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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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  Cotton Duck said:
^Notorious please note; on here we tend to call those "Fishnets" or "BOKC's (Back Of Knee Creases)"

You can thank me later, HA!


Ah, man.........

I even used the "official superfuture sarcasm number system"


  Corbin Law said:
ive never heard them called fishnets before

usually honeycombs or just combs is the usual

You can't have heard the term "BOKC's" before, I just made it up?????

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  Cotton Duck said:
Ah, man.........

I even used the "official superfuture sarcasm number system"


You can't have heard the term "BOKC's" before, I just made it up?????

If only someone could make a machine that detected sarcasm over the internet...

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  Roland said:
A teaser pic from my Studio D'artisan X-26 jeans. These are the Wrangler 13mw repros with grey weft & lht. They lost indigo fast and the seams puckered well too. They're about 1 year old with maybe 2/3 months of wear. 300th post!

roland: do these have a grey weft? it's hard to tell from the pic.
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  cereal killer f0 RIZ said:
can someone post some actual progress please

this is a thread about before and after so anyone should be able to post whatever the fuck they want whenever they feel like it and show whatever kind of progress it is whether its shitty or not.

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  kumo said:
update to my eternal 811's. going to get their second wash.



looking good man, looking good. I think that after mine get their first wash at the end of hte month, i'm going to start washing like every 1.5 months, because every one of us on the board with these jeans are retaining a ton of indigo with no problems.

  Louis said:
this is a thread about before and after so anyone should be able to post whatever the fuck they want whenever they feel like it and show whatever kind of progress it is whether its shitty or not.

true, but don't you get bored of month old nudies and APC's? we've had this debate before and honestly i personally would rather people post an unusual pair if it's going to be early in their life, and if it's a pair of something that we all see a lot then wait until they get really sick after a wash or two.

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^^^ My thoughts on this:

This is the first thread i check to see the new posts in, and honestly i don't mind seeing alot of pics, even if they dont show much (sorry that my pics fit in this category).. its not like it takes all that long to look through.

I just wish alot more people posted in this thread and more frequently. I look at it this way, there are what, hundreds of people who post on this site here semi-regularly?, each with at least one (and in many cases more) pairs of raw jeans that they are breaking-in.

So, we should be getting evolution pics of several pairs of well worn-in jeans everyday, but this isnt really the case.

Why is it that more pics are of near new denim than of recently washed after being worn for months jeans? is it because people move on to another pair before gettin significant wear on the other, or just that they have several pairs and rotate and so the going is slow.

For me, i have several (i.e. too damn many) pairs and on besides of that im not able to wear them during my every waking hour

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I was not saying that you're contribution isn't appreciated. I also check this thread first for new posts the moment i open superdenim, and expect to wade through some pretty boring stuff before getting to any genuinely interesting pairs. However, the pictures that aren't too different do have a point, which is to show people who may be just getting into raw denim what things are going to look like at a lot of different points in time, or to chronicle a pair getting to holy grail status. I guess that's why we have TIP's "XXX" thread, to separate the cream of the crop into a locked thread.

btw: i wasn't talking about your slim kims specifically, and i actually have a question. Are you getting the "stacked" honeycombs since the jeans are tight/stretch? or just normal honeycomb shaped ones.

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I think thats a good point, I remember asking roulette if his full counts were the same ones as on rakuten just because they looked so different after a wash or two campared to the raw pics.

Tips XXX is a great idea for denim porn, instant gratification. I was so happy to find my old pair of howies in there, hehehehehehe, it really made my day!!!!

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i think we can let the general flood of pictures out on this thread...the XXX thread was meant to act as the showcase in order to free this one up. about halfway through the 143 pages of evolution now, so hopefully it will be complete soon and i can sticky it up properly. a little bit of easing up on the month-old-hate around here would be appreciated. i read it all the time as well, and i just put my scroll wheel to good use if it's uninteresting.

p.s. viv...no worries, also if you could pm me the model of your howies that would be great because i have no idea what that pair is :)

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  watchman said:
I was not saying that you're contribution isn't appreciated. I also check this thread first for new posts the moment i open superdenim, and expect to wade through some pretty boring stuff before getting to any genuinely interesting pairs. However, the pictures that aren't too different do have a point, which is to show people who may be just getting into raw denim what things are going to look like at a lot of different points in time, or to chronicle a pair getting to holy grail status. I guess that's why we have TIP's "XXX" thread, to separate the cream of the crop into a locked thread.

btw: i wasn't talking about your slim kims specifically, and i actually have a question. Are you getting the "stacked" honeycombs since the jeans are tight/stretch? or just normal honeycomb shaped ones.

Im definately not getting the stacked horizontal honeycombs like ive seen people get with thin finns and other slimmer jeans. For some reason, i dont get much honeycomb definition in any of my jeans, at least not in proportion to the fading in the seat/crotch. ive seen some pics on here with super-defined/creased honeycombs but not alot going on elsewhere... maybe its cos i dont use starch at all.

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5 months old, 1 soak, 4 months of wear

sneak peak...so sunny I couldnt take pics but I got a few sneak peaks until I can get some ones that show the color of the jeans



this ones pretty crappy. Ill get some more when i get some more time


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  watchman said:
true, but don't you get bored of month old nudies and APC's? we've had this debate before and honestly i personally would rather people post an unusual pair if it's going to be early in their life, and if it's a pair of something that we all see a lot then wait until they get really sick after a wash or two.

I'd say those Kims are pretty unusual. They've got some oddly massive knee fades compared to crease fade for starters, and an odd spot fade in the lap. The XXX thread exists exactly for showing off the cream of the crop when it comes to hardcore fading, after all.

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  tweedlesinpink said:
i think we can let the general flood of pictures out on this thread...the XXX thread was meant to act as the showcase in order to free this one up. about halfway through the 143 pages of evolution now, so hopefully it will be complete soon and i can sticky it up properly. a little bit of easing up on the month-old-hate around here would be appreciated. i read it all the time as well, and i just put my scroll wheel to good use if it's uninteresting.

p.s. viv...no worries, also if you could pm me the model of your howies that would be great because i have no idea what that pair is :)

keep up the good work, it is my favorite thread by far. I hope my eternals make it in after the wash next month.

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Guest Berget__

Ok so here's the story. Just after I logged of SF last night I went into my kitchen to turn off the lights and then go to bed. When Im about to leave the kitchen I see something dark on the floor that looks like a piece of fabric from the hoodie I made. And since Im a stupid fuck I kick the thing. It wasn't fabric, It was cat-puke. And when I kicked it I got a lot of it on my jeans. I mean...my jeans are always dirty but I kinda draw the line at cat-puke. So I took em off and gave them a quick rinse in the shower. And of course I snapped a few pics for you to look at.



Black/blue water dripping from the jeans








Inside patch


Stitched "rivets"


Stitched "half-man" on back pockets


Coin pocket


Coin pocket fade from keys


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Guest Berget__

Color falling


Pink (well not so much anymore) chainstitching


The money shot


These are my Ijin Material J5202. They are about one year old and they are worn maybe once a week for a year. I know they havent faded a lot but since they are pretty rare I think you'll like the pics anyway. All the pics are taken with flash and arent edited in anyway (except for the front and back pictures since they came out really dark.)


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