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thats what i do i dont want to get tent on my car just for that reason

did that shit today around noon went thru a couple blunts with a bud, when we got outt the car looked like it was stuffed with cotton so we left a window cracked

then as we're walking away some torta says, "omg is that car smoking?"

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Guest Methimphibian
thats what i do i dont want to get tent on my car just for that reason

did that shit today around noon went thru a couple blunts with a bud' date=' when we got outt the car looked like it was stuffed with cotton so we left a window cracked

then as we're walking away some torta says, "omg is that car smoking?"[/quote']



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I had one of the greatest smoking experiences of my life yesterday.

after getting off my 8 hour shift (in a restaurant on the boardwalk), walked down by the river a few blocks.

found this isolated courtyard/garden upstairs from the boardwalk. sat perched on one of the garden retaining walls about 5 metres above the walkway facing the river, lit up a joint.

The thing is that this place was so isolated and secure, whilst still being in the middle of the city and still being amongst the people. Right in front of me was the river and a view of the largest bridge in my city.

I sat there for about an hour just soaking up the fuckin views, watching ferries come and go, watching people walk/ride home from work. I caught a ferry (something i've never done before) to my friends place, and saw a side to the city that i only thought tourists would be interested in (parklands, river walkways, botanical gardens). I was amazed that the ferry (something i thought was merelya cheap tourist attraction) was standard public transport for so many people. It was also the most quiet public transport i've ever encountered.

it really gave me a new found appreciation for my city.


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cold drinks and weed. has anyone tried eating mangos before smoking weed? i heard it gets you higher

i heard this too but haven't tried it yet. supposedly, magos create a chemical called Myrcene which our bodies also create. you're supposed to use a ripe or over ripe mango because they have more Mycrene in them at these stages. i don't know how it works or anything so look it up.

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i heard this too but haven't tried it yet. supposedly, magos create a chemical called Myrcene which our bodies also create. you're supposed to use a ripe or over ripe mango because they have more Mycrene in them at these stages. i don't know how it works or anything so look it up.

apparently it does work and studies have be done, check erowid, but I don't know how much of it is just a placebo effect.

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was on a realll late train home after work just before. I was sitting across from this dude who looked sooo sketch . I was watching him fall in and out of a shallow sleep, thinking, this guy is toasted out of his mind.

When he goes to get up at his station i notice he's wearing a Brumbies Bakery shirt, that reads on the back "Brumbies: Baked Today"

i chuckled.

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i'm so ripped after drinking too many beers at a friend's wedding and toking when i got home. a random guy walking past our chilled porch wanted to know why life is so hard. he wasn't joking. i kinda felt for the guy. he was pouring out his heart and i was too blazed to give half a fuck.

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I love showering when high!

Picked up an ounce of middies for honey oil/edibles yesterday.

~18 grams for the BHO:




Close-up of homemade extractor (packed and ready to go):


Finished product (ran out of butane so this is only two "washes" from ~8 grams:


Smoked a tiny bit and I am high as a kite. Stay tuned for more pictures detailing.

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dude backwoods are some of the cheapest ass cigars / cigarilllos on the market today

garcia y vegas are decent, but if they're the greenleaves damn those are hard to roll

greenleaves are easy to roll if you split them right, plus i hate the fact that people who cant split them, give the blunt a blowjob to keep them together. kind of makes it gross to smoke a blunt someone was licking the shit out of.

after using swishers, dutches, vegas, white owl, phillies, and wraps i found backwoods to be best for my personal use.

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