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Only dressing in certain colors?

jake snake

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^^on to sumthin... (not wittz sum other dood)

i think everyone likes certain colors on themselves and know how to work it, etc...

come to think of it there are certain colors i dont have any of, and others that i have tons of.

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If you stick to a certain set of colors, all your pieces are guaranteed to at least match. Granted, certain pieces might not 'fit' (i.e. i have a grey trenchcoat and a grey bomber jacket that i wear with totally different outfits because one is formal and one is street) together.

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ive told this story so many times but, ice-t has influenced my style more than anyone else.

in an interview once, he says "the only brown a man should ever wear is the dirt in his grave"

i was 7 when i read that, and ive never worn anything brown ever since.

now that i'm older, you know, i realize that ice-t was more right than he could have ever known... being of a coffee/caramel complexion, brown just looks like... well, looks like shit on me. brown, tan, any earth tone really, because of my already earthy skin tone, looks horrible.

on the other hand, i look awesome in bright colors.

my wardrobe consists mostly of white, greys, blues, purples, and reds. i rarely ever touch green. i sometimes include yellow.

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i disagree...people with brown complexion frame a navy suit well with brown shoes, but certainly, wearing a brown shirt or suit might look like shit.

edit: this souds really stupid, but check out any black guy in a navy suit and brown laceups and try and keep the blood from rushing to your glans

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Although I have only a few pieces in purple (some really stupid ones, I can add) I like dressing in that color because Prince is my favorite musician. Nowadays he is changing it up and wearing other crazy colors so it is difficult to keep up with him. I still want those purple tsubis tho.

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i disagree...people with brown complexion frame a navy suit well with brown shoes, but certainly, wearing a brown shirt or suit might look like shit.

edit: this souds really stupid, but check out any black guy in a navy suit and brown laceups and try and keep the blood from rushing to your glans

i know what you mean, there is a nice balance of color there with the dark complexion and the brown shoe and the navy suit in the middle.

however, this does not work for me, because anything brown besides flesh is the great satan to me.

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I mostly wear dark (black, grey) pants, white sneakers or dark (black, grey) boots with white tees and allow myself more range in jacket choices, I think my style has actually simplified over time and, instead of dressing for "one shot" impressions I do it to present something that is coherent in the long term, while touching a lot of different "styles". I'd say that even when I stray away from that uniform (usually in a workwear/earth tones and blue denim way) its all about constrasting it with my everyday style and actually bringing attention to the fact that its the same, 95% of the time, something that is only perceptible by people who see me relatively often.

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now that i'm older, you know, i realize that ice-t was more right than he could have ever known... being of a coffee/caramel complexion, brown just looks like... well, looks like shit on me. brown, tan, any earth tone really, because of my already earthy skin tone, looks horrible.

Funny, I'm the complete opposite, being pasty with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and dark brown freckles... it's a bit of a no brainer.

But as to the topic, of course there will be colours you'll find you don't like on yourself. But at the end of the day, you'll gravitate naturally towards/away from colours respectively and end up with a somewhat restricted palette based on your tastes whatever.

For example, I gravitate well away from bold blue, mid green/khaki and purple as 'no nos' right now, but wear a fair old bunch of red, burgundy and gold/yellow on top of my neutrals. Trying to mix in more lime/turquoise into my wardrobe as far as cash will allow at present.

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In the past I used to say I wouldn't wear certain colors. I refused to wear red especially along with greens and browns. I had never owned a red shirt and when I did finally buy one I wore it twice before getting rid of it. I then realized that it was because I never saw the right shades of these colors I despised.

Now, when I see something that instantly appeals to me colorwise in a style I like I will then consider it. I believe you should challenge yourself (stylistically and color-wise) sometimes while retaining the things that make your style all your own. You'll often times find some of your favorite articles of clothing are the ones you didn't love at first but which you grew to love.

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i stick to safe colours like grey, black, white, blue. but sometimes it can get real boring. sometimes i would try and wear something a little more vibrant but end up taking it off and going back to boring mode. i respect people like dum who wears purple zebra pants.

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I wear a lot of black, grey and white, and I have a couple of khaki brown shirts. In terms of colours and layering I err to the the minimalist side...trying to concentrate on fit and texture and silhoutte the whole outfit gives.

I dont know the rule about what colours to not wear with complexion and hair colour. I have red hair and I find black really makes it stand out and look bright. I have heard poeople say not to wear black with red hair. I used to hate my hair but surprisingly a lot of women compliment me on it.

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I have a distinctly germanic complexion, and I wear almost exclusively black, white, and blue. Sometimes a shot of red. I try and keep things as flat and as graphic as possible, so I tend to try and alternate between lights + darks quite a bit. White shoes to dark pants to a white shirt to a dark sweater / jacket / cardigan works well for me.

Frankly, I have no idea if it works for my skin color / hair / whatever. Looks fine to me.

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I try to stay away from black, since I find it too "harsh" and dominating in an outfit. I mainly buy earthtones and dark indigo, since they work well together, creating a warm and simple vibe. They are obviously easy to match awell. I have some brighter colors, such as royal blue and red, which I look good in, complementing my natural colors, but they are a bit too attention grabbing. I never wear white, since its both unpractical and loud.

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