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Wow, Cosmo is CREEEEEEPY...

I decided to post this after coming across the article on MSM while trying to check my hotmail (lately they seem to have a lot of these ball-buster type articles). Almost every woman I've dated has been the emotionally insecure one. Clingy and in constant need of reassurance. Many did share one thing with this article though, utter and complete dillusional selfishness... This is a long rant, but I just woke up to this after having a very good dream. It killed my buzz. I shouldn't have looked, but I did. So... Propaganda-fed American woman of the 90's syndrome, Here we come:

His 4 Secret Dating Insecurities

Guys have their own fears when they first start seeing someone. Here’s a glimpse into them and advice on how to act.

(By "act" do they mean "lie without directly addressing his fears and genuinely caring?")

He’s one of many. If he’s chasing you, he knows he’s not alone. And because men are so competitive, that thought drives him nuts. One tip: Don’t tell him you’re all his, but put his mind at ease by asking questions about his life.

IE- Don't give him the security of knowing that you're not a lying, cheating whore. Fear=Control! After all, you're "liberated" so men and their emotional security is irrelevant.

You might still reject him. During those first few dates, a guy is watching like a hawk for clues that you’re not going to give him the slip. So if you want to reassure him that you’re interested enough to stick around [Are you fucking serious? ] --> (at least for now!), offer up small gestures, like extended eye contact or a gentle touch of his hand when you’re talking.

Oh yes, yes! Touch his hand! I'm sure you're the most amaaaaazing gal he's ever met. The kid of girl who takes dating advice from Cosmo. Touch his hand, go ahead. It'll mean the WORLD to him!

He doesn’t measure up...to you. Guys are being outpaced by women in college and on the job, so it’s important for a dude to prove he’s as accomplished as you are. But he’ll only boast if he likes you, so don’t squash his ego like a bug.

Where do we begin with this doosey?

He’s taking it too slow. Fact is, he’s torn: He knows he should take it slow, but he doesn’t want you to think he’s a wuss either. So if you want to green-light the physical side of the relationship, encourage him...you’ll think of something.

What the hell are they even talking about here?

You know, it's not the hilarity that ensues when Cosmo tries to talk about sex or tell us about some "new" sex position "they've" discovered that bugs me. In fact, it's not their two-dimensional pre-pubescent views of sex that bother me at all. It's not even the fact that when I go to take a crap I see my sister's old stack of cosmos sitting against the back of the toilet, watching me and functioning as ancient tomes of trash-mag heaven, 4/5 of which feature Drew Barrymore or Kate Hudson on the cover in ugly Italian jeans. It's not the fact that they "teach" women how to "get laid" (like it's so hard for even the ugliest fatsos to go out and get some stick). After all, men's mags talk the same stupid shit in that catagory minus the lying, cheating, snooping, gossip, seek and emotionally destroy tips.

Men's mags will talk about how to get laid, sexy ladies, all that boring junk. I mean, we're not nearly as dillusional in trying to "teach" men the right "angles" in which to "hit the g spot!" in every fucking issue. We'll have nude girls, yadda yadda. But really, they're not teaching men how to, essentially, lie and manipulate. Even, at times, cheat and get away with it (yes, during many a crap session I've read cosmo. I love it, and it goes there.)

So my question is... Apart from the fact that my sister is a brainless bimbo (and a fucking psych major at that!) Please don't tell me that women take cosmo seriously. We don't take askmen.com seriously and nobody reads (or buys for that matter) playboy anymore...

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
people who go to new york and check out like


central park

planet hollywood

maybe go to a club once if they get in

shop at


old navy





Canal Street


buy an i<3ny tshirt

and thats it

why even go?

(just jealous ca

fixed for ya.

Its good that they shop at those places, makes navigating my usual shopping spots easier.

These are the same folks who complain that food sucks in ny and the olive garden back home is better than the one in Times Sq.

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  Le Buttsecks said:
people who ramble about off topic shit in class like its the teacher and him/her only.

had the exact thing happen today in one of my 1 credit bullshit classes..

her off-topic chat with the professor took us over by 3 minutes..

shut the fuck up and stop brown-nosing, it's a 1 credit bs course

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