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putting a face to the names (post yur pic)

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meh i may get some heat for this (and i kinda feel like dontcaretoomuch for doing this) butt... i figure that since most of us are on here everyday itd be cool just to see who were talking to. post a pic of yur face or whatever... n if yur gonna be dumb n post some bullshit picture... dont bother... or make a new topic or something

dont act like none of you guys wonder what serge or ben or bobby or dontcare look like!

(i'll post a pic when im on my downstairs computer next)

edit: throw yur real name up as well.

Edited by showbiz00ditc on Jul 25, 2005 at 09:30 PM

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even though u are suppsoed to post first.....


I am not the former NBA / Knick Great


Quote: dont act like none of you guys wonder what serge or ben or bobby or dontcare look like!

and i heard bobby i think it is on all the mcdonalds advertisments for PSP......hope i aint blowing up your spot.......

Edited by dunkin deeznuts on Jul 25, 2005 at 09:36 PM

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these topics are only fun if someone fucks them up with some weird pictures.

me, matthias and kristoffer(the latter two are absolutely insane, fucked, weed-smoking guys). i look swell, as always, wearing gucci turtlenecks. (/irony)


somehow some exgirlfriend took this picture with my webcam, she is seen clicking the mouse (not in picture).


wearing a cap, which is a rare occasion. it isn't mine either.


btw, my name is jacob.

also, i have short hair now(like 1cm).


Edited by skecr8r on Jul 26, 2005 at 04:38 AM

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Guest Berget__



small pic of jeans and bottom of tee


dont be hatin on the image quality...its from my cellphone icon_smile_tongue.gif

I aint gotta get money man money get me

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Guest Berget__

Thanks alot Serge icon_smile.gif You have a great eye if you could see that they are Levis red from that picture icon_smile_shock.gif yeah ive had them for almost 2 years and theyve only been washed 2 times i think...the first time I washed them was after about two months...right after that i learned that you shouldnt wash dry jeans until after something like six moths so i felt really stupid...but they turned out really well after all. And not too brag or anything but that picture doesnt really justify tje jeans...ther are nicver in reality


I aint gotta get money man money get me

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Great photo Serge, you look like a young Bob Evans! Nice work too Tragic, really good pic's. I'm guessing you do a bit of photography man

I was about to post a pic but something weird has happened with my imageshack, will be back

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