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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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Guest StuckOnStupid

Kicking Mule Workshop 1980 at almost 4 months. No soak, no starch no nuffin.

These things are fuckin' tough to bust. It's only today that i notice any variations in blue peeking out anywear. This is after getting a thing of fruit punch thrown on me, getting caught in the rain twice, andclimbing up my drainpipe to break into my house cause i broke my key every day for the past 2 months. Also, these fucking things still feel like I am wearing pants made of masonite...flexible enough that i can bend over, but they feel pretty much bulletproof and can stand on their own still...ill check back with these in 6 months, i suppose.




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Guest StuckOnStupid

i also wanted to say that these are the chinese made model, not the newer made in jp model. i have seen and handled the jp joints, and although the detailing is really nice, the materials & construction in the chinese ones are top notch & definitely on par with them. if these said made in japan on them, i doubt anyone could prove otherwise, and my (admittedly neophytic) consumer sense can't see a justification for the $100 price increase.

Then again, i didnt buy these, so who gives a shit!

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  deadpan said:
And these are some full selvage Lee 101z. I didn't fade them, (found them in a charity shop), but whoever did, did a nice job. They're too short for me really so I have to wear 'em low. Like I said I didn't fade them but just thought they were a nice example.




Sold a pair of these a few weeks ago that helped fund purchase of a new pair of dry 101z 1966 replicas . Looking at these makes me wish I had kept them . Are these made in Malta Lee 101z repros ? Mine were of ebay and used when I got them over a year ago , not as much wear as these , but if I'd kept them........

btw , these go for a good price on the bay (if advertised well) , i scored £51 for mine , looking out for another pair in 34" but this model isn't made anymore !!!

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^ Do you know what model they are? I'd be interested to know any details if you're a lee buff. These say 32, but measure 34 in tha waist. I've seen half selvage ones for sale new and was always tempted, but just bought the samurai XJs instead.

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Not really a Lee buff , but have bought plenty of their jeans and Levis/Wranglers from my teens (1980s) . These are a Lee Euro 101z (internal label should state 101z)reproduction from early to mis 90's . There is a thread about this model from a few weeks ago started by Li'l David . Paul T contributes some good info on these . Fantastic jeans made from high quality denim . I have had two pair of these in the last 5 years and recently pulled the trigger on a 1966 replica made by Lee Europe from japanese selvage . These are currently just in at www.aeroleatherclothing.com and also at www.oipolloi.com , pricey but worth it .

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Hahaha, I love it. If you did not say that thise were Gap, people would be all over them.

hahaha, youre probably right. its a weird cotton, it says its african cotton, and it started out as a rough, blue/green. as u can tell, they fade really fast and they wear really easily. i had a pair of morrison selvage. pretty good selvage imo, but the cut was really bad.

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  electronic cheetah said:
The whiskers on those GAP are quite insane. I would really like to see some pictures on them from when they were new.

Seconded. Don't get me wrong, I like them...but some of the whiskers on the knees as well look a bit predistressed to me, so would be interesting to see them when new?

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Hahaha, I love it. If you did not say that thise were Gap, people would be all over them.

I don't think so. Most fade does not equal best fade. I think a lot of people here are more interested in a subtle, time worn fade than something quite so nutty looking. The front looks good for what they are, but the back leaves much to be desired. The hem is looking very nice as well. Good job with those!

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APC NEW CURE bought last summer been wearing 5-6 days a week sometimes more

both knees have busted open

back beltlook has been ripped off

front right beltloop has gotten all fucked up and not attatched all the way

and i cant put my phone in my back left pocket out else itll fall out



the fit



i pretty much wear these everday

with random spurts of my new standards ever now and then

i gave them a shower/bath wash yesterday

they had one wash at birth after an unfortunate puking incidident

and one wash a couple of weeks after new years.

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you just sold me on those for my interim pair of raw's - i'm gonna get a pair of those now while i work for enough money to get some diors - question what size are you, because i'm trying to figure out if i should get a 34 or a 35 (im a natural 35 waist, but i don't want massive shrinkage to happen.)

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those are a size 27

im 5'8 130 lb ish ish

i usually wear around a 28-29

those were initially really hard to button, but the 26's were impossible

which is usually how i judge my sizing on APC, did the same with my NS

APC stretches out like a beast so judge it by the buttonage and it will usually stretch to your desire.

i dont know if that works for everyone though

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  Corbin Law said:
APC NEW CURE bought last summer been wearing 5-6 days a week sometimes more

both knees have busted open

back beltlook has been ripped off

front right beltloop has gotten all fucked up and not attatched all the way

and i cant put my phone in my back left pocket out else itll fall out



the fit



i pretty much wear these everday

with random spurts of my new standards ever now and then

i gave them a shower/bath wash yesterday

they had one wash at birth after an unfortunate puking incidident

and one wash a couple of weeks after new years.

perfect jeans.

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