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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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Guest jeffvyain
  JFleshman said:

Those look amazing man. Are they wearing through on any specific areas?


The bottoms where I've had them cuffed are wearing/worn through a bit. I've had a hole in my back pocket from a cell phone for probably 8 months now that I've been too lazy to do anything about. Also, the back pockets are starting to wear through a little bit in the center by the hidden rivets. Aside from that, they're in great shape. Most people can probably wear their jeans in a year like I can wear mine in 18 months, so I like them quite a bit, but they're mine and they're going at my pace. I plan on making it to 2 years. That's a long ass time to be wearing the same pants every day, but I haven't had anyone say anything yet so what's another 6 months?

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Guest jeffvyain

It ain't perfect but it's all I got at the moment. Haven't had a whole lot of time on my hands. I'll do more at some point, but these should get the idea across for a while.





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