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My first vape was the MFLB, and it's been good for what I need. So I didn't think I'd need another portable vape with the Pax, and I  thought it'd be better to get a desktop vape over a portable vape in the $200 price range. I ended up getting Da Buddha, and I haven't regretted purchasing it. I can get huge rips from it and the high to me is as strong as bong rips for me. I also never had any problems with smell with either vape. 

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  On 6/8/2013 at 7:42 PM, laxlife1234 said:

Yeah it's the greatest thing for on the go. Ever. I have been having problems with mine though, I may need to send it in for warranty cause the thing keeps getting stuck on the red light and I know the fix, but I can't seem to do it.

ive had my pax for a couple months. clean it regularly n get the pax lube (helps w the red light and the sticking) i have 0 complaints with my pax. make sure to use the pipe cleaner inside the silver on the mouth piece that goes into the main chamber of the pax, it gets gunky w res just as the main chamber does n is one of the main causes of the mouth piece sticking, which is one of the red light problems.

Edited by the hall of vame
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Yeah seriously, vapes are the best for portability. My cuz has a G-Pen (for his oil), but after a couple of months he just stopped using it cause it's too hard to keep clean/maintain. I'm going to have to really clean the crap outta my pax though, I need to buy some lube from ploom since mine never came with it for some reason. 

Edited by laxlife1234
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  On 6/9/2013 at 8:56 PM, the hall of vame said:

ive had my pax for a couple months. clean it regularly n get the pax lube (helps w the red light and the sticking) i have 0 complaints with my pax. make sure to use the pipe cleaner inside the silver on the mouth piece that goes into the main chamber of the pax, it gets gunky w res just as the main chamber does n is one of the main causes of the mouth piece sticking, which is one of the red light problems.

good info right here^^


  On 6/10/2013 at 8:37 AM, scientifick said:

fuck this damn technology just buy more quality rigs

some good homies have a mean oil setup, pristine chamber and tubes. banging out slabs daily, watching those bubbles is ridiculous

  On 6/10/2013 at 3:31 PM, the hall of vame said:

nah, not trying to lug a rig w me (no matter how small) on the go. id rather a fool proof vape that will produce 100% of the time with extreme ease of use.

yes, you have the right idea down, portability, easy of use and maintenance is what makes the PAX so great.  good user interface and design all around.  plus you can use concentrates in a pax if you sandwich it between herb.


  On 6/10/2013 at 8:33 PM, laxlife1234 said:

Yeah seriously, vapes are the best for portability. My cuz has a G-Pen (for his oil), but after a couple of months he just stopped using it cause it's too hard to keep clean/maintain. I'm going to have to really clean the crap outta my pax though, I need to buy some lube from ploom since mine never came with it for some reason. 

oil pens can be a real bitch.  they are all pretty much the same with the steep leaning curve and tricky maintenance. but i like when they work well, and that they don't stink like a PAX does when in your pocket. 

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  On 6/10/2013 at 8:33 PM, laxlife1234 said:

Yeah seriously, vapes are the best for portability. My cuz has a G-Pen (for his oil), but after a couple of months he just stopped using it cause it's too hard to keep clean/maintain. I'm going to have to really clean the crap outta my pax though, I need to buy some lube from ploom since mine never came with it for some reason.

PM me your addy... i can send one to you in the mail (buying it from them + shipping is a rip off bruh) or check your local headshop, thats where i got mine from the homie who works there.

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Gonna be in Downtown LA end of the month. HOPEFULLY will bump into some fuckin chill ass people because I wanna hit a fuckin DAB RIG ASAP!!!! haha



ps: any recommendations on must see places?

pps: need wax while there for my microG, WTB!

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During my freshman year of college a friend and I smoked on the football field of a certain D-1 household name school. It was really close to our dorms and we would usually smoke under the bleachers, but we were feeling confident so we went onto the field.


We were walking back to the dorms when we saw a group of people walking towards us. They were all dressed up in old school clothing. They claimed that they were a crime fighting organization called "The Majestic Seven" and asked us if we had seen any crimes that we felt should be reported to them. Then they ran off.


