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shit you hate


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  sophiapark said:
my parents don't force that asian thing on us.

my gpa is well under 3.8...

you can say my sister's is too.

  sophiapark said:
i hate the fact of my 16 year old sister dating a 21 year old guy.

can you say jailbait?

what the fucking hell?

is she a juggalloette or w/e?

all those bitches dated like old ass crack heads around my school... life must fucking suck

  sophiapark said:
that's what i told her!

she hasn't talked to me since.. march 25 cause of that guy.

he's a nice guy, but i hear he targets little girls.

what to do what to dooo? :<

this a charlie chaplin ass dunny

  sophiapark said:
if my sister marries this guy then i think my parents will disown her..

he's 21, been working at tapioca express for like 5 years, living with his parents going to a community college.. there's nothing wrong with a community college but it just looks like he's not going anywhere in life.


you Korean right? how is this dude not been killed by your dad yet?

what the fuck even happened where you sister would find that shit acceptable? is she on that twilight tip?

This is why I am going to beat my kids. Also, if I have a daughter, she is wearing a sweater until she graduates college (4)

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
all templates in all web design programs are shit

so im building my website from the ground up

problem is ive never made a website before

i already kind of understand html, css, and rss

but occasionally something just messes me up

like in this picture


there's a table with 2 rows and 0 columns. the picture is in the top row, the divider and text are in the bottom row

why does the bottom row 'extend' into the top row?

(i highlighted the bottom row to show whats happening)

are you using tables(html)? If you are then just use CSS instead. If you're using CSS maybe I can help you, I made my blog template myself.

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people who remark about what other people care about. only person they should concern themselves with is themselves and maybe their blood relatives.

youtube quality on the iphone. bad enough it makes me exit outta safari onto the youtube application but the low resolution makes my eyes hurt from squinting tryin' make that shit out

tummy aches and the feeling like you wanna barf but you don't, lodged in your esophagus ):

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  Servo2000 said:
why would you care about the sort of people who get offended by rosary beads


I've seen reactions on youtube, on vids that deal with Muslims in a mild, but comical way, warning the author that "people will be offended and you'll regret it".

The definition of the silent majority. Either you think it's ok and you defend the right to publish it, or you are offended and you motivate it.

If you can't approve of people being offended, defend it.

Am I making sense at all.

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  whitney said:
people who remark about what other people care about. only person they should concern themselves with is themselves and maybe their blood relatives.

there's a little bit of hypocrisy in this statement, don't cha think?

oh, my hate for the day:

i hate people who make it seem like being unselfish and caring is such a strenuous task. partly what's wrong with this world is the mindset of people like that who think, "i'm not gonna give a fuck about anyone, i'm not gonna care about anyone". see how far that mentality gets you. i'm sure most of you do care about other people's feelings. i'm sure (for the ones of you who do have them) don't go around calling your black friends niggers, and your asian friends chinks, mexicans spics, etc.

or maybe that too, is stepping on eggshells.

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people who say shit like 'you've tasted semen?' or 'you've tasted shit?' when you make a remark to a certain foodstuff that would have a high probability of stimulating identical olfactory and taste receptors (surprised if they weren't the same) that semen/shit/insert disgusting food simile tastes like.

to spite them i say, of course i have, followed by, by the by i love your [insert direct relative(s) here] because he/she/they're semen/shit/etc. feels raw and steamy on my nipples.

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time and time again im sure we've all covered it but still, women who can walk in heels yet still wear heels. WTF. just look like ogres all hunched over and shit and makes an average person even more ugly.

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