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What Are You Talking About On Aim Today?

Guest Airjamie

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If those dior sellers found this forum a year or two ago they would've made BANK

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ianOHNOES (4:58:19 PM): sup?

ianOHNOES (4:58:50 PM): yo brah

ianOHNOES (4:58:51 PM): yo

yedsaiejoe (5:00:01 PM): hello?

ianOHNOES (5:00:14 PM): i seen ur dior pics, dey nice yo, i got sum questiosn

ianOHNOES (5:00:18 PM): about sizing

yedsaiejoe (5:00:21 PM): whos this

ianOHNOES (5:00:28 PM): from sufu

yedsaiejoe (5:00:39 PM): oh

ianOHNOES (5:00:45 PM): so what size are yours

yedsaiejoe (5:00:49 PM): 26

ianOHNOES (5:00:58 PM): how long you had em?

yedsaiejoe (5:01:07 PM): uh

yedsaiejoe (5:01:12 PM): lemme look

ianOHNOES (5:01:50 PM): you can look at your jeans to see how old they are?

yedsaiejoe (5:01:59 PM): no, ebay

ianOHNOES (5:02:04 PM): oh, word, word.

yedsaiejoe (5:02:11 PM): about a month it looks like

yedsaiejoe (5:02:35 PM): why

ianOHNOES (5:02:40 PM): do people stare more at your diors or your gigantic, hairy ass mole?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:03 PM): my diors

ianOHNOES (5:03:09 PM): how long have you had your mole?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:11 PM): you fail, fag

ianOHNOES (5:03:11 PM): what size is it?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:19 PM): you're not funny

yedsaiejoe (5:03:20 PM): btw

ianOHNOES (5:03:28 PM): does your mother have a gigantic mole too?

ianOHNOES (5:03:30 PM): is it genetic?

ianOHNOES (5:03:50 PM): or maybe it was on her pussy and it attached you when you slid out, that's why it's covered in pubic hairs

yedsaiejoe (5:03:58 PM): 1) my mole is really small 2) it isn't "hairy" 3) its covered by my hair

ianOHNOES (5:04:12 PM): what do you mean it isn't hairy

ianOHNOES (5:04:14 PM): all moles are hairy

yedsaiejoe (5:04:20 PM): no they're not...

ianOHNOES (5:04:22 PM): take a close up pic then

ianOHNOES (5:04:24 PM): to prove it

yedsaiejoe (5:04:25 PM): no

ianOHNOES (5:04:27 PM): and post in supertrash

yedsaiejoe (5:04:29 PM): stfu

ianOHNOES (5:04:29 PM): well then

ianOHNOES (5:04:30 PM): obviously

ianOHNOES (5:04:34 PM): it's hairy as fuck

ianOHNOES (5:04:35 PM): I win

ianOHNOES (5:04:36 PM): you lose

yedsaiejoe (5:04:38 PM): right

yedsaiejoe (5:04:43 PM): you lose for being a faggot

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  Handlethevibe said:
ianOHNOES (4:58:19 PM): sup?

ianOHNOES (4:58:50 PM): yo brah

ianOHNOES (4:58:51 PM): yo

yedsaiejoe (5:00:01 PM): hello?

ianOHNOES (5:00:14 PM): i seen ur dior pics, dey nice yo, i got sum questiosn

ianOHNOES (5:00:18 PM): about sizing

yedsaiejoe (5:00:21 PM): whos this

ianOHNOES (5:00:28 PM): from sufu

yedsaiejoe (5:00:39 PM): oh

ianOHNOES (5:00:45 PM): so what size are yours

yedsaiejoe (5:00:49 PM): 26

ianOHNOES (5:00:58 PM): how long you had em?

yedsaiejoe (5:01:07 PM): uh

yedsaiejoe (5:01:12 PM): lemme look

ianOHNOES (5:01:50 PM): you can look at your jeans to see how old they are?

yedsaiejoe (5:01:59 PM): no, ebay

ianOHNOES (5:02:04 PM): oh, word, word.

yedsaiejoe (5:02:11 PM): about a month it looks like

yedsaiejoe (5:02:35 PM): why

ianOHNOES (5:02:40 PM): do people stare more at your diors or your gigantic, hairy ass mole?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:03 PM): my diors

ianOHNOES (5:03:09 PM): how long have you had your mole?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:11 PM): you fail, fag

ianOHNOES (5:03:11 PM): what size is it?

yedsaiejoe (5:03:19 PM): you're not funny

yedsaiejoe (5:03:20 PM): btw

ianOHNOES (5:03:28 PM): does your mother have a gigantic mole too?

