kept a country with 3 factions fighting for power together for 40 years and there was no religious extremism or terrorist activity. Just a civil war brewing under the surface that he kept quelled, abeit by violence, for many decades. We toppled that leadership and now we have to deal with it. Starting this war was a mistake...leaving now will be a mistake....not leaving now will be a mistake....Thank George Bush. Amen.

--- Original message by damnIam on Nov 21, 2005 10:04 AM




Fuck the Islamists. Fuck the Jihadists. I hate every country under Islamic law in the whole world. I hate that we invaded the wrong country. I hate that Iraq was secular and had Christians living peacefully in it, but now all the Islamists are terrorizing them and blowing up liquor stores and shit cause they want a country under Islamic law. I hate that. I hate that Iraq is going to come out more Islamic than it was before we went in there. Saddam was sketch but not nearly as sketch as the dudes in Iran and Saudi Arabia. I love that Saddam was about drinking whiskey and popping pills, he said "fuck the Koran I'm gonna party"--- TRUE, that's my homie.

I hate Saudi Arabia. I hate oppressing women. I hate Bush all your main homies are Saudis. I hate people who do business with Islamists. I hate people not knowing that Bush is on the ISLAMIST Saudis nuts. Radical Islam=Terrorism. Radical Islam is the enemy. Iraq was NOT a radical Islamic country. Now it will be. Thanks Bush! I'm no "war hating left winger." I hate when liberals try to "understand" and be "open minded" to a culture that wants enslave women and kill anyone that disagrees with them. But shit, that was not Iraq.

What we need to do is drop rap videos on all these Islamic countries. Get the kids to stop thinking the Koran is cool and start going after the goods NOW. Fuck the chance of 72 virgins in heaven, get it NOW. It's there for the taking! Just ball out, As sala'amu alaikum Dipset bitch! Fuck a Koran, pop bottles bitches! Grey Goose, big chains, oil money, get it get it! Sell that crack, get that money, fuck those hoes... Those complete body shaws, those aren't hot! Hell no! How are we supposed to see if she even got an ass? Baby Phat! Get those jewels on your celly Jasmine! Ahkmed get your money up! Stop getting so angry about Israel, make money with those Jews, they are good at that! Get that paper, get rich, get bitches, when was the last time you saw Abdullah Hassan at the club poppin bottles with models? NEVER. He's just a herb!

--- Original message by RedFoxxworth on Nov 21, 2005 11:29 AM

thats some x-core shit...

but u know what . i agree

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i hate fucking politricks...

i hate republicans

i hate democrats

i hate islamists

i hate christians... the only real christians ive met are rastas

i hate this so called democracy

i hate so called communisim

i hate dictators

i hate kings

i hate cops

i hate lawers

i hate this whole hypocritical system

i hate hippies

i hate sheep

i hate seeing people forgotten

i hate people who give to a charity but wont give money to a homeless person

i hate guns

ummm... and flip-flops

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eye haight...

that i can't figga out how the asian kids always have that whylin disposable income /// that maaaad people esp. on msg boards don't know where they been and therefore don't know where they goin (music, fashion, and >ahem< politics) /// that 'clothing lines' have become the new 'dot com' thang ("You have one too?!?!?! Say word!!") /// that RZA Bobby Digital album (i can't remember being more pumped for an album release in college, nor can i remember a bigger letdown) /// That De La is no longer my favorite croo /// That I don't know where the sample from Vital Nerve was taken from (NY is #1 TODAY!!!) /// That I have not seen Holy Mountain nor El Topo /// That Stanley Kubrick is dead /// That I owe 189k from law school /// The gentrification of every once-grimey area in Brooklyn /// That there ever was a west coast vs. east coast beef (come on now, is there even a fucking question as to which coast is better?) /// That Milkcrate stopped making the ILLSON shirt...no wait, they re-issued, but with gold foil ink? are you buggin? /// That my parents both quit smoking 15 yrs ago and picked up the habit again /// My pot additcion /// That Professor Danny lives so far away /// That my ex took my OG Stussy 8-Ball and 'This is not a Fugazi T-Shirt' t-shirts back in the day /// When emcees from the 90's try to make a comeback and fail miserably /// That both Damon Dash and George Bush are in power /// Times Square, NYC /// The last ten years of Michael Jordan kicks /// 'Limited edition' crossovers /// That Layne Staley is dead & that the Mad Season LP goes for so much cake on eBay /// That The Royal Tenenbaums makes me miss my first real girlfriend with whom I blew it back in the day and who by the way is an intern at Columbia Medical School right now /// Having laundry to do /// Parking tickets /// That all models are crazy /// That some of the most entertaining people I know are full blown alchies /// When Alchemist raps /// Biiiiig t-shirts (I'm still waiting for oversize footwear to take over, people snappin mad ankles is what's really good, nucka!) /// That some peeps on this board dissed Clarks (you buggin?) /// That I finally got a 2xLP Paul's Boutique and deep down I knew it was so gay that I was upset at it being re-issued /// Sucky whiteboy art rap

shit, why did you start this thread? i could do this all day.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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Wow, quite a bit of hate going on. Man, I can hate, but when I do it makes "me" suck. I am so over hate and everything that goes with it. Waisted use of our minds and the time and energy it takes. This thread is way too dark and quite sad. This is superfuture, where is the "super"? Yes, the world is a huge mess, but hate just adds to all that is nasty. I look at superfuture as a place to come and get creative, be it humour, design, great play on words, and inspiration. Hating is ugly and creates an ugly space. I do know I need to take my own advice as hating can be quite easy, but I do love many things that make me see the world as a great place. My Phillipino pattern maker rocks and he can tango like no other and on top of that is brilliant in his trade. I look forward to going to visit his home. I love my job, I love traveling, different cultures can be humbleling and eye opening.

The fat chick talk, by the way, is sooo boering. Stop that hate. There is enough within those with those issues they don't need your judgement and why do you care. People should be able to dress themselves however they choose and all power to them.

Above all, these wars we have gotten ourselves into are WRONG, GWB's ratings are speaking, seems some are waking up. So put on your jeans and do something productive and quit bitching and hating. Go find something to love and take a stab and I'll do the same.

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