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  selaviso said:
yeah the place thats closest to me isnt even open yet, but there is a dr int he same building that writes out prescrips. i think there is like 10 around me haha. well in like a 30 minute radius.

I go to all the ones you'll be going to and trust me you'll have 0 problems getting in. I would like to recommend you make the trip out to Oak Tree Alternative in Banning (or Beaumont?) right off the 10. The prices, on average, are about 10-15 dollars more per gram than anywhere else but the product is well worth it.

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  ktothe said:
I go to all the ones you'll be going to and trust me you'll have 0 problems getting in. I would like to recommend you make the trip out to Oak Tree Alternative in Banning (or Beaumont?) right off the 10. The prices, on average, are about 10-15 dollars more per gram than anywhere else but the product is well worth it.

lol fer sher. well the new one im talking about is in moreno valley and im usually there all the time cuz the homies are all there. i heard there are some good spots in riverside (my hood) as well so im sorta excited haha.

oh.... and just rolled this to sleep.


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  simon626 said:
Hey guys i ordered a grinder i really don't need. It's an awesome grinder though, here are the specs:

Diameter: 3"

3 Rows of razorsharp diamond shaped teeth. The teeth are designed to never ever wear down or dull.

CNC (Computer Numeric Control) made; this grinder is made from a single block of aluminum that is carved by precision robots.

Made of Aerospace grade high quality aluminum.

The reason your grinder material matters is the same reason your bong glass matters. Durability and purity. Grinders with low quality metal will gunk up faster since the stickiness of the buds sticks to it much easier than it sticks to high quality aerospace aluminum. The higher quality metal makes it harder for buds to gunk up and stick to them thereby ensuring the longevity of the grinder.

Neodymium magnets to ensure a truly airtight fit.

True Micron screen so that only the purest kief falls through and no plant matter.

Deep dish compartment so you can grind and store more buds.

Not for amateur smokers.

I'm selling it for $35+ shipping or $40 shipped. Whichever is cheaper.

I'll ship for free if you're located on the west side of the United States.

If no one wants this in a few days i will return it to the company i bought it from.

Awesome grinder! Too many people that I know are still using their hands and/or wooden grinders from the dollar store lol.

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wish i could get hooked up with samples like that

my only friend who pushes is all profit: how to tell him to hook the homies up who have been reppin his buds and getting him customers? me and another friend were discussing this earlier, like im broke son and you got stacks, holla at ya boi with some of dat green, nah meen nah meen

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  pieiskewl said:
wish i could get hooked up with samples like that

my only friend who pushes is all profit: how to tell him to hook the homies up who have been reppin his buds and getting him customers? me and another friend were discussing this earlier, like im broke son and you got stacks, holla at ya boi with some of dat green, nah meen nah meen

one of my close homies pushes. I used to pick up off him and then later on decided not to because i didn't want to mix business with pleasure. Also, he smoked mids and regs most of the time 'cause he makes more money that way.

Christmas and birthdays have always been awesome though.

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  pieiskewl said:
wish i could get hooked up with samples like that

my only friend who pushes is all profit: how to tell him to hook the homies up who have been reppin his buds and getting him customers? me and another friend were discussing this earlier, like im broke son and you got stacks, holla at ya boi with some of dat green, nah meen nah meen

You shouldn't' have to say anything. It's an unspoken understanding.

Find a more legit dealer.

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i mean he's legit, always has good shit, and would never short me, if anything sacks are always a lil fatter

but at the same time he's my freind

idunno slightly awkward relationship

because of the dual roles, i dunno how else to explain other than it's like when you hit him up 50% of the time it's not asking to chill with him just buds

i'm sure others can relate

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  pieiskewl said:
i mean he's legit, always has good shit, and would never short me, if anything sacks are always a lil fatter

but at the same time he's my freind

idunno slightly awkward relationship

because of the dual roles, i dunno how else to explain other than it's like when you hit him up 50% of the time it's not asking to chill with him just buds

i'm sure others can relate

Or it's like, you ask him to hang out but you guys can never get into a real conversation because you're constantly interrupted by phone calls or texts and my friend is reallllly nice to his custies. He delivars..

Which honestly sucks when you're his friend 'cause he's always putting the money first (tryin' to make his hustle) and later on he wouldn't even want to go anywhere far to kick it (like the beach) 'cause he'd lose out on too much money (in his eyes.) Pretty soon your friends stop wanting to hang out with you because hanging out just sucks. Then your friends only call you for the buds. When your buds aren't that great, no one calls you at all. Drug dealing is really not that great...

i'd rather bust my ass off at a job with regular hours so i can work then play. Not get interrupted like 5 times when i'm trying to sit back and relax.

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sounds like your dealer sucks.

when im too lazy to go to the club i hit up my friend. If hes actually your friend on a level higher than being your dealer and you hit him up consistently he should def be plugging you. Its an unspoken understanding. Maybe you should try to stop plugging from him for a while so he kinda gets it...or you could just be direct

my buddies normally got a few different strains on deck

blue dream


master kush


sour diesel- my personal fav


some purple- if i smoke any more purple im gonna puke. So over it


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Plus, all we do is talk about weed, talk about smoking weed, how it's great, fun to do, and you get to meet like minded individuals.

None of the above is illegal.

I don't sell drugs. Maybe i know people that might. But just knowing them isn't illegal.

Why the hell would the police want to waste their time trying to catch someone that likes to smoke weed? There are STORES in my state that sell this shit.