ianOHNOES (5:03:30 PM): is it genetic?

ianOHNOES (5:03:50 PM): or maybe it was on her pussy and it attached you when you slid out, that's why it's covered in pubic hairs

yedsaiejoe (5:03:58 PM): 1) my mole is really small 2) it isn't "hairy" 3) its covered by my hair

ianOHNOES (5:04:12 PM): what do you mean it isn't hairy

ianOHNOES (5:04:14 PM): all moles are hairy

yedsaiejoe (5:04:20 PM): no they're not...

ianOHNOES (5:04:22 PM): take a close up pic then

ianOHNOES (5:04:24 PM): to prove it

yedsaiejoe (5:04:25 PM): no

ianOHNOES (5:04:27 PM): and post in supertrash

yedsaiejoe (5:04:29 PM): stfu

ianOHNOES (5:04:29 PM): well then

ianOHNOES (5:04:30 PM): obviously

ianOHNOES (5:04:34 PM): it's hairy as fuck

ianOHNOES (5:04:35 PM): I win

ianOHNOES (5:04:36 PM): you lose

yedsaiejoe (5:04:38 PM): right

yedsaiejoe (5:04:43 PM): you lose for being a faggot

this is epic btw. will rep when my peenlauncher is reloaded

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This is the first time i've not seen mrip on aim since i've been e-buddies with him. Did he die?

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Hang the DJ helped me work out whether or not i should make out with this girl's roomate out of spite tonight. I think the consensus was yes.

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If i do, it's because i'm not at my comp and leave my aim/digsby on a bunch and nothing against my favorite canadian knitter. I have a separate buddy group for supergays. Since i deleted most all of my old friends from my aim account (people use facebook chat a lot but the interface sucks), it's starting to approach my real # of friends.

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banned but not forgotten

12:11:26 AM Ryan Richichi: maybe its the angle

12:11:33 AM Ryan Richichi: your cheeks look a little rounder too

12:11:40 AM Ryan Richichi: or maybe im just buggin

12:11:49 AM Sportfreak6901: haha yea man i gotta plump up my cheeks

12:11:52 AM Sportfreak6901: for my girlie

12:11:59 AM Sportfreak6901: she loves to rub her nipplies on them!

12:12:03 AM Ryan Richichi: oh yah?

12:12:05 AM Ryan Richichi: thats wsup

12:12:11 AM Ryan Richichi: i needa cop a girl yo

12:12:15 AM Ryan Richichi: thats my next purchase

12:12:21 AM Ryan Richichi: lol

12:12:23 AM Sportfreak6901: dope shit


6:18:08 PM Ryan Richichi: why?

6:18:27 PM Ryan Richichi: i didnt even see that

6:19:09 PM Sportfreak6901: haha bro its a joke

6:19:17 PM Ryan Richichi: rofl

6:19:31 PM Sportfreak6901: i actually like superfuture

6:19:37 PM Sportfreak6901: all i did was post fits there too

6:19:38 PM Sportfreak6901: wt

6:19:40 PM Sportfreak6901: haha wtf

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

alright i just tried a copy/paste. looking at this, i realize most conversations i have are really just me talking with an arbitrary listener intercepting the messages..the formatting i had to change a bit because it sucked balls. still sucks and is hard to read now, maybe only sucks head now. feel free to neg rep, will not be retaliated and apologies for any minor inconvenience caused









yo man you gotta check that waywt i just postd the text shit surrounding it is fuckin epic

there's two versions - the sufu chat one and lookbook remix, with different lyrics



will peep now






i never realized julian was you



lol really? ive been posting on it for like 3 weeks now


THAT is epic



i only saw a random post here and there but never connected them to you



its like if young jeezy became a tony bennett type crooner




loving the individula pieces descriptions






nice fit btw

classic fade2black steez righ there



hahahahaha i have been wearing this shit for the past 3 days

and whenever im waiting somewhere, like a bus stop

i do this weird sequence of leaning, slouching, putting hand in pocket and crossing arms

if somebody got that shit on tape its probably worth like 5 million




i think i need to shake the sufu syndrome

and hem my diors



what is that syndrome



not hemming jeans



i dont even know what the hell is happening in the world right now besides myself

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Chaoschampion11 (5:22:45 PM): dey after you next!!!!