About thirty seconds later a guy in a trench coat and fake moustache walks up to us and asks if he can have some of our time. We say yes. He then tells us that he is searching for a crime organization called "The Majestic Seven" and he asks if we have seen them. We told him that we had just spoken to them and pointed him in their direction. He sprinted off in the direction we sent him.


I never heard anything about it ever again. Really weird night though.

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Taken from Huffington Post. Written by Hunter Stuart.





When It Comes To Marijuana, North Korea Appears To Have Liberal Policy Of Tolerance



(Marijuana in North Korea is not treated as a drug, according to multiple reports. In this photo, freelance writer Darmon Richter smokes a joint at a restaurant in the northern North Korean town of Rason while a news program plays on a TV in the background. (photo: Darmon Richter) | Darmon Richter)


North Korea's apparent stance on marijuana may surprise you.

According to multiple reports from defectors, visitors and experts, North Korea either has no law against the sale and consumption of weed, or it has a law that is largely unenforced.

Just last week, a 29-year-old freelance writer from England wrote an account on his blog explaining how he purchased a grocery bag full of weed at an indoor market in rural North Korea and smoked it with impunity both at outdoor parks and monuments, as well as in restaurants and bars.

The writer, Darmon Richter, who lives in Bulgaria, also described how the group's regime-appointed "minder" smoked the marijuana with him and his fellow tourists. Ritcher told The Huffington Post the guide said weed is legal in North Korea.



(Bag of pot that journalist Darmon Richter bought at a market in Rason, North Korea, for about 80 cents.)


Of course, just because a group of tourists does it, doesn't mean it's legal for North Korean citizens to do it. But other reports seem to substantiate the notion that pot in The Hermit Kingdom is not criminalized or even frowned upon.

A 2010 report by Open Radio for North Korea, an American nongovernmental organization based in Seoul, cited an anonymous North Korean source as saying that Kim Jong Un's regime does not consider marijuana to be a drug.

Experts speaking to HuffPost also explained that it's unknown whether the drug is technically outlawed, but in practice, the regime doesn't appear to take issue with it.

"Cannabis grows wildly in North Korea and has even been sold abroad by government agencies as a way to earn foreign currency," said Sokeel Park, the director of research and strategy at Liberty In North Korea, a California-based human rights group that provides protection and aid to North Korean escapees.

"It's not clear what the official law on the books states, but in any case, marijuana, which is known as 'yoksam' in North Korea, is not prioritized by the government and is therefore not treated as an illegal drug," Park continued.

"With regards to marijuana in North Korea, it's as good as legal - there's no great stigma about it, nor does it have the sort of fetish that surrounds it in the West, which probably stems from its illegal status here," explained Shirley Lee, the international editor of New Focus International, a news site that has a network of sources in the defector community and within North Korea itself.



(Freelance writer Darmon Richter took this photo at a North Korean restaurant in the northern town of Rason, where he and his fellow tourists smoked "joint after joint," yet the waitress "didn't seem to mind.")


Last year on the social news site Reddit, an American consultant who said he has traveled to North Korea every year since 2008, said while he was in North Korea, he and his group came across North Korean citizens growing marijuana in small gardens. Weed in North Korea, the consultant wrote, seemed to be used mostly "as a medicine."

"The drug is especially popular among the lower classes of North Korean society. After a day of hard manual labor, it is common for North Korean workers to smoke marijuana as a way to relax and soothe tight or sore muscles," wrote Vice reporter Ben Tool, citing North Korean sources.

Some might argue that North Korea appears to have a far more liberal policy toward marijuana than the United States does.

In the last year alone, police in the U.S. made a marijuana-related arrest every 42 seconds, according to US News and World Report. The country also spends around $3.6 billion a year enforcing marijuana law, the American Civil Liberties Union notes.

However, it should be noted that little is known about marijuana-related prosecutions, if any, in North Korea.



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