Plus i dunno how much legal jurisdiction police officers have on the internet. Even if you wrote something like, "I smoke weed every day." on here the cops couldn't do anything about it. Your Username is not YOU. ANYONE could be on ANY user name. What if i left my account signed on at an internet cafe and someone else just posted a shitload of shit. Although it was under my account name (which isn't even a legal name) there's still no way to prove whether I really typed something or if someone else typed something.

You can post with confidence on here guys. Just don't advertise yourself as a narcotics dealer of any sort.....Easy enough? lol

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Guest Methimphibian
  phen3N said:
do you CA heads feel any safer now that the decriminalization is in effect?

most of the veterans in CA have cards so we've been protected from the law. Possession is like a $100 ticket, my prescription was around 60 or 70 bucks, even if you don't buy from the clubs it's still great to have one to dodge a ticket.

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  simon626 said:
Or it's like, you ask him to hang out but you guys can never get into a real conversation because you're constantly interrupted by phone calls or texts and my friend is reallllly nice to his custies. He delivars..

Which honestly sucks when you're his friend 'cause he's always putting the money first (tryin' to make his hustle) and later on he wouldn't even want to go anywhere far to kick it (like the beach) 'cause he'd lose out on too much money (in his eyes.) Pretty soon your friends stop wanting to hang out with you because hanging out just sucks. Then your friends only call you for the buds. When your buds aren't that great, no one calls you at all. Drug dealing is really not that great...


the kid just has a profit mind, everything calculated

like he remembers who he bummed cigs to, and will try and get those cigs back. i told him he should become an accountant

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  Zubin said:
sounds like a prick

HAHAHA my neighbor does that shit! He sits on his porch all day smoking and drinking and sometimes pedestrians will bum a stoag off of him. The other day we were talking on his porch when these two guys walked by and my neighbor was like, "remember when you bummed those stoags off of me? Im collecting now. Let me get two. One from each of you (only one guy had a pack lol)

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  phen3N said:
do you CA heads feel any safer now that the decriminalization is in effect? (you just get a fee instead of arrested if you have less than an oz) i feel a bit safer knowing this, but then you never know what loophole shit cops could use against you

Yea it really depends on the city youre in. I got caught in my hometown with my car hotboxed. I was provisional and my two friends with me were minors at the time. My parents were on a flight to China so i had no guardian to call. They ended up throwing away a pipe i bought in london and made one of my friends pick me up (she was older and female. I said she was my sister). Sent me home and said "dont let us catch you again"

Most everyone in my hometown is let off the hook like that. I guess thats one of the positives to having a local sherriff and living in the burbs. That was 3 years ago.

Fastforward to last month i got caught packing a bowl in my bong in the school parking lot. I got a citation for possession. I didnt even rip my bowl yet. Court date is on the 18 of january. I wonder whether the new laws apply or whether its the laws from when i was arrested....

Either way im not worried. I dont want a medical card 'cause i dont wanna be put in a system. I'll take my chances and just learn to be discreet. You only get caught when you get too comfortable and cocky, ripping bowls everywhere as if it were a normal thing for everyone. Damn i learned my lesson hahaha there are still squares among us lol

I got caught

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  Methimphibian said:
most of the veterans in CA have cards so we've been protected from the law. Possession is like a $100 ticket, my prescription was around 60 or 70 bucks, even if you don't buy from the clubs it's still great to have one to dodge a ticket.

yep i have a card too, gives me easy access and a little peace of mind. but i have card-holding friends who have been burned for having hash that they bought at the club, so i'm always worried theyll have some random reason to arrest me. ive been caught once back in high school and we also just got a stern warning and had to throw our bubbler down a small hill. of course, we retrieved the piece the next day. i think simon said it best: there are still squares among us; people still call the cops when they see or smell weed. and its not like legalization will allow us to blaze in public anyway, so stealth is a skill that we'll always need

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  poopslushie said:
thinking about replacing my drinking habit with a vaporizing habit... thoughts?

Dont. If youre not already into it, i suggest you not to. It makes everything wayyyyy better and if you already have a drinking habit youre only going to realize drinking is ten times better when youre cross faded. Then, every time you drink you'll be thinking about how much bomber itd be if you could also smoke. Everytime you smoke, you'll think about how much bomber it is to drink with it.

I used to just drink, but i never had an affinity for it. I only drank on weekends, not daily. Then i discovered smoking and picked that up. I like smoking way more than drinking and eventually i didnt even like drinking, id rather smoke. Basically smoking replaced drinking for me but i never loved drinking to begin with. Its just been a social lubricant for me. If you love drinking and you pick up smoking, you might just end up with two habits.

Just my 2 cents

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1. put the vape tube in ur butt.

2. turn on vape

3. open a bottle of alesmith

4. put the alesmith bottle in your mouth and tape it so its secure to your skull

5. do a barrel roll.

Trust me.


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How about instead of drinking you just eat edibles?

My friend got two free cookies from CHR and gave one to me.

Instructions from the lady at the clinic was to eat half, wait thirty minutes and eat the other half. We each ate the entire cookie. 30minutes later we felt disappointed the cookies didnt work. Ten minutes later my other friend came over to sesh. We set up the bong and she hit it. Then she passed it to me. I said, "wait, didnt i just hit that?" i realized i had not hit the tube yet i felt like i had been seshing for a while. Indeed a bomb cookie haha.



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