Chaoschampion11 (5:22:46 PM): o.O

Insignifical (5:22:50 PM): Nooo

Insignifical (5:22:51 PM): Not me

Chaoschampion11 (5:22:54 PM): oh knows

Chaoschampion11 (5:23:03 PM): dey have big orde

Chaoschampion11 (5:23:04 PM): r

Chaoschampion11 (5:23:09 PM): 500 dowla

Insignifical (5:23:13 PM): LOL

Insignifical (5:23:23 PM): Ken I speak-ah tew sum bu dee

Chaoschampion11 (5:23:30 PM): lol

Chaoschampion11 (5:24:11 PM): hey

Chaoschampion11 (5:24:15 PM): whats that vid called again?

Insignifical (5:24:27 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWGxjPzjyy0&feature=related

Insignifical (5:24:34 PM): DU

Insignifical (5:24:35 PM): HELLO

Insignifical (5:24:37 PM): LOLLOLO

Chaoschampion11 (5:24:37 PM): sang you

Chaoschampion11 (5:25:09 PM): i need to make order today

Chaoschampion11 (5:25:14 PM): look big boy

Chaoschampion11 (5:25:21 PM): 500 dowla ordar

Insignifical (5:25:26 PM): DU

Insignifical (5:25:27 PM): HELLO

Chaoschampion11 (5:25:36 PM): i fuck you big boy

Insignifical (5:25:42 PM): Lmao

Chaoschampion11 (5:26:10 PM): fuck you bic

Chaoschampion11 (5:26:49 PM): VIETNAMESE A PIECE OF SIHT!

Insignifical (5:27:00 PM): FUK AL DA VIETNAMESEEE

Chaoschampion11 (5:27:26 PM): fuck all of vietnam

Chaoschampion11 (5:27:28 PM): lol

Insignifical (5:27:35 PM): HAHAHA

Chaoschampion11 (5:30:32 PM):

Chaoschampion11 (5:34:41 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlteBv_aij4&NR=1

Chaoschampion11 (5:34:43 PM): lollllz

Insignifical (5:36:22 PM): Du hello

Insignifical (5:36:23 PM): LOL

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:37 PM): lol

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:53 PM): my name

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:55 PM): w

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:56 PM): o

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:56 PM): r

Chaoschampion11 (5:36:58 PM): q

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:00 PM): g

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:01 PM): u

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:01 PM): i

Insignifical (5:37:41 PM): Da troot

Insignifical (5:37:41 PM): Lol

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:43 PM): lol

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:52 PM): this lady has no idea what to do

Chaoschampion11 (5:37:59 PM): shes wtfing

Insignifical (5:38:07 PM): XD

Chaoschampion11 (5:40:47 PM): lol

Chaoschampion11 (5:40:49 PM): this is so funny

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyndee: im currently in lagos, nigeria right now

visiting a friend

me: I had bun thit nuong for lunch today.

Cyndee: dude, i miss bun thit nuong


Cyndee: the situation seems more dire here than it is in gaza





me: You must go to his house!

and pray there as if it were a shrine

and then shout out





me: Hard to believe that someone so heroic could have come from someplace so miserable.

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hmm i have this one person who's the most retarded person ive ever talked to.. i'll see if i can chat her up

Moi (7:59:46 PM): hay cashhie!!

Sa (7:59:53 PM): haii?

Moi (8:00:00 PM): yea

Moi (8:00:17 PM): wow its been a while since i had retard in my life

Moi (8:00:33 PM): *hint

'iot (8:00:38 PM): wow it's been a while since i talked to a pot head

'tupid (8:00:39 PM): *hint

Moi (8:00:53 PM): oo u don't talk to urslef anymoer?

'tard (8:01:10 PM): nahh, i don't lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

mrip: There’s one indulgence every man should try in his lifetime: If you’re straight, sleep with a man at least once, and if you’re gay, don’t go through life without sleeping with a woman. Either way, you might be surprised at how natural it will feel if you can get past the mind-fuck of stereotypes. In the end, it’s just another person that you are relating to in a physical way.

mrip: tom ford wants people to have more sex

gbc: Would you ever fuck a dude?

mrip: id bang diamonds

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suckdick: hi

suckdick: just got

suckdick: back from work

me: how was it?

suckdick: it was

suckdick: easy

suckdick: but weird

suckdick: i went to

suckdick: his office

me: weird how?

suckdick: to grab

suckdick: something

suckdick: and i saw his computer

suckdick: and there's huge black

suckdick: cock

suckdick: pic on it

suckdick: says

suckdick: "cock2.jpg"


suckdick: he's gay

suckdick: and he said

suckdick: my hands are

suckdick: young and tender

suckdick: kinda gross

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