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I have just enough for a Self-Edge feather ring (I won't post a picture because I'm pretty sure everyone knows what it is by now), so now I'm split between it and saving up for a pair of 3sixteens.

I already have a pair of APCs that I have put my heart and soul into, but I've been considering moving on. Even so, not necessarily a game-breaker for me.

On the other hand, the ring has no real utility other than being really, really good-looking.


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Ok, I've got my mind set on buying these RedWing Chukkas this week, however I am torn between colors.

I like them both, but am undecided.





I would love a pair of classic moc as well, but these are FAR more suitable for wearing at the office...and to me look more comfortable.


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Posted · Hidden by JoeySullivan, January 10, 2012 - xxx
Hidden by JoeySullivan, January 10, 2012 - xxx
  On 1/10/2012 at 5:29 PM, stopthefury said:

Ok, I've got my mind set on buying these RedWing Chukkas this week, however I am torn between colors.

I like them both, but am undecided.



I would love a pair of classic moc as well, but these are FAR more suitable for wearing at the office...and to me look more comfortable.


Brown for sure. I got these and they get super deep reddish shades with wear.

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  On 1/14/2012 at 10:54 PM, CBM said:

Girlfriend and I are trying to decide on what trip to take at the end of the year.

Around 2 months traveling around Europe staying in hostels, or a shorter trip to some cities in America?

I live in Australia, btw.

Have you been to Europe before and have you been to North America before?

If yes and yes to the last two questions then I don't know... it's up to you...

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